Hello friends
Happy Friday!
Are we melting or enjoying this heatwave?
I quite like it if I could lay down and be fanned all day!
We did have a heavy storm on Tuesday which cleared the air for
about thirty minutes, the plants were definitely pleased.
I walked Bella straight afterwards and the air smelled wonderful.
I hope you are all managing OK and finding cool spots.
I have one strawberry plant in a hanging basket,
Elliott requested I buy it because it is a 'useful plant' as opposed
to 'all these flowers'.
And it looks like we may have a teeny tiny crop of strawberries.
I love my hosta as much as the snails do!
This one must be 20 years old plus, when I bought the VT
the back garden was a concrete jungle with just a few decent plants
and this was one of them.
Each day I extract the snails but they are smarter than me
and return the minute my back is turned.
Karen - I do feel a little guilty encouraging you to buy a CAL blanket kit..
but only just a tiny bit!
I still haven't quite finished the border on this Sweetheart Granny -
Rose Garden Blanket - it has felt too warm to crochet for long in the evenings.
Just a couple more rows and then some bobbles.
Next on my list is another granny square blanket in blues.
Crocheting squares is easier when warm and also I'm hoping the
coolness of blue colours may hoodwink my brain into thinking it is Winter!
The Watch - BBCiPlayer
Based on the characters from Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.
A group of misfit cops rise up from decades of helplessness to save
their corrupt city from catastrophe.

I'm certain if I had read Terry Pratchett's novels I could get my head around this.
It's odd, I'm not saying I don't like it because I'm now on episode 4
but I have struggled a little. I am now invested so I will
continue and attempt to rewind less frequently!
Very interesting characters with famous actors and
occasional humour but odd - very odd.
Other stuff:
What is it?
You may ask.
Welcome to Mitchell's world of amazing technology.
This is his new computer that comes in a case which is glass on one side -
so you can see all the fancy gubins inside.

The circles are all fans which are cooled by a water tank on the right.
You can select what colours to look at which was honestly,
the only bit I really understood.
It is huge!
It arrived in an even huger (not sure if that is a word?) box
on a wooden pallet on the back of a humungous lorry.
We now have a trip to the tip booked to dispose of said box and pallet.
He is very happy, I'm still just admiring the colours!
And how about this...
do you recognise the paper bags?

Michele saves all the paper bags from the monthly charity kits and has
repurposed them in a brilliant way.
She has used them instead of wrapping paper for a friend’s birthday presents.
Each gift has a handmade tag with a cryptic clue relating to the gift.
Now isn't that recycling at its best.
And that was my week, I'm truly not doing a great deal
with this full time working lark so I hope you don't mind my ramblings.
This weekend I have the excitement (?) of a new dishwasher arriving.
Ours has been going wrong for some time now and has now started to
melt items, we've had moments of 'oh no, look at that!'
I've bitten the bullet and ordered a new one.
Think of me learning how to stack it - you just get used to something...
Take care friends, have a lovely weekend,
continue to keep safe and diligent,
I honestly think that's the best plan right now.
Morning Christine.
Thank you for the Friday chat.
I love this weatherbut, must admit some days
all you need to do is sit with a cold drink
and a good book.
Wow that is somecoputer Mitchell has it looks
it may contact the aliens.
Take care and have fun Kitty.
We had a 5 minute shower on Tuesday, but no other rain yet. Your Hosta is looking better than mine the snails have really gone to town. They are getting my strawberries too. Blanket is gorgeous love the colours. Love Mitchells computer my boys have similar. Christine try putting the pallet and box on the free sites you use, freecycle? Great idea Michelle. Enjoy your new dishwasher, hope the plates still fit. I had a slimline one and when I got a new one had to go out and buy new plates as the old ones didn't fit. Suppose I could have hand washed them but kind of defeats the object. Have a good week take care stay safe xx p.s. How are the sweet peas coming along xx Hazel
You have made me smile ! No don’t feel guilty at all I wanted something different to do The first of the six patterns should arrive today I’m quite excited
I love the hot weather but it doesn’t like me I spend most of the time indoors I have a skin condition (sounds awful)that flares up and itches like crazy
That computer looks like it belongs in a Sci-fi movie!
A friend’s husband has a whole room dedicated to his computer
The only tele I’ve really watched is The Handmaids Tale and Uprising which is a very interesting documentary about the fire that killed those teenagers in 1981 or was it 1991? My brain! If it’s not written down in front of me I forget!
Not got a lot on this weekend We’re out dancing for the first time in 18months tonight A bit nervous but everyone that attends has to have a negative (obviously) LFT and a temperature check We have to start somewhere and I am more confident about going to this venue than a supermarket
Take care all x
Great catch up on all your news. The strawberry plant & the hosta is looking great.
Thank you for sharing my recycling photo-my friend loved the packaging (and her gifts).
Hi Christine, I'm in awe of the computer! why not give the box and pallet to your Dad (who I recall is quite handy with wood), you never know he may make you a wooden planter or two. Ref the snails, if you want to 'get rid of them' try putting a container of beer near the plant (I believe they like it)! We haven't had a drop of rain here but it has been extremely hot which has meant early starts to build a stone garden retaining wall. Have a great weekend WakeyL
Hi Christine and thanks for your newsy news. Have only had a very small sprinkling of rain though it is much cooler and duller today so perhaps we may get some rain. Your hosta flowers look so nice can you ignore the little meal the snails have had. Is it beer you are supposed to give them? The blanket is looking very nice such pretty colours. The colours of Mitchell's computer though look like the stuff of nightmares. Looks like you need to lock the door on it at night. As you mentioned Michelle recycling the gift bags I would have thought Mitchell would make something with the pallet rather than taking it to the tip. They always seem to come up with lots of ideas on these tv shows!! Have a nice weekend xx
We haven’t had any rain this week either. Due some at the weekend. Your plants are looking lovely. Love the blanket. Mine is on hold at the moment waiting for more yarn. I much prefer to make one large granny square than lots of small ones. Think would get confused joining them together. Wow Mitchell’s new computer looks amazing. I am sure your dad could do something with the pallet. Seems a shame to waste it. Brilliant idea from Michele.
I am not a hot weather fan at all so am happy it rained lots here in Bournemouth last night. Gorgeous plants and a lovely blanket. Mitchell's computer looks awesome! Love the parcel wrapping idea, brilliant! Have a good day and take care. xxx
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