Friday 13 May 2022

Friday Chat Day

 Hello friends

Apologies for the current erraticness of my blog posts, this hip
business has been far more protracted than I anticipated.

This week I have some photos of the garden to share with you,
Elliott popped out there and took some snaps and these warmed my 
heart, although it is messy the flowers (mainly Clematis, my favourite) 
definitely give it the garden a colour boost.

Kimico Clematis
Super proud of this, it was a tiny struggling thing for two years
and has now found its feet (roots).

Montana Clematis
Most probably the easiest to grow variety and spreads easily.

The metal bench covered in Montana.

I would normally by now have planted a few tomato
plants but decided that I will have to give certain things a miss.
'This time last year' memories keep popping up on my phone
and I realise I've got a lot to do once I am able to.
(I often wonder if those memory jolts are good for you?)

This plant is a rarer variety!
He has taken to sleeping in the tree pot.

As mentioned, Mitchell has now left home
so the ratio of pets to adults is definitely unbalanced.
I feel very loved with the two cats and Bella all vying for my attention.
As you can see Pixel seems very unperturbed. 

Bella is confused.  She gets very excited by any visitors,
she was overjoyed when the postman made a fuss of her this week.

So what else have I been up to?
Well, not a great deal.
I keep thinking - imagine having all this time off work and being able
to get around - I could have done so much.
But I guess that is why it is recuperation time.
Very thankful to the telly - Britbox has been my favourite streaming 
channel by far and Father Brown has been the perfect easy-going viewing.

I have this week felt like doing some crochet so picked up
my battenburg blanket and worked on more squares.

The blanket is going to be 16 squares x 16 squares so a total of 256,
that's a lot of ends!
It is a nice project to pick up whenever I feel like it, I'm very much tortoise as
opposed to hare at the moment.

And that's my news at the moment, a lot of indoors
punctuated with hospital trips and physio.
I will be back soon but until then...
wishing you a sunshiny lovely weekend.

Take care friends.

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