Hello friends
Welcome to another Friday Chat Day, a roundup of my week.
Hasn't the weather been crazy again, we are definitely feeling
the climate change.
I read that 2020 was the third warmest,
fifth wettest and eighth sunniest on record and
I fear 2021 will make similar if not, scarier reading.
But on a lighter note - here's a strawberry!
We have just this one ripe at the moment and we are trying to think
of a fitting way to share this beauty.
Personally I'm against the 'sharing' so I may just pop outside when
no-one is looking and eat it!
My rescued Hydrangea is just showing off now.
Predominantly white with just a hint of pink, so pretty.
I believe this is a Lacecap variety as opposed to a Mophead,
just love the descriptions.
I've been buying... slug traps!
I am a woman possessed.
Every morning I go hunting slugs and snails.
I know they are important to the eco system whotsit
but seriously, they eat everything!
I can absolutely confirm they are not on the endangered list,
they just seem to breed overnight.

These traps are planted with the 'entrance' above soil.
You put a layer of salt in the bottom and then fill with beer.
I am using out of date shandy so I hope my slugs are lightweights
and not expecting Special Brew!
Last week I mentioned taking a wooden pallet to the tip.
I loved all the suggestions to make it into planters, coffee tables etc
but I just do not have the room to (a) make it and (b) display it.
I've filled up the garden VT with so many plants!
But following Hazel's suggestion, I did put it on Freecyle and it was
snapped up quickly. In fact it was a bit of a coincidence as the lady
who collected it said her daughter was moving into the house across the road,
funny how these things happen sometimes.
It has gone to be used as a planter so that's nice.
And my Sweet Peas - all the ones I planted from seed did nothing
once I planted them outside... except the seeds that Hazel sent.
They are growing but no flowers yet.
I've been a bit unlucky with Sweet Peas.
My Sweetheart Granny Blanket is finished.
I only chose to do one round of bobbles for the border.
I'm not sure my camera has captured the pretty colours.
This one is now available in my Folksy shop.
I'm thinking it would make a lovely baby blanket.
I'm now starting another Harmony Blanket - 126 squares
in coastal colours. I'll show you more next week
when it looks more interesting that 126 little round ones.
Florence Foster Jenkins - Netflix
Based on a true story...
In 1940s, a New York socialite Florence Foster Jenkins
dreams of becoming a great opera singer.
Unfortunately, her ambition far exceeds her talent.
The voice Florence hears in her head is beautiful, but to everyone else it is quite lousy.
Oh this is such a touching film, Meryl Streep plays the part magnificently even
though you do consider wearing ear plugs half way through.
It feels even more poignant knowing it is based on a true story.
I subsequently looked up Florence Foster Jenkins online and there
is a YouTube video recording of her 'singing'.
Watch this film if you can - watch the YouTube video below
when you feel audibly strong!
Other Stuff:
Mum and Dad were having a sort through of items and came across
this publication, it's a little bit dated - 6d!
And we all marvelled at this feeding advice:
Charity Kit:
Yes it is that time again, goodness where do the months go?
I'll be announcing August's Charity Kit on Sunday at 7am.
The charity this month is Prostate Cancer UK.
And here's a little sneak peek of the kit.
And that's another lot of natter done and dusted.
This weekend, I'll be finalising the kits and catching up with family.
Still nothing on the conservatory roof - my lounge-diner is still a dumping
ground (or Dell Boy's flat as I call it) - so many boxes.
Take care friends - wishing you all a wonderful weekend.