Hello friends
Happy Friday to you all, hope you've had a good week.
Let the nattering commence...
Happy Friday to you all, hope you've had a good week.
Let the nattering commence...
Ooo I've been itching to show you this project.
I completed this cushion as a birthday gift for my lovely friend Tina.
I've been keeping it under wraps until I posted it off to her.
She's now opened it so I'm able to reveal all.
Each side is different.
The squares side - I purchased a pattern and completed the yellow round ones
and then I couldn't follow the pattern, it didn't make any sense.
So I decided I would just have a go at doing my own squares.
I was pleased with how they turned out.
And the other side was a lot simpler, traditional granny stich.
I'm liking the colours and I knew it would complement a blanket
that Tina had previously purchased from my Folksy shop.
The decimation of my Hosta continues.
I must be feeding a whole army of snails.
I've all but given up trying to restore this once beautiful plant.
Perhaps next year I'll come up with a cunning plan.

Darcy claims the garden chair the minute the sun comes out.
The idea was for me to sit here and do crochet, that has never happened,
I don't have the heart to move her.

Home grown produce news:
Tigerella tomatoes - looking good but I only have three.

Very pleased with my crop of cherry tomatoes this week,
who knew they would thrive so well next to wheelie bins.

Page Eight - Netflix
Johnny Worricker, a seasoned MI5 officer, is forced to walk out of his job and identity.

If you like political thrillers, this is a must-see.
Bill Nighy expertly plays Johnny Worricker in a quiet understated way
which adds to the intrigue.
Rachel Weisz, Ralph Fiennes and Michael Gambon also star.
This is the first of three Johnny Worricker films, next is Turks and Caicos,
final film is Salting the Battlefield (all available on Netflix)
Other news:
Thank you for commenting last week regarding a group for sharing
Charity Kit photos, news etc.
I've gone with a Facebook group (goodness me, Pinterest was far too complex).
If you are a Charity Kit purchaser, please pop along to Facebook.
It's called H&C Charity Kits -
please seek it out and click on the request to join.
It's all very casual there, pop photos up if you wish, have a nose at others.
I'll limit my natterings on there to kit info, sneak peeks etc.
This week we are celebrating Elliott's birthday.
We have a couple of things planned, a family barbecue at the weekend and
also a trip to Huckleberry Woods Farm near Faversham.
It's a farm with micro animals.
We are going to walk sheep!
Yes, that's right - walking sheep. But not just any sheep...
Teddy Bear sheep.

We've had a giggle as the booking confirmation says:
"Please bear in mind that we can't predict the speed of the sheep on the day."
I will be sure to share photos next Friday.
And that has been my week.
I do hope you are all well and wishing you all a lovely weekend.
Take care friends.