Hello friends
Welcome to another Friday Chat Day, hope your week has gone well
amidst the new government announcements and general concern.
Let's bury our heads for a bit...
The Summer Harmony Blanket - all 100 squares joined together.
Now to start the border.
Oh how I love the colours, the cooler greens and blues radiating to the
pinks, lilacs and reds.

The border consists of all 17 colours so looking forward to adding that.
And because I can't just have one project on the go I've started
something else...
this is going to be another Harmony Blanket using a different colour
palette and it is my full intention to list this one for sale and it
should be finished in time for Christmas.
(I cannot take any credit for typing out those colour tags, a lady on
a Facebook group has made those available to print and use - very kind).

This photo taken at the beginning of the week in lovely sunshine shows a
snoozing Bella and my tomatoes ripening.

And I took delivery of Percy - my new Palm.
My plan was to have him at the front of my house but for now
I've repotted him and kept him out back.

He is a Hardy Cotton Palm hence all those cotton bits,
which I'm not so sure about, the tidy me wants to give him a haircut!

My planned recipe is coming next week as Tesco delivery
unfortunately didn't have a vital ingredient.
I have made sure to order ingredients for a
Christmas cake and highly recommend everyone stocks up on flour etc.
This year I intend to make a rich fruit cake with plenty
of time to feed it alcohol. I'll be sharing that recipe.
But just in case any of us run out of time there's
always my Last Minute Christmas Cake over on the recipes tab.
And the mug cake recipe last week, some asked about
microwave wattage - my microwave is 900 so fairly high,
you may wish to adjust timings accordingly.
Based on J G Farrell's novel.
What a cast and it was watchable but didn't quite meet my expectations.

And Bake Off is back. Hurrah!
A few 'hold your breath' moments this week and I love Matt Lucas so totally enjoyable.

Thank you for the kind enquiries regarding Mum, she's not having a
good time at the moment and is feeling quite unwell.
She is due to go into hospital on Monday for a procedure that will hopefully
make her feel better.
In between Bella is a regular visitor administering doggy kisses!

And that wraps up yet another week.
Time truly feels like it is on fast forward, this weekend I will be
in my cabin working on October's Charity Kit.
It is mentally designed so that's a start!
Take care friends, have a super weekend,
keep safe and keep smiling.