Hello friends
Happy Friday and welcome.
Firstly thank you for your comments and ideas re: recipes.
Yes please to those who are happy to email recipes -
I will endeavour to share so we can all have a nose.
I very much liked the idea of cauliflower cheese with garlic bread -
thank you Lesley.
I made it this week - with broccoli (no cauliflower in the depths of my freezer).
It was equally delicious. I could have shared photo but...
I was so hungry I devoured it too quickly!
Pumpkin time.
I made these last year and thought it was time to display them again.
Pattern is from Bella Coco Crochet - YouTube video.
I have a feeling the stuffing in them may have deflated,
they look less round than last year (can't quite say the same about me!)
displaying both my blanket and cushion in her conservatory.
I do like a bit of teal.

The cushion commission is getting there.
I've completed the front and back of two cushions in slightly
different colourways.
This is the more pastel version.
I have made a start on writing up the pattern and I will keep you posted.
A few snaps from the tiny garden this week.
As much as I don't like seeing the lighter evenings disappear,
I do love to see how nature deals with each season.
A Passion Flower has seeded itself in a tiny crack in the concrete
at the front of my house and is happily growing amongst my cherry tomatoes.
Overnight the leaves have begun to turn red.
The cats still feel it is warm enough to snooze outside during the day.
This is very much Darcy's seat now, the cushion is grubby and personally signed.
Smiling happy little flowers!

I've subscribed to Acorn TV.
There's a special offer at the moment £24.99 for the year,
that equates to just over £2 a month which I think is a bargain.
There's lot of British dramas on there including:
Agatha Christie's Partners in Crime
Tommy and Tuppence, a crime-fighting duo, devote their skills and knowledge
to solving mysterious crimes.
Also, they are in search of enemy spies in Britain.

Starring David Walliams and Jessica Raine.
When this was first aired (2015) there were poor reviews
but actually I really enjoyed it.
David Walliams has also appeared in Agatha Christie's Body in the Library
and plays a great character in that.
Partners in Crime is very easy watching with beautiful parts of London and
countryside transformed into post war Britain.
Other stuff:
This weekend Elliott and I are going away.
I am so blessed, I don't think there are too many 20+ year old sons
who ask to go away with their Mum!
Pre-Covid we had planned a holiday but that didn't happen.
Then, with us both working from home etc, time has just got away from us.
At the risk of it being delayed again, I quickly went online and decided
upon a return trip to St Margaret's at Cliffe.
I will look forward to showing him the sights.
Despite it now being Autumn the weather seems very kind
so fingers crossed it lasts for a while longer.

Charity Kit:
With booking this trip away it has meant that I have entirely run out of
weekend time to organise October's Charity Kit!
I hope you will forgive me if I skip October and I will be on track for November.
I'll make sure I post a notice up here on the blog so that it doesn't get confusing.
The October chosen charity will be moved into 2022 so will not miss out.
And finally - Hazel asked if there was conservatory roof news...

it may happen in November!
To be fair they have offered to do it late October but I am having a
new boiler fitted then and I didn't feel I could cope with it all at once.
Plus I'm pretty sure the roof builders will need water
(not just for tea) so that could be problematic
with a boiler being installed at the same time.
I have put off having a boiler for years but water has started to pour
out of it so no option now - it is 30+ years old so I think it is
definitely inefficient too.
I'm looking at the positives re: roof - at least my garden will be clear
of bedding plants etc - less pots to move so they can get to the roof
without hurdling over obstacles.
Oh...I've got to tackle that back alleyway again,
everything has grown back - perhaps I can persuade the boys...
Well, I think that's this week's waffle up to date,
wishing you all a wonderful weekend (lots of 'w's' in that sentence!)
Take care friends and, as always thank you for stopping by.