Hello friends
Happy Friday and hope you are all well.
Is it Friday? I think it's Friday.
I am in a muddle of days this week and likely to be for a while
as I'm currently working full time for my city job.
I am in a muddle of days this week and likely to be for a while
as I'm currently working full time for my city job.
We are super busy so I've been asked to do more days
which is wonderful as I'm still working from home - no commute!
I have found it way more tiring than expected, I've been in bed at 9pm each night.
Work has seriously hampered other activities though so less
crochet this week.
Pinksparkle asked last week whether I sew or crochet my squares together?
I use the JAYG method (join as you go).
I use the JAYG method (join as you go).
I admit when I first tried it I got myself in a muddle but I followed Lucy (Attic 24)
instructions here (scroll down quite a bit to find the method).
I also drew myself out a little plan and now I've cracked it - perseverance does pay!
It does create a little more of a ridge between squares as pictured in my
Hello Spring blanket below but I like it and it is effectively
crocheting a final round and joining - so possibly economical too?
I'm enjoying my pattern testing project - The Spiced Biscuits Blanket
and I'm working on the final rounds of the squares
before joining. The little bobbles take quite some time...
Isn't Spring just wonderful, I never tire of being amazed by little buds appearing.
There's a period between Spring and Summer where everything is just right
with plants, their size, shape and then it all goes a bit mad.
There's a period between Spring and Summer where everything is just right
with plants, their size, shape and then it all goes a bit mad.
Montana Clematis is festooned with buds.
This one is planted in the most unsuitable pot but comes back each year.
And this Clematis is a very different flower with rich burgundy
droplet flowers, I'm truly a Clematis fan.

And overjoyed this week to discover this...

If you squint there's a tiny tiny leaf appearing and this was the Clematis
I thought I had lost - work hard you little beauty and you may turn into this...
Florida Sieboldii.

And Sweet Peas are in - well some are.
Not the neatest job and I need to top up the soil and
I need more loo rolls - something random I never thought I'd say!

If you are looking to purchase Clematis online I definitely recommend
Taylors, all their plants have 2 years growth so are well established.
Compared to the ones I bought last year in garden centres and DIY stores,
the Taylor ones are way better.
Their website is here.
I've been on a Netflix hunt this week and found two gems -
both need you to suspend reality and go on a bit of an adventure.
Letter for the King - Netflix Original
A young squire holds the fate of the kingdom in his hands as he
embarks on a quest to deliver a secret message to the king.

I had overlooked this but then realised it is the same actor who is in
His Dark Materials and thought I would give it a go.
It's good - not great as I think some of the younger cast are not quite
credible but veteran actors hold it up well.
Shadow and Bone - Netflix Original
Sinister forces plot against a young soldier after she
reveals a magical power that may unite her world.

OK if you can get through the first episode and grasp what is happening
then stick with it - it gets better and better.
I spent time trying to work out what time period and place this was supposed to be
but it's impossible to work out, it's a mix of Victorian, Russian with modern elements.
That dashing chap in the photo was Prince Caspian - he's a bit meaner in this!
Charity Kit:
On Sunday it is Charity Kit Day (didn't that come around quickly?)
and this month the chosen charity is Caenhill Countryside Centre.
Ahead of Sunday here's a little sneak peek of the kit.

Kits will be available from 7am on Sunday and I will do my
usual roundup of splashing it across social media.
Other stuff:
On the home front - Mitchell starts his new job next week,
he will have the long commute to Elliott's old room which is now his office.
(Sort of regretting I didn't make that my office!)
My freebie Freecycle shredder has been working overtime,
isn't amazing what paperwork we accumulate.
(I know you were all burning to know that!)
And I think that rounds up this week.
I hope the weather is kind to us all for Bank Holiday,
keep safe and well everyone and please stop by on Sunday.