Hello friends,
Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday,
as regards the Square Bracket Edge Box Die, I do hope to get more of these in my Amazon shop...
will keep you posted.
Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday,
as regards the Square Bracket Edge Box Die, I do hope to get more of these in my Amazon shop...
will keep you posted.
How about this design for producing lots of very quick cards.
Background paper and using the lovely Layered Poinsettia -
four small flowers all in a row, twine and tag and that's it!
four small flowers all in a row, twine and tag and that's it!
I have an admission ...I never seem to get around to making all my Christmas cards!
Like yesterday, this is one of the projects featuring in
Make Christmas Cards magazine.
(I'm going to post something non-Christmassy tomorrow!)
Right - I need to give you a waxed paper update.
I have good intentions but other things take over and I normally have to rush out and buy a box of cards
(hang my head in shame!)
Like yesterday, this is one of the projects featuring in
Make Christmas Cards magazine.
(I'm going to post something non-Christmassy tomorrow!)
Right - I need to give you a waxed paper update.
My order is currently sitting in a container ready to be shipped over from the States,
I've been told it will take approximately two-three weeks.
I didn't order a whole container full believe me..mine is a little box in a corner somewhere!
I am so sorry about the delay - please email me if you would like more details.
I've run out myself so feeling a little frantic!
Other news: a lady called Sue has sent me through details of a new
craft auction website that she has started
It is a great place to source your crafting needs and also to sell your finished items,
surplus supplies and tools.
The advantage is that there are no listing fees, so on a standard auction
if your item doesn't sell, it will not cost you a penny.
Sounds great doesn't it.
Ideal World at 9pm tonight - tune in for something special,
have a little look here - I love these!
Have a lovely day - it has been non-stop rain here, the heating is on,
the cats are smiling snuggled up to the radiators and Bella is depressed at staying indoors!
I'm still happily crafting!
I've been told it will take approximately two-three weeks.
I didn't order a whole container full believe me..mine is a little box in a corner somewhere!
I am so sorry about the delay - please email me if you would like more details.
I've run out myself so feeling a little frantic!
Other news: a lady called Sue has sent me through details of a new
craft auction website that she has started
It is a great place to source your crafting needs and also to sell your finished items,
surplus supplies and tools.
The advantage is that there are no listing fees, so on a standard auction
if your item doesn't sell, it will not cost you a penny.
Sounds great doesn't it.
Ideal World at 9pm tonight - tune in for something special,
have a little look here - I love these!
Have a lovely day - it has been non-stop rain here, the heating is on,
the cats are smiling snuggled up to the radiators and Bella is depressed at staying indoors!
I'm still happily crafting!
Hi Christie,this is a card for batch crafting,so simple but effective. Boy you have given me an idea on using up a stack of paper I have.
I am sitting here listening to the wind and the rain battering my window, hope this passes soon the dogs refuse to go out in it.
Morning Christine
Those poinsetta dies make such a pretty card
This weather is really bad, havent had daylight for 2 days now
I am loving the new medallion dies they are gorgeous. Got the programmes ready for recording
Sue xx
Morning Christine lovely card for batch making i do love the poinsettia dies so much. Will look at that craft website, shame i didnt know before just sold lots of craft stuff on ebay. hope you get your wax paper soon i use the inside of cereal boxes instead as its free. xx hazel
Morning Christine, I love your quickie christmas card today, like you, I too don't end up making all my christmas cards, there's always something else to be done, so I know exactly what you mean.
I have looked at your sneak peak of tonight's POTD, they look gorgeous, but I can't understand why C&C are cutting out Sue and Creative Expressions from this batch of new dies !!!!
Lots of love from Patricia xx
Great card Christine. I too never get cards done either! One minute theres loads of time, next it's gone and it's too late!
Thanks for all the info the dies look great
Hi Christine. Lovely card today. Thoses ddies are so pretty. OMG what a wonderful show coming up tonight. Fantastic dies, going to be spoilt for choice.
Hi Christine what a pretty card, love the poinsettias in white! I had to keep cranking up my heating yesterday - can't believe still in September!! x
Hi Christine
For such a quick card it is so effective,love the flowers in white.
The sun is out a the moment,but I think rain is on the way,
But still feeling cold.
Take care everyone,try to keep warm and dry. x.
This is a lovely card Christine, the poinsettias look gorgeous in cream too. The new Spellbinders look interesting, have some lovely designs again. Will set the box to record the shows tonight, thanks for the heads up!
The sun is shining here this morning which is very nice after yesterday's downpours.
Have a good day.
Janice x
HI Christine ,i think your card is delightful ,i love those small poinsettia .
Thanks for the details of the craft website will have a look later
Have a nice day
Elaine H X
Morning Christine
Lovely card which looks great but is quick to make which is ideal for xmas cards.
Yep plenty of rain here in Cornwall!
Morning Christine,
This is a good way to make batch cards its very pretty. I love the poinsettia dies and made them in all sorts of papers, waiting for some velvet paper to arrive to try that as well.
Have a good day.
Hi Christine,
lovely card, fab idea for making quick cards.
Love the sneak peak at whats going to be on tonight. Wish I had more pennies to spend.
For all your ladies waiting for your waked paper. Try the supermarket starting with T and try their own make baking parchment it works a treat.
I hope I haven't done you out of some business, Christine.
Have a wonderful crafty day.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.
Hi Christine, great quicky Christmas Card idea on the blog today. Must confess, I too have to send purchased cards out at Christmas promising myself that I will do better the next year - hasnt happened yet, sad to say.
Better day today here Re the weather. Enjoy the rest of today, bet your crafting at some point. Crafty best wishes, Carolyn. x
Beautiful card today Christine, if you made one a day between now and Christmas you would have it cracked this year! Goodness me, Spellbinders are really pushing the boat out today with those beautiful dies.....they are all beautiful. Look forward to tonight. Crafty hugs, Anne x
Hi Christine, love the card, and you are so right, a really good idea for batch cards. thanks for the sneak peak, these new dies look fantastic, will try to watch, but definately sitting on my hands so i don't order!!! need to keep my pennies for the Harrogate show in October.
too much rain here today, and yesterday!!
lv norma
So pretty
Afternoon Christine, what a super card for batch making, it's lovely! Carole Z X
Lovely card Christine - Simple easy card to make Love these dies which can be used all year round.
We have been fairly lucky up here in the north lots of rain and some floods but no wind!
Val C
Lovely as always Christine and thanks for info on the new spellbinders which I have just ordered and can't wait to see what you come up with for these.
Such a sweet card and a fab simple idea. Have been watching the Spellbinder shows - loving the new dies. I usually end up buying some of my Christmas cards too - am aiming to try and make them all this year but we will see! I haven't started yet! xx
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