Hello friends
It's a 'pop the kettle on' blog post - lots of info and stuff today!
Yes, two tutorials in two days (try saying that fast three times!)
Very pleased you enjoyed yesterday's FDD.
It's a 'pop the kettle on' blog post - lots of info and stuff today!
Yes, two tutorials in two days (try saying that fast three times!)
Very pleased you enjoyed yesterday's FDD.
As promised, today how to make a Pom Pom Heart.
Here is the wonderful little contraption made by Clover.
When you open the box there are full instructions inside..I mean 'full'!
But here I have put together step by step photos which I hope makes it a lot easier.

You will see the maker opens out on both sides into four sections -
I will refer to these as 'gates'.
When you open the box there are full instructions inside..I mean 'full'!
But here I have put together step by step photos which I hope makes it a lot easier.
You will see the maker opens out on both sides into four sections -
I will refer to these as 'gates'.
The starting position should look like this.
The gates together and the heart (see arrow) on both sides matching and upright.
Select your wool, leaving a tail free start wrapping around one side of closed gates.
Tip: have a little tension, this way your pom pom ends up fluffier!
Do not overwrap - keep it even and now and again check to see if it closes okay.It seems a little strange to wrapping wool over the 'nobbly bits' but that is all part of the
design. (You will note the manufactures do not adopt my terminology!)
You are looking to achieve something like this.
The maker can stand up, one end has a flat base and also note that little section
where I have placed an arrow.
So you can see clearly, I'm using a different colour wool to demonstrate this next step.
You are tying around the outer circumference of the maker.
Wrap twice and create only one knot. Wrap into that little notch I detailed with the
arrow two pictures above. Only one knot - you will be untying it again soon.
Now you can start cutting, using small sharp scissors snip between the
inner nobbly bits on each side of the maker.
Until it looks something like this.
You can then start trimming the inner section in line with the maker -
this helps to add shape to your heart.
Un-loop your wool that you tied around with one knot and make it a double knot,
pull firmly and you will see your heart shrink back into the maker.
Open all the gates.Turning the maker in your hands you will see in splits into two (held by a metal pin),
gentle ease apart and your pom pom will fall out.
Using the inner section you trimmed earlier as a guide - continue to trim...and trim!
If you have any hairdressing experience your hearts will be perfect -
if not, like me - your hearts will be cute and rustic!
They are fun to make and perfect for bunting, bag adornments and more.
Not bad looking in a fruit bowl either!
I will be stocking Pom Pom Makers, extra small
and Large
and also the Heart Pom Pom Maker featured today.
They will be arriving very soon and are available to pre-order on my website here
(if you want to be sure that you definitely get your hands on them!)
and also the Heart Pom Pom Maker featured today.
They will be arriving very soon and are available to pre-order on my website here
(if you want to be sure that you definitely get your hands on them!)
Okay deep breath - yes more blog post to come!
I am beginning to receive some lovely reviews/emails from shoppers on my website.
A particular message this week made me beam for hours!
"I was astonished to find my package waiting for me when I arrived home today!
don't think I've ever had anything delivered so quickly.
Amazing, thank
I work on the philosophy that when us crafters order something we NEED it
immediately so I will always do my best endeavours to get your goods
out as quickly as possible.
And...one more review (will my head fit through the door?)
Following Tuesday's Coffee and Create I received this email..
"This was my first class and I thoroughly enjoyed it, you are a very good
If you've been to one of my classes you will know they are informal, relaxed
and I am a chatter-box, in between I do the teaching!
And talking of classes...
I have received quite a few messages about Coffee and Create
I have received quite a few messages about Coffee and Create
being on a Tuesday. I understand a lot of you are working and your employers
do not deem a craft morning as a reasonable time off excursion - how dare they!
So, when possible I will be offering Coffee and Create classes on Saturday mornings too.
Keep those eyes peeled on the Classes tab and to see what cake it is..of course!
Well, if you've read this far I think I've probably taken up quite a lot of your time
so without further ado - enjoy your weekend and keep dry if you are still getting this
wet stuff out of the sky - everything is permanently soggy!
Oh yes...stop by tomorrow please - it is exciting stuff!
Take care friends.
wet stuff out of the sky - everything is permanently soggy!
Oh yes...stop by tomorrow please - it is exciting stuff!
Take care friends.
Hi Christine. Thank you for a brilliant tutorial on these cute heart pom poms :) I'm not surprised that you are getting rave reviews. Credit where credit is due. It' always a joy to read your blog, it can never be too long. Hope you have good weekend. Take care.
Morning Christine. What an informative tutorial, thank you! The step by step pictures are great. Have a good weekend,love and hugs to you all,
Maggie x
Hi Christine
Thankyou thankyou thankyou for your clear precise instructions how to make the heart pom pom I got mine last week and I had 2 goes at making one oooh a pile of cut wool all over (I did not put the string on before cutting) then the second attempt was a disaster I am so chuffed I now can see how to attempt one I was going to file the maker away but now I think I will give it another try. I also got the large maker (you get 2 in the packet) and I have been enjoying making pompoms now have a little bag full got to find something to do with them he he lol.
Christine you are an excellent teacher 10/10 to you and a gold star.
Have a lovely weekend
Hugs Annxx
Morning Christine, what an excellent tutorial! Oh that I lived close enough to pop in for a coffee and create! I have always been totally overblown by the speed at which your orders get out to us needy crafters..thank you! Have a good day, I think most of ours will be indoors as more gales are forecast. We are so close to the poor people and farmers in Somerset who have lost homes and businesses to this awful weather, my heart goes out to them - and I know it's bad in other parts of the South as well - stay safe and dry everyone , hugs Carole Z XX
Hi Christine, It's good to have the instructions explained properly so that people can understand them and you do it so well. You have a good temperament for teaching and I bet it's lovely at your classes. love Jean Z xx
Morning Christine
Great tutorial, I think you're starting a Pom Pom craze!!
No surprise re the comments you receive, no more than you deserve.
Have a good weekend.
Janice x
What a great tutorial. Well done on great complimentary responses and well deserved. Distance is a big block to attending your tutorials. Your chat on the blog is always interesting so the classes must be great- good wishes
Phil D
What a great tutorial. Well done on great complimentary responses and well deserved. Distance is a big block to attending your tutorials. Your chat on the blog is always interesting so the classes must be great- good wishes
Phil D
Good morning Christine,
A lovely informative post this morning, and I have to agree with the other ladies that everything I have ordered from you has arrived with super speed and very securely packaged. How you fit everything into your busy life, I will never know. Enjoy your weekend.
Chris X
Wow thank you so much for the tutorial, know what I will be doing later today, have a wonderful weekend xx
Morning Christine,
Lovely post today, the pom poms look like fun to make. Great tutorial.
Stay safe everyone.
Hi Christine,
Another great tutorial today,you make things really clear,so I will be ordering the pompom makers,your price is really good,I am really looking forward to using them.
Everyone is right my orders always arrive really quick,excellent service. Thank you. Take care. x.
Hi Christine,
I hardly know what to comment on first! I'm not really a pom-pom person, but I can think of someone in my family who would love the heart pom-pom maker. Your tutorial was excellent - it must have taken AGES to photograph each stage and upload. As for classes I do hope I can organise myself to attend one/some. Since we are in the same county my only (pathetic) excuse is my fear of driving (sad I know). Have a great weekend.
Wonderful tutorial Christine. It lovely that people have taken to time to leave you feedback. Have a great weekend xx hazel
Morning Christine, Thank you so much for the step-by-step on the heart pom-pom maker,, it is really cute. I'm interested in how you 'join' them together ??
So glad that people are giving you brilliant reviews, well deserved.
Have a lovely weekend, my hubby and I have just spent 2 hours carrying and wheelbarrowing a lorryload of logs (for our wood burning fire), that were delivered at 7.30 this morning, from the front of the house round the back and then stacking them. I can tell you that both our backs are complaining now haha, but thank goodness it wasn't raining !!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Hi Christine. I´m in love with these pompoms. They´re so cute. Takes me back to being a child and wrapping wool around card board. It took ages to do now looks like minutes.
Do you deliver over to Spain? Actually I´m sure the answer´s on your shop page and I´ll take a look.
I´m really happy that you´re getting rave reviews. It´s well deserved.
Love Val x
Hi Christine... looks like you've had fun with your lovely present. The detailed instructions are very welcome, I dare say my grandchildren will be creating one or two!! tfs
Have a great crafty weekend.
Heather W
Hello Christine, you have made me smile, as I many years ago loved making pom poms and the tutorial reads fairly easy, however the pictures are such a good idea. Have a lovely weekend
X Ros
Hello. Definite cup of tea blog but thank you for describing the technique so thoroughly and with pictures too. You deserve the lovely reviews - if only I could get to a class I'd leave a glowing report too I'm sure. xxMargaretxx
hi Christine
Many thanks for the tutorial on how to make pom poms. Hope it's not to wet your end as the water is set to keep coming. Rave reviews on your shop delivery service. I always look forward to reading your posts.
enjoy your weekend ,Elliott must be working hard on photos as we are now getting lot of extra pictures in the blog,Very enjoyable .Laura O
Brilliant tutorial Christine,
Thank you for doing it.
it might be a good idea to print your instructions out as they are very good. I fully agree with you that the ones which come with the pom pom makers are very lengthy and I know which ones I prefer!
pat yourself on the back x
Great tutorial I would love a pom pom maker but not sure what I would do with them when I had made them!! Have a great weekend x
So cute and a fab tutorial. Congratulations on the rave reviews, you deserve them xx
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