Hello friends
Happy Friday, how are you?
Firstly big thanks for the speedy sell out of this month's Charity Kit.
Well, the weather wasn't really helping me in taking the final photos of my
cushions for my pattern writing so I just went for it and took
some pics in my lounge. I had all sorts of lights going, I don't think
they came out too bad but you can never truly replicate natural daylight.
The pattern is finished - yippee, happy dance!
And I can now reveal the name.
The Darcy Cushion
It was Hazel's wonderful suggestion of naming it after one of my pets -
so Darcy was my choice. (I don't think Pixel Cushion has the right ring to it!)
I also like the Jane Austen-ish of it.
You can find the pattern here. If you would like a printed copy
posted out to you, I've set up a tab with a PayPal button here.
I've also placed an image in my side bar for quick access to the pattern.
Very much appreciate your feedback.
The pattern has gone out to the lovely Carole who has offered to
pattern test it so if there are any amendments I will make those immediately.
(Toes and fingers crossed all OK, I've checked, double checked, triple checked).
Things still continue to be a bit muddled here in the VT,
(who am I kidding? More than a bit!)
Conservatory roof removal and replacement started on Tuesday,
cats left home for a day - good job it was mild weather.
My lounge diner is housing all the stuff from the conservatory,
that consists of a fridge, freezer, microwave plus all the other
items that were originally in the conservatory (a lot!)
It feels like working in a bedsit - I can reach out from my desk
and pop something in the microwave!
Here's a photo of a roofless conservatory, quite a scary moment.
Lots of panels and insulated stuff went in and then the 'tiles' started to be added.
(Oh goodness look at the state of my drainpipe there - that's need a lick of paint!)
I've actually struggled to settle to watch anything this week.
I know there are some fantastic new dramas hitting out screens,
always a sign of Winter, I'm making notes of those.
I did watch a film on Amazon Prime.
Mary Anning, an acclaimed fossil hunter, is forced to care for a
rich visitor's sick wife, and the two develop an intense bond that
forces the two women to re-examine their relationship.
Starting Kate Winslet.
It is a very sloooow film. Also our Kate is a bit saucy!
Saying that, it was interesting and I did learn a tiny bit about fossils.
Other news:
I am going away on Monday for a slightly longer break, back to my
current favourite place - St Margaret's at Cliffe.
Even though the weather may not be great it is still
lovely scenery, we can wrap up warm and take walks.
I am feeling rather worn out from work and commuting more days.
My sister and I decided we both needed a longer break away.
That does mean no blog post next week,
I am determined to take time away from any screen,
(apart from a telly one) - I definitely intend to catch up with telly and crochet.
But I will have lots to share with you the following week.
I will leave you with a photo a startled Pixel who did not appreciate
workmen in his garden ...

and a squirrel baring his bum that couldn't care less!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and I'll be back blogging on
Friday 26 November.
Take care friends.

Enjoy your break!
The cushions look lovely - I will learn to crochet one day 😂
Morning christine.
Thank you for another great chat, the crochet is very pretty.
I have just done the charity card thank you.
Have a good little break.
Take care and have fun Kitty.
Love the cushions (and the name)
Enjoy your trip away
Take care everyone
Have a wonderful break. Cushions look great. Conservatory is coming together nicely and you'll love it once it's finished. WakeyL
Have a wonderful time away with your sister Christine - you certainly deserve it! The cushions look fabulous and I'm so envious of the work on your conservatory. Its going to look amazing when its finished. xxx
Hi Christine, your cushions look fabulous and love that you went with my suggestion :) . So glad your conservatory refurb finally happened. it will be lovely for Christmas time. Enjoy your break with your sister, I'm sure you will have a wonderful time in that gorgeous place. Looking forward to your photos afterward. Great photos. I hope your mum is doing well. Take care have a great week. xx Hazel
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