Hello friends
It's Friday again!
How are we all?
Another working week finishes and I'm very grateful for the long weekend ahead.
I've managed to fit in some crochet...
Another working week finishes and I'm very grateful for the long weekend ahead.
I've managed to fit in some crochet...
This is my Hello Summer Blanket all finished.
I did struggle with selecting colours for this
one but I'm pleased with the final bright result.

I'm rather obsessed with granny squares now, such a change from my original
crochet choices of plain or stripes.
Hello Summer has been photographed and now popped into my shop.
My Folksy shop is looking better stocked now.
As one WIP finishes...
My Hello Autumn Blanket is now underway.
I'm totally out of sync with the seasons or am I?
The weather has felt positively autumnal recently.
I am loving the colours of this one, they eradiate warmth instantly.
(By the way, I get a lot of satisfaction from lining up the squares in this tray!)

I actually did some baking!
I'm cheating a little as this isn't a new recipe.
I decided to try out my Lemon and Coconut loaf cake as muffins.
It worked and, just so you know...you eat more when it is muffin shaped!
You can find the recipe here.
The only changes are placing the ingredients into muffin cases
and reducing the cooking time, mine took just over 20 minutes.
I bought some plug plants.
I bought some mangled, sad looking plug plants!
They arrived in the post looking weak, starved of light and water.
I couldn't wait to finish work that day and spent the next hour or so potting them up.
There's Verbena, Pelargoniums, Tagetes and Impatiens.
I purchased from Van Muewen online and just paid the postage of £4.99 -
not too bad I thought - once I got them into pots and they were looking more alive.

And this beauty cheered me up on a dull overcast day.
It is my flowering Snow Queen Clematis, the picture doesn't really show the sheer
size of the flower head - it is at least 8 inches across.
My telly intake has drastically reduced but I have been watching...
BBC iPlayer - In Pursuit of Love
Based on Nancy Mitford's 1945 novel about an upper-class English family
in the interwar period focusing on the romantic life of
Linda Radlett, as narrated by her cousin, Fanny Logan.
Starring Lily James (she appears to be in everything!)
and many other well known names.
Comedy tragedy pretty much sums it up.
It is one of those programmes where you feel initially it is isn't going anywhere
but you feel compelled to watch. I'm sticking with it.
And I did finally get around to watching ...
Rocketman - Netflix
Musical fantasy film based on Elton's John's life.
Taron Egerton plays Reg Dwight (Elton John) and goodness,
what a brilliant job he does of it too!
I was glued to this film and although they've made the songs fit around events
(the song release years are definitely out) it works brilliantly.
Elton was Executive Producer so you would like to think there's
a lot of accuracy too. 10/10 from me!
Last weekend we had a lovely evening at my parents with a takeaway.
The whole family together and it felt so comforting and normal after all this time.
Bella was so excited!
This weekend - cabin bound, working on the June Charity Kit and I think we
may see some sunshine so definitely some gardening.
Thank you for stopping by, take care friends and
have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.

Good morning Christine, a beautiful blanket you chose the perfect colours for summer. Love the autumn colour and glad you lined them all up that gave me satisfaction too. Love your lemon and coconut cake. I best not try the muffins the mouth says yes but the waistline says no. Your plug plants do look in a poor state. I often buy them online and don't generally have a problem. Hopefully your green fingers can bring them on in leaps and bounds. Beautiful clematis, flowers always make me smile and feel good. Glad you had a lovely weekend with family. I finally got to hug my parents and enter their house which felt good. Have a great bank holiday gardening and crafting. Take care and stay safe xx
Morning Christine.
Thank you another lovely chat.
Everything is looking lovely in you world.
I am so happy to see you had a lovely family
weekend, it looks to be lovely this weekend as well.
Take care stay safe and have fun Kitty.
Lovely catch up on all your news. The blanket looks fantastic-love the colours. Nice to hear you enjoyed a takeaway with your parents.
Looking forward to seeing the next charity kit.
Great chat I have a new phone (well second hand It was my daughter’s) and I was convinced yesterday was Friday and kept looking at your blog thinking why hasn’t it updated or I hope Christine is OK
Loving the crochet and the tele The cakes look scrummy too Enjoy the long weekend xx
Lovely chat as always. It's so nice that you've had time with your parents and boys as a family again. I'm sure your plants will turn from ugly ducklings to swans in no time with some card. Have you looked at Colony on Netflix; not what I expected. WakeyL
Morning Christine, my these Fridays come round quickly. Love the blanket and the colours of the Autumn one . I am looking forward to meeting friends for lunch today ,we haven’t seen one another since before the first lockdown . Had my 2jabs and done a test this morning .
Yeah . Hope everyone enjoys a few days of nice weather.xxx
It’s Friday again and good to catch up on all your news. Good you were able to meet up with family last weekend. My granddaughter and her year were sent home from school yesterday as someone in the canteen has Covid. I had my second vaccination on Wednesday. Pleased about that. Love your summer blanket and the colours of the Autumn one. I have been getting on with my crocheting this week. My blanket is getting quite big now. It’s just one big square. Have a good weekend. We are having rain today.
Beautiful work and well done on saving the plants, they did look as though they were beyond saving!
Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thought that that was a tray of cookies! ����
Have a great holiday weekend everyone
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