Hello friends
Well, this Friday has certainly crept up and surprised me,
the days have flown by.
How are you?
How are you?
Have you chosen to venture out - shops, pub garden or,
like me, still in hermit status?
I feel the only place calling to me is the garden centre but I'll hold off
for a while longer.
It's squares, squares and more squares!
I do like the rhythm of making squares, also a lot easier when you've
got cats/dog on your lap.
I'm working on two blankets at the same time - go me!
I'm working on two blankets at the same time - go me!
I've got as far as round 2 on all squares, each blanket has 81 squares in total.
This is Hello Autumn.
And this is Hello Summer.

I'm not sticking to an actual colour plan, I just lay the squares on the
balls of yarn as I go making sure there isn't any duplication.
Sounds good - let's hope it works!
Despite the weather doing its hardest to revert to Winter,
I am thrilled that my Clematis plants have tons of buds.
Especially glad as I thought this one had died!

The trusty Montana.

This weekend's project - planting Sweet Peas and using loo roll middles for pots.
I'm calling this middle age excitement!

Home and stuff:
Each week as I sit down to write the FCD I look through my phone as
to what photos I have taken.
I rely on my phone so much as a record of time going by.
So easy to snap photos instead of reaching for a bulky camera,
in fact I sold my camera last year - it had been languishing in a drawer for too long.
And whilst scrolling through my phone I found this photo....
For quite a few years I kept up with photos in a jar, recording days out etc -
this was part way through 2019, oblivious of what was to come.
The jar would certainly look lean right now.
Along with phone scrolling I also keep up with social media.
Two of my friends have exciting news/items.
Tea Leaves and Reads are offering a lovely treat box with one of
Carole Matthews brilliant books - all the details are here.
Such a nice gift to send to friends/family.
The book arrives wrapped in paper, string and a wax seal,
isn't that a nice traditional touch.
And my friend Tina Ashton (you may remember she designed stencils for
Hope and Chances) is launching a range of stamps with Funky Fossil.
This is Heartfelt Tree.
And one of Tina's beautiful finished cards.

Details are here.
What did I watch this week?
I actually had to think really hard - that is bad isn't it.
There has been a lot of crime watching on Britbox but this little
gem popped up and I definitely recommend.
Spring into Summer - ITV Hub

The lovely Alan (Fred) Titchmarsh (looking a little older than I remember),
celebrating the great outdoors from the heart of Hampshire.
Each episode features a celebrity guest.
Farming, animals, plants and building a gazebo in the first episode.
Easy watching and there's a reason Alan is on Classic FM, he does have a silky voice,
so good to nap to too!
And that was my week.
I've been super busy with my city job - thankfully still working from home.
I'm in the midst of writing a handbook for new starters,
I'm learning new stuff myself about the firm and I've been there 20+ years - oops!
I shall leave you with this image, I espied it online and I thought it was spot on.
Well, maybe with the addition of crochet.

Take care friends, have a lovely weekend and I look forward
to catching up with you again next week.

Hi Christine, I'm still in hermit mode too, I don't like crowds. Squares look wonderful, beautiful colours. Clematis are looking great, mine are in bud too. ooh sweet peas i started some off end of last year that are coming on great. I need to do some more. I have a gorgeous fragrant purple one that I love, I shall post you some seeds. What a lovely gift and the wax seal just makes it more special. Love Tina's stamps they are similar to the stencil I have. Love the pyramid. Have a great week stay safe xx Hazel
Morning Christine.
Another great chat thank you.
I too am still hibernating, very pretty crochet
Ihave planted some sweet peas too, all the lovely photos in
your memory jar brilliant.
Take care stay safe and have fun Kitty.
Oh I am catching up with Endeavour I do not know how
I missed him first time around now on ITV3 Wednesday night 8pm.
Good morning Christine. I'm still not venturing out very far, if at all. I never liked crowds anyway but now everyone looks like a potential killer! Lol. I'm also still waiting for my second jab so I still feel vulnerable so staying in wherever possible.
I had an image on Timehop this week of my first class at the shop, a hanging wooden heart. I miss that shop, although now it is my hairdressers so still a creative space!
Lovely reading your news as always. Your autumn crochet colours are just gorgeous, looking forward to seeing that one finished. I've just sown my first load of seeds ever, keeping my fingers crossed I get something. I love sweet peas, may have to get some. Thank you so much for sharing the stamp set! I really appreciate it. Working with Funky Fossil is great, and you'll be pleased to know my next set due for release in May has a hare in it. I love that photo jar idea for a better year, must start that, maybe in 2022?! Miss you lots and hoping we might eventually meet up this year. Take care lovely xx
Hi Christine, well you are keeping busy, the crochet blanket colours are so nice they will look lovely when they are complete - which probably won't be too long!! The garden is certainly coming alive at the moment and your idea of using the loo roll middles for planting seeds is very eco friendly as they will just rot down once planted in the garden. I've not grown sweet peas before so perhaps will give them a go. I had some garden vouchers for my birthday and pretty soon I feel I might venture to the local garden centre so I will see what they have. Have a good weekend xx
Lovely chat You really are motoring along with the crochet! Can you let me/us know how you deal with the ends of yarn? Do you sew them in or crochet them in as you go along or ..?
Like you I am very anxious about going out but I have been to a garden centre this week and instead of OH going to collect my prescription I went
I am still working from home and wonder how long that will last
Take care xx
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