Hello friends
Happy Friday, let's see if this week my blog post goes to plan!
For early birds last week (and thank you to Michele for messaging me)
you will have seen the bare bones of my blog post - just pics and notes.
It was a little insight into how I write the Friday post.
As my week ticks along I upload photos and notes otherwise I sit down the day before
to write and I just cannot remember what I've done!
Pretty easy to remember my week this week -
it's been work, work with a topping of...work!
I'm not complaining as this current full time lark is paid overtime -
it may pay for some long overdue renovations to the VT.
It's finished!
The Spiced Biscuits Blanket that I was pattern testing.
It had to be done by this Sunday so there was some speedy crochet.
There is the option to make the border narrower - I was grateful for that.

The final border round was berry stitch - little bobbles, I like those.
If you follow me on Instagram I went a bit made with photos there.
I will be putting this one up for sale in my Folksy shop shortly.

My mission now is to complete all my WIPs - honest I really am!
I've written them down and there is five blankets partially started.
I MUST NOT start anything new until they are done.
I will then be able to work through my yarn collection...
I have a sickly palm!
Any advice greatly appreciated.
I'm wondering if it doesn't like being in a pot?

Sweet Peas are sprouting - not sure if that's the correct terminology.

My Montana Clematis showing off.
The flowers are opening daily.
I like the bench but still wish I had my old wicker chair,
that seemed more nature friendly.

BBC1 - Line of Duty
The twists of turns of a specialised Police Anti-Corruption Unit.

I am SO late to the party with this one.
I have watched all the previous seasons but I was waiting until
all episodes of season 6 was available so I could binge.
At the points when I'm supposed to be gripped by intrigue
I'm looking at the TV screen and thinking...
I'm not sure a beard suits Steve Arnott!
Saying that, it is a telly show that doesn't disappoint,
I did find myself having to Google previous episodes just so I
could place names. I've just got one more episode to go
and amazingly I've managed to avoid spoilers on social media.
(Karenlotty - I'll let you know what I think of the ending).
Other stuff:
Pleased to report Elliott is well again after feeling poorly from his
second vaccination. Mitchell has been in training for his new job,
there appears to be quite a bit of downtime between calls,
the man who is training him paints Warhammer figures and does cross-stitch!
I may get Mitchell crocheting yet.
My Mum has just undergone some eye treatment, lasering,
she also has lots of other appointments to deal with.
She is still quite frail but managing to potter in her garden and
plant up seedlings in her greenhouse.
Littlelamb - pleased to hear you are out of hospital and hope you are recovering
well at your son's home.
And that's my week - apologies again no recipe,
we are freezer foragers at the moment!
This weekend I think a roast dinner might be on the menu with Elliott visiting.
I'm deliberating whether to pop to the garden centre,
I need some large pots to go with the other dozen or so large pots I have,
I fear it is a little like buying yarn!
Take care friends, wishing you a lovely weekend.

Just glad everything is ok.
Morning Christine.
Thank you another great chat, so happy to read your Mum is pottering about.
Well we sure have had a lot of rain this week good for your lovely garden.
Glad Elliott is feeling better, and Mitchell is doing well too.
Take care stay safe and have fun Kitty.
Weird that my comment from last week published today!
Great catch up on all your news. Glad Elliot was ok after his vaccine.
Nice to hear you Mum is still enjoying pottering about in her garden
Hi Christine such a shame when works intervenes in your productivity but the crochet blanket looks lovely. We will wait and see if your WIP do see the light of day and reach completion!! Glad to read your mum is pottering about in the garden when she can and that Elliot is over his jab. I was looking at pictures from today last year on my FB feed and one of my shrubs was full of flowers. Not a sign of flowers yet this year but we aren't having last year's lovely weather either but that hasn't stopped your clematis has it? I can't offer you any advice on your palm though I'm afraid. Perhaps the garden centre can help you when you go visiting them. Have a lovely weekend xx
Ah that makes sense now about your blog last week. Beautiful blanket. Lol we will keep you to that, finishing the WIP before you start anything else. yay The sweet peas are sprouting. Love your bench and clematis. I have just begun to watch line of duty. Glad to hear both boys are good. Good to hear you mum is pottering in the garden, such a fab thing to do. Lol you will be potty about pots in no time. Have a lovely Sunday roast and a great week take care xx
Can’t believe it is Friday again. Love the blanket. Glad al the family are ok and your mum is able to potter in the garden. Been a very wet week. Not that I could go out. Walking with frame is improving but physio was supposed to come at end of week to watch me going downstairs. Didn’t come and no phone call to say not coming. That means I shall be upstairs for another weekend. This is a slow job. Getting used to the gluten-free diet. Look forward to seeing your other blankets finished. Hoping other son will bring my blanket soon and I can get on with it. Done a lot of reading this week. Mostly murder mystery books.. hope everyone has a good weekend. Stay safe.
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