Hello friends
Happy Friday and welcome to another week's worth of waffle!
I do appreciate you stopping by.
My blog posts are a diary for me and an opportunity to
share some bits and bobs with you all.
So without further ado...
It's crochet heavy week this week.
Some weeks back I mentioned Tom Daley had taken up crochet and knitting.
The man is amazing, he is now designing patterns including this cute child's jumper
called the Granny Belt Pullover.

It is a charity pattern with proceeds going to the Brain Tumour Charity
so I immediately purchased even though I do not have children this size,
perhaps I can adapt it for Bella?
All the details are here.
My crochet projects are making steady progress so it seemed perfectly
fine to start another one!
I am pattern testing for a clever designer Sylwia Trojanowka on Instagram.
It is the Spiced Biscuits Blanket.
The original blanket is browns, oranges, creams,
I have chosen these coast colours.
Each square takes quite a bit of work with those bobbles but only 60+ to do!
Karen asked last week how do I deal with the ends?
It is a real bug bear with crochet especially when making granny squares,
so many rounds leads to zillions of ends.
It is a real bug bear with crochet especially when making granny squares,
so many rounds leads to zillions of ends.
I've read up quite a few methods/ideas and once thought I could just knot them and snip -
BIG MISTAKE - I ended up with holes and remaking the whole project.
I know some people weave them in whilst crocheting and I've tried that too
but just wasn't sure if it was perfectly secure so yes,
I sew them in - each and every single one.
It's not the best job but I do it as a I go otherwise facing a pile of squares is daunting.
I've found the key is to have everything to hand,
I've found the key is to have everything to hand,
your scissors and needle right by your side - my enormous pin cushion helps here.
And something to use for a little bin.
What needles?
I've done some trial and error with these and discovered I favour these ones,
with a bent tip.
Some crocheters like to use Chenille Needles- they have a much sharper point.
This is the link to the needles I use -
This is the link to the needles I use -
they have jumped up in price so possibly cheaper elsewhere.
Saying that, I've been using the same needle for all my blankets and it hasn't worn out.
And now for a a little tutorial.
The reverse of completed square with the final round of two yellow ends to be dealt with.
I don't leave too much tail, I'm quite thrifty!
Looking at the bottom yellow end first, thread and weave through
the base of the stitches.
Then weave back through in opposite direction.
I've found by bringing the yarn up to the edge of the square
you don't find as many little ends poking through.
That one is now ready to be snipped close to the edge.
Now thread the outer end and weave downwards.
And back out through to the outer edge again.
You may want to pull gentle when you snip so the end disappears back
into the crochet, but don't pull too much.
The finished square and I think the corner where
you've weaved in the ends is virtually unnoticeable.
Hope that helps, I'm always happy to chat about any crochet questions,
I'm no expert but learning.
And in other craft news - May's Charity Kit it is underway,
I still haven't forgotten how to do some die cutting.
The Syndicate - BBC1
Season 4 of this drama written by Kay Mellor.
Each season focuses on a syndicate of lottery winners.
This time the lottery winners are from a dog kennels/groomers.
Each season focuses on a syndicate of lottery winners.
This time the lottery winners are from a dog kennels/groomers.
It's light entertainment, a bit silly but I guarantee at some point
you'll be thinking of buying a lottery ticket.
you'll be thinking of buying a lottery ticket.
Taskmaster on Channel 4
Greg Davies is the `Taskmaster' in this game show
that challenges the wit and wisdom of five celebrities,
who are all putting their reputations on the line.
Sidekick Alex Horne assists Davies in setting up unique and
ridiculous tasks for the competitors.
I've recommended this one before, a new batch of celebrities are now
facing challenges and honestly, their reputation really is on the line.
It's surprising, people who you assumed were really clever
fail at the simplest task.
Hazel - thank you so much for sending Sweet Pea seeds to me, very kind.
I'm looking forward to planting these.
Did I imagine it but are you supposed to put the seeds to soak/freeze
I'm looking forward to planting these.
Did I imagine it but are you supposed to put the seeds to soak/freeze
There has been a slight delay in planting as the milkman forgot to deliver the soil.
Yes, you read that right - my milkman - he delivers all sorts, it is super handy,
well not bread though as foxes run off with that - even when placed in a container.
Yes, you read that right - my milkman - he delivers all sorts, it is super handy,
well not bread though as foxes run off with that - even when placed in a container.
Home stuff:
Excellent news in the Emberson household this week,
Mitchell has landed himself a new job - working in IT for offices at Bose -
the people who make fancy speakers, headphones etc.

We celebrated with Prosecco and a takeaway of KFC -
we know how to be classy here!
That's both my boys in IT jobs so I'm good for anything computing -
not so much with DIY - still haven't got handles on my kitchen cupboards!
Joking aside, it has been a big relief - jobs are so hard to come by
and he worked really hard to get the interview and pass.
Here he is - I'm not sure which one is posing the most!
In other home news:
not a great deal of baking going on but I can confirm the air fryer
is still in constant use - frozen pastries cooked in it are perfect.
We've realised we go a whole week without using the regular oven
so that's got to be economical.
If anyone is looking to purchase I can highly recommend these brands:
Morphy Richards or Cosori -
I did a lot of research and these came out on top.
And that wraps up my week - another one that flew by.
This weekend I'm crocheting like the clappers to get the pattern testing
up to date and soil permitting - those sweet peas are going in.
Take care friends - have a lovely weekend.
Morning-great catch up on all your news. Fantastic news about Mitchell’s job-thats brilliant.
Love that Tom is designing patterns and for a great cause too. I look forward to seeing what you do with the pattern. Christine re the sweet peas I never soak them but many people do according to google. "Many people recommend soaking seeds overnight before sowing to help them germinate. This is because some varieties have a hard outer shell. However, others suggest that soaking may lead to weaker plants. Generally, sweet peas should germinate fine without any treatment". Hope this helps I will try to find a photo of the flower in bloom and email it to you it is mainly purple and pink, its just gorgeous looking and the perfume is amazing. Congratulation Mitchell on your new job. Love the photo, I think they are both posing equally as much lol. Have a great week stay safe xx Hazel
Morning Christine.
Thank you another great chat.
Good luck to Mitchell in his new job.
I just planted my sweet peas as they came and are already coming up.
Bella is so cute as usuall.
Take care stay safe and have fun Kitty.
Another chatty letter. Thank you. Love the new colours. Must try that method for sewing ends in. Still not got any crocheting done. Don’t think nurses will like my ball of yarn going across floor or getting sucked into the hoover. Left leg can now be weight bearing so can walk on it with no problem. Hope will be let out soon.
Thank you so much for letting me know how you deal with the ends and all those photos I really appreciate it I sewed the ends in in my million mile blanket I use a blunt ended needle but a metal one Perhaps that’s why I like doing amigurami No seams and most of the time you can just leave the ends loose on the inside
You’ve highlighted two of the programmes I love to watch
Another series I am enjoying well the first episode aired Tuesday is Make-up: A Glamorous History (It does clash with The Syndicate But it is lovely to see what was used eg burnt cloves for an eyebrow pencil I love All That Glitters too
Congratulations Mitchell I hope you enjoy your new job
Take care x
Love your friendly chats, congratulations to Mitchell on the new job. Thanks for the sewing in ends on crochet demo, I like doing stripey blankets and the ends look like fringing for a while! Then I'll sit for an hour and sew them in. I like the colours and pattern you are testing, are the squares sewn or crocheted together please?
I meant mile a minute blanket🤣
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