Hello friends
Welcome to another Friday Chat Day which is a rushed FCD as
I am typing it just hours before publishing because it has been a funny ol' week.
To begin with, I've been in the office in London quite a lot -
it is month end = pure panic/manic at work and to
add an extra dollop of pressure it half year in the financial year so we have
invoices flying around desperate to catch fees before our next quarter.
add an extra dollop of pressure it half year in the financial year so we have
invoices flying around desperate to catch fees before our next quarter.

Must admit I've never worked in a role where last week of the
month just goes by in the blink of an eye, I've become the queen of
spreadsheets to try to keep track of everything.
ANYWAY... enough of boring work talk would you like to see
a new boiler? I bet you don't get asked that very often!
a new boiler? I bet you don't get asked that very often!
Here it is, not connected to anything at the moment as yesterday
was a full day of removing the old boiler, cylinder and tank.
Another reason why I'm typing this blog post last minute,
house is very much upside down right now.
Does having work done on your home affect you?
I have real problems settling to do things when everything is topsy turvy,
I keep trying to tidy/move things.
I know with COP26 happening right now I'm not being very
climate aware but in my defence, my old boiler was apparently 30+ years
and had become dangerous and my home just isn't suitable to have
the new fangled air pump heating.
But the most exciting thing about having a combi boiler is
that I have an empty cupboard where the cylinder used to be -
even Mitchell suggested I use it to store yarn!
And talking of yarn/crochet - I'm taking part in a challenge
on Instagram to post daily using these prompts.
Just about keeping up.
If you are on Instagram and fancy a nose - I'm here.
I promised to talk to you about a special crocheted scarf
that I saw on display at Dover Castle and here it is...
This scarf is only one of eight crocheted by Queen Victoria and sent to South Africa in 1900.
It was awarded to selected servicemen during the South African War.
It was apparently worn over the shoulder, passing under the shoulder strap,
across the chest and buckled on the right hip.
This photo depicts a wife of one of the servicemen wearing it.
Questions have been raised as to whether Queen Victoria
had crocheted the scarves herself but it was reported that the Duchess of York
(later Queen Mary) had informed one recipient that
she had helped the eighty-two year old Queen
when she had dropped stitches whilst making the scarves.
The colour was listed as khaki but I think it may have faded.
I think that is lovely and look - she got the sides beautifully straight!Last post...
lots of thanks for the cake comments last week,
wasn't it a smashing cake, not much left of it now -
apart from the dog, of course.
Carolyn - so sorry to hear about your fall and further complications,
I do hope you are on the mend.
Lyn (Spyder) - wow thank you for taking time to read my
natterings, lovely to read about your Kent memories.
And I'm afraid a shorter post that normal again this week because
my bed is calling me - this little picture spoke to me...
BUT just before I go I must tell you I managed to go to the cinema,
I haven't been for so long and we saw the latest James Bond film.
No Time to Die.

Oh goodness it was fab - I don't know if it was brilliant because
it was well, just brilliant or because I haven't sat in front of a huge screen for
months and months and months.
If you like the car chases and fights but done with a little bit of
class and wit - (if that makes sense) then it is a must-see,
although I would say it helps to have watched the previous
Daniel Craig Bond films.
The boiler installation continues
and I hope to go hide somewhere and crochet!