Wednesday, 27 February 2019

A nice offer and not so nice news...

Hello friends

Just stopping by to mention that right now we have quite a lot of 
stock of the Shadow Box Collection so there's 25% off if you 
enter SHADOWBOX25 at the checkout.

We have items that previously sold out including the flowers, butterflies
and Layered Inserts.
You can view all the products here.
Offer ends Sunday just before we take the website down.

So...yesterday I trotted off to the opticians in anticipation of choosing
nice new specs.  I had noticed my eyesight had really deteriorated and
I'm also struggling to drive at night.
After lots of tests the very nice optician announced I had cataracts in both my eyes!
I was so shocked and I don't mind admitting that I questioned if that
could be true as I feel too young! 
But it is definite, I need surgery in both eyes.
Until then my glasses do actually look something like this!

On the plus side it will be lovely to see properly again although I'm
wondering whether my recent home decor decisions will look the same with new eyes!
This may also apply to all my crafty projects, there could be changes ahead! 

Take care friends and if you have had experience of cataract ops please let me know.
Honestly you never know what is around the corner!


Bejay said...

Morning, Christine,
My sis has the start of a cataract and she can't wait for it to be bad enough for surgery.Afte vwearing specs all her life she said it will be great only having to buy su nies instead of spending £350+ on her prescription ones. And if, once you can see clearly again, you despair over the decorating...blame the boys lol.
Bejay xx

hazel young said...

Oh gosh, what a shock I would say you are too young to. Hopefully, you are not having to wait too long for your op and everything will be bright and beautiful afterwards. xx Hazel

Lovely Linda said...

Hi Christine - sorry to hear about your eyes - I have had Diabetic Cataracts done in both eyes - when I was told I had them I said it could not be - my Mother has just had one done! Apparently there are approx 7 different kinds of Cataract!! The good news - had them both done very quickly and the surgery was nothing to be worried about - quite quick - 7 minutes I believe mine was) and things just get better...the only thing I noticed with crafting was colours - and that is a whole nother story ! LOL! PM me if you want to! Take card xoxo Linda

Littlelamb said...

Well that was a shock for you Christine. I have had the op on both eyes and it does make a big difference colourwise. I had a sweater I thought was a orange colour only to find out it is vivid pink. So yes you will see a difference in colour and it’s quite a shock. I still have to wear glasses but find distance is fine. Depends on your eyes really. Still find these new headlights difficult to see past when driving at night but now have some tinted ones for night driving. Helps a bit. Hope you don’t have to wait too long for the op.

Jane Willis said...

That news must have been a shock, we all picture them as an old person's problem. I hope they can deal with them quickly and you'll soon be able to see clearly again

Lynda's craft's said...

Hi Christine sorry about your sad news with your eyes 👀but hopefully won't be a long wait.
You should traine Bella to be your guide dog 👓🐶🤗🤗 😂😂xx
Hug's Lynda xx

Chris said...

Oh dear Christine, I’m not surprised you were surprised, but at least there is a solution and I hope you don’t have to wait too long for your operation. I’d play on it with the boys though, and get them to run around after you , lol. 🙂
Chris xx

Ann said...

Hi Christine

Sorry you had a shock at the Opticians hopefully it will not be long before you

can have the procedure done.

Boys Mum needs lots of TLC and plenty of spoiling oh and lots of lovely chocolate

Take good care luv and BIG hugs Annxxxx

Patricia Howarth said...

Hi Christine, I know it comes as a shock when you hear that news, it was the same with mine, I have had both eye cataracts done, a few years after the ops both the new lenses started to 'fog' up, so ended up having to have both lenses lasered off. I still need glasses but my prescription changed from before the ops, but since the ops I am not allowed to drive at night, the Optician warned me not to drive at night because all the headlights and streetlights 'starburst' off my eyes. You will be fine when you have had the surgeries.
Lots of love from Patricia xx said...

Morning Christine.
So sorry to read of your eye problems.
I too was told I have cataracts, but nothing has been done.
Take care and try not to worry. Kitty.

JeanD said...

Oh no! That was a real shock for you. I agree, you do seem too young for that. Unless you are wearing very well and are really 90! My youngest sister has had cataracts removed from both eyes, and said the worrying about it al
was far far worse than the actual procedure, which went extremely well. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to have it done. Xx

karenlotty said...

Lovely project
I too have cateracts in both eyes I have the added danger of diabetes taking it longer to heal etc So my consultant has suggested whilst I am coping to delay op OK It means computer work is harder and I have to take extra care when crossing the road as I can’t judge distance very well
But crafting is fine and I don’t drive anyway
She said they could deteriorate quickly or may take a few years which would make me a lot older and surgery a bit more risky It is hard to know what to do for the best

lydia jordan said...

Morning Christine,
What a shock for you, I do believe the op is very quick these days so hopefully all will be well for you too.

nattyboots said...

Hi Christine
Hubby had one eye done 2 months ago after waiting over 12 months for it to get bad enough ,he had a letter only yesterday to go back for the left eye to see if it can now be done , I hope so as when we have sunshine ,he finds it difficult to see the edge of the kerb.
Take care
Elaine H x

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