Hello friends
It's Friday and welcome to my chat day -
a round up of a week's worth of random ramblings.
a round up of a week's worth of random ramblings.
I'm working on 126 squares for my next coastal themed
Harmony Blanket. There isn't quite that many squares pictured below,
Bella is counting and can verify that.
It was Granny Square Day last Sunday hence these photos.
I never knew Granny Square Day existed so that was a nice surprise.
And here's more squares - all ready for the final round and then I will join them.
I've chosen to use silver coloured yarn for that to hopefully tone in all the colours.
I have plans to go from these cool blues to super bright pinks next,
or possibly make a Cath Kidston inspired blanket, choices!
I actually have a long list of items I want to make and yes,
I have the yarn in readiness crammed into any storage crevice in the house.
My Snow Queen clematis is flowering for the second time,
it doesn't have a huge amount of foliage but the flowers are
the size of dinner plates.
It would have looked beautiful against the backdrop of a blue sky
but that wasn't to be this week, grey clouds mostly here in Kent.
And a dragonfly - I have been seeing quite a few of these this year.

My tomatoes continue to ripen - they are extra small cherry tomatoes
so you need about a dozen for a normal serving.
And here they are in my spacious (not!) front area of my home.
Growing happily amongst all the wheelie bins.
Somehow a passion flower has seeded itself here and is also growing,
plants are amazing.
Blackpool - Britbox
A small-time entrepreneur's dream is to hit the big time with his swanky,
state-of-the-art amusement arcade, but the lights dim at
the grand opening when a dead body is found on the premises.
This was actually on BBC1 back in 2004 and I missed it.
So it is a crime drama, musical, comedy!
I bet that was an interesting pitch to producers.
With very familiar faces, it stars David Morrissey, David Tenant,
Sarah Parish, John Thomson and more.
I loved it - it is definitely quirky and seeing stars suddenly burst into song
which frankly is at inappropriate times, just made me laugh more.
Other stuff:
So, I've been looking into having a Pinterest board for the charity kits,
a place where you can post photos of your makes.
It appears I need to create a group board and send email invitations.
I had hoped it would be a lot more simpler - a bit like
Facebook where you can just post.
I'm happy to go with Pinterest if those interested would like to get in touch
or, would we be happier with a Facebook group for the Charity Kits?
Please let me know.
And whilst looking at my blog this week I happened to check the stats:
at some point I had hit the 2,000 post mark and I didn't even realise -
I missed a celebratory glass of vino!
Cooking - I am failing miserably with sharing recipes recently.
It may be because I'm barely cooking, this full time working lark
has meant quick meals.
I am becoming an expert on the best ready meals
and our air fryer is perfect for jacket potatoes.
Mitchell adds his requests to the shopping list.
His choices for this week:
I cringe accordingly!
Going back to cooking, as a reminder, I do have a list of recipes saved
on a tab at the top of my blog.
And that is my week.
This weekend I will be in my cabin working on September's Charity Kit,
family and crochet.
I hope you are all well and wishing you all a lovely and sunny weekend.
Take care friends.
Nice to see you are not left unsupervised with the crocheting lol. Gorgeous colours used. Lovely clematis and what a treat a Dragonfly. My tomatoes are beginning to ripen, so will get to try some shortly. Ooo a free passionflower they are such a beautiful plant. Congrats on 2000 posts. Have a great week stay safe xx
Morning Christine.
Thank you a lovely chat friday.
Everything looks blooming for you.
Thank you for the Balla fix.
Take care and have fun Kitty.
Great catch up on all your news today. I love the photo of Bella investigating the crochet squares!
Pinterest or Facebook-whatever is easier for you for the card pictures.
You really are motoring along with the crochet A granny square day? Who knew!
That clematis looks amazing
The only tele I have been watching (although it is in most of the day) is Handmaids Tale and Secrets of a Museum The V&A being my favourite museum anyway
Had a lovely trip to Waddesdon Manor yesterday An amazing house and beautiful gardens Plus it was a trip down memory lane for me as I was born in Aylesbury Bucks
Take care all x
PS If it’s easier to do FB then go for it
Wow, didn't realise all that was needed for Pinterest. Maybe facebook would group would be better, although if others see it you may have to make more kits!!
Loving those squares.
Wow Christine I think you are doing really well with the squares. The colours look beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing it all stitched together. Well done on the tomato front too - mine still haven't ripened, they'll probably be ready for Christmas day at this rate. We need more warmth I reckon. I'm the same with not cooking lately but mainly because we're both trying to lose weight so its mainly anything that can go in a wrap with salad for us. Have to say its working so no bread or potatoes seems to be doing the trick. Looking forward to a nice hearty roast dinner though. Enjoy your weekend in the cabin. xxx
Love all the squares for the blanket. Look forward to seeing it finished. Didn’t realise last Sunday? Was Granny Square Day. They seem to have a day everything now. Last Friday was Left handers Day. Ok by me as I am left handed. My Granny Square Blanket is coming along well. It’s for a friend for Christmas. Your tomatoes are coming on well and I love the Clematis. Have a lovely weekend.
fb is easier for me to use . so that's where my vote goes. i just love to read your posts weekly. the garden stuff interests me. plus life. i'm amazed at how fast you finish your blankets. i tried to knit my dad a scarf once. after a year and a half it was long enough to be an ear warmer, so that's what it became. have a great week.
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