Hello friends
Did you see it?? The new Spellbinders Artisan X-Plorer Machine??
Now this is a different machine to your Grand Calibur™ -
it is a smaller roller format machine (approx 4.5 inches wide) and applies high pressure.
Perfect for use with mixed media and cuts a variety of materials - metals, cork, fabric,
100% wool felt
In fact a new line called Media MiXage™ has been revealed too.
Perfect for use with mixed media and cuts a variety of materials - metals, cork, fabric,
100% wool felt
In fact a new line called Media MiXage™ has been revealed too.
There are bezels, bezels dies, metals and texture plates -
your creativity is limitless now!
If you follow this link you will see two videos with all the details,
ICE Resin® is also mentioned...I'm going to do a class very soon using
some of these wonderful new items.
I am so thrilled that very soon I can start to show you some of the things I've had to
keep so quiet about!
Other news: paint, paint and more paint! None goes to waste...!
White walls and a muddle - hard to imagine this is all going to come together very soon!

Confession time....I postponed the dentist appointment! Going at the end of the month.
Time just got away from me and to be honest the receptionist was delighted because she had so
many urgent patients...do you think that is all that Quality Street at Christmas!
We are up to November in craft/life recap (nearly there!)
November - lots of brilliant things, my Design Team Coordinator Cathy came to visit,
it was National VELCRO® month (!) and it was my birthday!
Projects included:
Recycling a cheese box...
Creating a tote bag...
a butterfly frame....
and Friday Die Day explored many dies...and tags were made!
Later today my very first blog post should be going live for Julianna Hudgins.
Because of the time difference I will make sure I blog about that tomorrow, although
you might see if on Facebook if you follow me....
Take care friends...truly hoping for wallpaper today!
your creativity is limitless now!
If you follow this link you will see two videos with all the details,
ICE Resin® is also mentioned...I'm going to do a class very soon using
some of these wonderful new items.
I am so thrilled that very soon I can start to show you some of the things I've had to
keep so quiet about!
Other news: paint, paint and more paint! None goes to waste...!
White walls and a muddle - hard to imagine this is all going to come together very soon!
Confession time....I postponed the dentist appointment! Going at the end of the month.
Time just got away from me and to be honest the receptionist was delighted because she had so
many urgent patients...do you think that is all that Quality Street at Christmas!
We are up to November in craft/life recap (nearly there!)
November - lots of brilliant things, my Design Team Coordinator Cathy came to visit,
it was National VELCRO® month (!) and it was my birthday!
Projects included:
Recycling a cheese box...
Creating a tote bag...
a butterfly frame....
and Friday Die Day explored many dies...and tags were made!
Later today my very first blog post should be going live for Julianna Hudgins.
Because of the time difference I will make sure I blog about that tomorrow, although
you might see if on Facebook if you follow me....
Take care friends...truly hoping for wallpaper today!
Hi Christine. am busy blog hopping and am loving the new stuff from Spellbinders. The mixed media and the new machine look really interesting - no wonder you're really excited about them. Glad to see the new shop progressing so well. Back to work today :-( . Still only 5 weeks til half term and only 11 til Easter - not that I'm counting!!!
Hi Christine. I havent as yet seen thee new machine, must look it up. Love todays recaps particularly the beautiful bag.
I don't blame you cancelling the dentist, i think seeing the bank manager is quite enough stress for one day.
Val in Spain xxx
Hi Christine,
haven't seen the new machine. Will go back and have a look after this comment.
Recap is great some great creations to be reminded of.
The shop looks allwhite.lol.
Have a wonderful crafty day.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
Morning Christine, All those lovely things being sneaky peek'd, I'm going to have to see my Bank Manager too ha ha, as I want everything.
Your November recap, absolutely gorgeous projects, I don't know how you pick out of all your gorgeous creations.
Can't blame you for postponing the dentist, if you are not in pain - why not, but the downside is that you have that to 'look forward to' again at the end of the month - sorry !!
The studio is coming on well, is painting all done now ?
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Morning Christine, exciting things happening with spellbinders this year. The painting looks good and coming along. Emma
Morning Christine lovely photos the new stuff from spellbinders sounds amazing xx hazel
Morning Christine,
Shop looks like its coming on, its always a muddle when decorating.
Loved your butterfly frame and tag first time round they are so pretty.
Been following the blog hop without much hope of winning but its nice to see the new dies and hope I'll be able to afford them.
Have a good day, wallpapering perhaps.
Hi Christine.
Great news ,new machine and new projects,really looking forward to seeing what you do with them,and you doing a class will be great.
I love looking at your previous projects,and really pleased your decorating is comming along so well. Take care . x.
Morning Christine your shop is coming along nicely, can't wait to see it all finished! Lovely recap on your inspiring projects xx
Morning Christine
Your shop is coming along and its lovely to see your creations from last year
I did click the link to see the new machine but the video wasnt there!!!! I saw the new dies though. Cant wait to see what you do with them
Sue xx
Hi Christine
Another great set of photos, sad to think we have one month left to see.
Your studio is looking great, you must all be feelin very chuffed with yourselves.
Off to look at the machine now!
Janice x
Hi Christine.. a new machine? Oh my word...love todays memories from last year, I'm getting my craft room sorted and am then going to make my bag!Carole Z X
Hi Christine you are making progress,and the recap is nice to see.I am not so sure of the new products ????
Hi Christine,I Agree with Patricia
you now have to face the dentist another day.
Yes, I have seen the new machine and the mixed media super dopa bits and bobs Spellbinders are bringing to us. More exited to know that you will be demo'ing them on the blog soon- cant wait - I'm like a child again!!Tell me, how DO YOU manage to keep ALL these secrets from us???
Crafty best wishes, Carolyn x
Hi Christine
Well the painting must be nearly done if you are waiting for wallpaper...
Just off to check out the new machine and stuff - sounds intriging.
Amanda x
The new machine is awesome, do you know when it'll be available here?
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