Hello friends
Well this week's post could be interesting as Blogger has been updated
and everything switched around. There's an option to make photos huge
so fingers crossed it comes out looking normal.
Big thanks for all the get-well wishes for my Mum. She is still in hospital
having undergone quite a marathon with surgery and treatment.
She needs to build up her strength before being allowed home,
it feels like such a long time especially not being able to visit.
Thankful we can chat on the phone, she has an iPad so she'll be reading this...
hello Mum xxx
I have 'Gardenitis' - noun - the strong compulsion to spend 12+ a day
in your garden instead of indoors!
Honestly, you would think it was enormous garden, it is tiny but
I still find things to do.
So this is a little project still in progress.
My cat shelter is behind that repurposed garden gate and trellis.
The trellis got spray painted last weekend, one can doesn't go that far.
The intention is to grow clematis but for now I've stood pots there.

Name that plant!
This was a plant I acquired on Freecyle, it's not happy, leaves are dropping off
but I have espied some tiny white buds so perhaps it is clinging on.
And Mitchell has been a star this week, he secured some old trellis
to the wall to hide the outside tap and soil dustbins.
And this double planter is looking rather abundant.
My table in the conservatory has become my greenhouse.
And this plant haul has come from Secret Gardening Club.
They do offers whereby you can purchase 15 perennials plants
for £20 inclusive of postage.
I recognised about 2 of them!
I've been on Google and working out where best to plant them.
Some look a little tired but overall very happy.
And this garden specimen is Bella who often stands, stares and wonders
where her tennis balls are now hidden.
That huge container is a cut down water butt awaiting an apple tree.
It belonged to my parents' neighbour, it was leaking so not serviceable as a
water butt but perfect as a planter.
Apple tree news next week - hold onto your seats! Haha.
Okay...enough of the garden, let's switch to something else.
With all this gardening I've been even slower adding those squares
to my Harmony Blanket but it is growing.
This is the squares pile left to do on my dining table,
should have the table back by Christmas!
I cannot take any credit for this week's recipe, this is
Mitchell's Tagliatelle and Mushrooms.
He often cooks at home and he's very good,
the cleaning up afterwards needs improvement though!
This dish is perfect for vegetarians or those 'meat-free' days.
8oz dried tagliatelle, 8oz mushrooms,1 onion,
2 tablespoons of butter,
2 garlic cloves, ¼ pint of single cream,
¼ pint of white wine, parmesan and parsley
Cook pasta in a large saucepan until al dente,
Meanwhile chop onion and fry in melted butter,
Add garlic, mushrooms and cook until soft. Season.
Add wine and cream, simmer for 5 minutes, add parsley.
Serve with the pasta and parmesan and
lots of garlic bread.
And here is the printable recipe.
I still manage to squeeze in quite a bit of telly and this
week's recommendations is The Umbrella Academy - Netflix.
On one day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random,
unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before.
Seven are adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves,
who creates the Umbrella Academy and prepares his "children" to save the world.
It is quirky but enjoyable. Season 2 is out today.
And that wraps up this week's chatter.
Please stop by on Sunday as it is the first Sunday of the month
and Charity Kit Day, August's charity is
I've made extra kits this month and they will be announced 7am
here on the blog and splashed across Facebook and Twitter.
Have a lovely weekend, stay in the shade - scorchio weather forecast.
Take care friends.