Hello friends
Hope your week is going well, Friday has come around quickly again.
Weather wise - sunshine and snow! The world really is topsy-turvy.
How was your Easter?
Ours was very quiet, Elliott (being in our bubble) stayed for the weekend,
a roast dinner was requested and to be honest I enjoy feeding him up.
I don't think he is fading away living in his flat but I'm not sure it is
always the healthiest of foods - I notice a lot of pizza boxes!
As I type this blog post I'm looking at a little jug of daffodils cut
from my garden, some of them have triple flowers.
I deliberated whether to cut them but I though I would enjoy having
some indoors.
It is my first year of growing daffodils and I chose a selection of varieties.
I meticulously wrote them on plant sticks but the winter weather has worn
off the names! A bit of guesswork now.
Quite an industrious week on the crochet front.
Sorry (not sorry!) lots of photos of my finished blanket.
This is Hello Spring.
I am pleased I went with cream to join the squares and loved doing the border,
that bit is my own design, very simple but hopefully effective.
I am delighted with how it has come out, for ages beforehand I
stared at the balls of yarn hoping the colours would work and be Spring-like
and I think I've grasped it.
This one is now available in my Folksy shop, gradually re-stocking that
as had a little flurry of sales recently.
I'm now working on Hello Summer - much brighter (along with a quite a few other projects!)
Also thinking best way to store yarn, I bought enough for
a few more projects and there's only so much a wicker hamper can hold.
Have you tried Freecycle?
I may have mentioned it before. A local online group where you
can make offers/requests for items - all free.
This may not be newsworthy but here goes...
this week I espied an office shredder, ours broke years ago and I then
used to take my shredding to work with me - we have industrial shredders there.
With working from home the shredding pile had grown so I was
delighted to see one available on Freecycle.
Turns out it is the same gentleman who gave me terracotta garden pots last year,
he said he remembered me - not sure if that's good or bad!
In turn and in my ongoing mission to throw something away every day,
amongst other items - a dartboard (sorry Mitchell!),
baking tins and books left our home this week.
Sort Your Life Out - BBCiPlayer
Stacey Solomon and gang take on a family home to sort out in 7 days.

Whether you are a Stacey fan or not she does have a flair for organising
and upcycling and she got to play on these strengths during this show.
Emptying a large family home of all its contents and placing them in a huge
warehouse for the family to choose what they want to keep or get rid of.
Back at the house the team are doing a makeover but using a lot of existing
furniture and items.
This is like crack cocaine viewing for me!
Right now just one episode available - I definitely want more.
If you viewed it are you thinking about chopping up your stairs??
The Irregulars - Netflix
Misfits investigate a series of supernatural crimes in Victorian London
for Dr. Watson and an elusive Sherlock Holmes

I had been eagerly awaiting this - I need not have been so eager!
It's okay but I confess it doesn't quite strike the right balance for me,
the music seems incongruous, the acting is only occasionally convincing
but the murky Victorian London scenery is impressive.
Charity Kit:
Lovely support for this month's Charity Kit, a few are still available so
if you missed it, fancy another please click here.

I used my fairy cake recipe featured last week (here)
to make a further batch of cakes.

All a distant memory now - snaffled up!
Lovely to read all your news this week. The daffodils look lovely.
I’m very interested in the “Sort your life out” programme as I’m always looking for ways to create space. I’ve never used free cycle but I pass on a lot of useable items might check that out though.
We had a quiet Easter. Beautiful daffodils, I've not cut mine but love admiring them whilst washing the pots. Love the crochet photos, looking forward to seeing the summer version. I have been using freecycle, realcycle, freegle and trash to treasure for years now great sites to get rid of things you don't need and to obtain things you do for free. It saves them from landfill which is great. Ooo this is my sort of viewing I shall definately catch up on it on the iplayer. Hope your mum is ok. Take care have a great week xx
I love to see your chat and what you’ve been up to I love the bright colours of daffodils
I thought that programme Sort Your Life Out was brilliant OH wishes we could get someone to lay out all of our items in a big warehouse Stacey Solomon is perfect for the role On Loose Women she quite often talks about being organised and list writing I hope there’s more of them
Your crochet is gorgeous Crochet and tele are my favourite pastimes at the moment too
We have a “new” garden and I mentioned the site you used to OH but couldn’t remember what it was called I will definitely take a look after work today
Easter was lovely It was my grandson’s first birthday So daughter had us and her OH’s family around in stages (rule of 6)
Take care x
Morning Christine.
Thank you for the lovely chat.
I wish someone would sort out my craft room I just cannot
throw anything out, sometimes I give a load of off cuts to the nursery
You can bet your life a couple of weeks later i will be looking for that
shade of card lol.
Take care stay safe and have fun Kitty.
Love the be daffodils. Love having them in the house. Have missed mine this year. Love the blanket. Hopefully when I go to my son’s I will get some more of my blanket done. Might even get it finished. You never know. Take care everyone. Stay safe.
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