Hello friends
Happy Friday and I hope you are all doing ok.
Goodness this week has flown and I fear I have very little to show for it.
I'm pretty certain I'll still find things to natter about!
I did some die cutting this week. For some time I've been looking at yarn pegs,
literally that - pegs with yarn wound around them.

They are ideal for colour coordinating and planning projects.
But I think they are quite chunky to store (my yarn is taking over the house!)
So I delved into the dark recesses of my creative mind and decided
to make something different.
I dug out a steel rule die featuring this tag.
It's from the Sapphire Plus days - remember that machine?
I cut multiples, gluing two together to strengthen them.
Using a template - I designed the labels, printing both the number and colour.
(I spent ages selecting a font - I'm very indecisive with fonts!)
For now I'm just sticking with Stylecraft Special DK as I use that the most.
I then started wrapping yarn. That took longer...
I'm ridiculously happy with the result!
Attaching them to file rings to hang on my crochet trolley,
I'm all set to colour design blanket #35336!!
Unforgotten - ITV Hub
Series 4 of this drama (all previous seasons available) that investigates historical crimes.
They start off with what feels like random people and their lives,
by episode two you learn the connection.
I like this - I admire the writing because it must be tricky keeping tabs
on all the characters.
Starring Nicola Walker and Sanjeev Bhaskar - both very familiar faces,
who play their roles perfectly.
Star is the new channel offered by Disney+
exceptional times and telly is a great escape!
Set in Montana (beautiful scenery) it is the story of two sisters
who are kidnapped and those who are searching for them.
I got nearly to the end of the first episode and thought 'no thanks'
but then something happened and wow - it's now full of twists and turns.
Charity Kits:
A speedy sell out last Sunday - thank you everyone.
This card die has proved popular twice now.
As mentioned, it is one of the Spellbinders Die of the Month dies.
Also on Sunday, the sale of previous kits proved very popular,
there's just a few January kits remaining at £3.50 -
that's the kit with the tea bags.
Please visit the blog post here if you would like to purchase.
I've realised the next Charity Kit Day will be on Easter Sunday.
Considering we are mostly looking at four walls time is ticking by.
Working from home continues and I still love it,
I do not miss that coach commute at all.
I do miss my work mates terribly, the current staff members
are just not quite the same...
This weekend is Mother's Day Weekend -
a lot of people are under the illusion that it is Mother's 'Day',
in my household it is a whole weekend!
On Saturday I plan to have smoked salmon and scrambled egg on bagels
and a Chinese takeaway.
On Sunday I'm preparing an afternoon tea for us and my lovely Mum.
I will drop it off and then we can Facetime whilst we devour scones.
Very different to what I would really like but still special.

Lots of thanks to those of you who ask after my parents,
they are managing - Mum still has hospital appointments which are extra
worrying in these times. Roll on Summer, even just to sit in their garden and
have a good chin wag.
Apologies no recipe this week - Mitchell attempted a sponge cake
in the air fryer and it was his first air fryer disaster.
He was placated by a bought chocolate brownie!
Wishing you all a lovely weekend, I'm wishing for sunshine, a wool winder
and a huge bottle of Prosecco!
Take care friends. Keep safe and well.

Great catch up on all your news. Brilliant idea using the tags instead of the pegs for your yarn.
These Fridays roll round really quickly don’t they ? As does the Sunday charity kits , hoping mine comes today . I thought lockdown would really drag but time seems to fly. Bella is very quiet this week. Love to all .xx
Wow Christine i did not realise it was Friday again.
Thank you for the great chat also, I do loike your new
work mate. I see you have been very busy again with your little swatches.
I am so glad your parents are doing well.
Take care stay safe and have fun Kitty.
Hi Christine, well you have been busy. Your wool swatches are a great idea. I have a little Sapphire machine but must confess I don't use it. I've been watching Unforgotten but haven't seen the earlier series. You just get drawn into all the twists and turns and am quite enjoying it. Mother's Day will be difficult. Cards and gifts had to be at the home by yesterday as they have to be quarantined for 3 days and you can't send flowers but the good news is that my brother is able to go and see mum on Monday a year and a day after we last went and just in time for her birthday on the 21st. Pretty soon you will be able to see your mum at home in the garden which will be lovely.
Enjoy your weekend of spoiling. Jackie xx
Those little tags look great Christine...an idea to remember if ever I can work out font sizes on my Cricut machine, or the little baby cricut joy that I got recently, the most recent charity kit was lovely, I must try making a card like that some time...
I do like the idea of a Mother's Day Weekend.....hubby has bought me a nice big box of Dairy Milk chocolates for Sunday...and we are having a roast chicken dinner....(guess who is cooking that...as per usual haha)...We don't have kids together though we do both have kids of our own, my eldest is 49yrs old in 10 days, the youngest was 46 last month so both are very grown up....and though neither of us have contact with our children we do still wish each other Happy Fathers/Mothers day, because after all it's what we are....
We have both had our 1st covid jab....hubby is younger than me but type 2 diabetic so he was called earlier than me...I have reacted badly to mine....chills, fevers, nausea, I ache everywhere, and the worst migraine I have ever had in my life, but it's worth a week or so of feeling like utter rubbish than what the alternative could be...
I must also try making cakes in my air fryer! So far it's been used for either chips, whether they be potato or celeriac ones or chicken drumsticks and fish fingers....watch this space as they say haha
Take care xx
PS: I would work with your "member of staff" any time ahha
Great chat and my charity kit arrived yesterday Yay!
The only tele I am making a point of watching is “Drawers Off” about amateur artists doing life drawing of each other throughout the week Some are definitely not very good or to my taste but I do love to see everyone’s interpretation of a subject matter A bit like us I suppose if we do a blog card challenge
I am still working from home and thoroughly enjoying it I like the extra few minutes in bed before I start!
Take care x
Thanks for the chat. Unfortunately I haven’t done anything for last two weeks as have been in hospital with three bones broken in my knee and a metal plate put in. 6 weeks non weight bearing then 6 weeks learning to walk again. Really missing all my crafting.
I love your yarn tags, well done for "making do" with what you had. Poor Bella! I'm sure she's a fab team member really.
Love your yarn tags Christine, great use of the tag die. I have been waiting patiently for Unforgotten to reappear. It's a great drama series. Well done on the charity kit sales. Your co-worker doesn't seem to be doing much work lol. Your mother's weekend sounds wonderful, hope you get what you want and enjoy your weekend. Have a lovely facetime afternoon tea with your mum. Take care have a great week xx
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