
Monday 25 August 2014

Lucky Me and Bank Holiday Sale!

Hello friends

Just before I went away a parcel arrived in the post for me and what a treat!
The lovely people at Filofax have sent me a brand new A5 organiser.
(I think they've heard the rumours about how many notes/lists I write!)

I own an iPhone and I have apps galore but there is nothing quite like writing a diary note
and making a list with a pen and paper.
Even better is when you can tick them off as jobs done! 
So despite technology I don't think you can beat the age old tradition of 
writing a diary and keeping an appointment book and this Filofax certainly provides
plenty of space to write!

Once I'm home I intend to show you more of my lovely new Filofax combined with
some craft ideas... we are still in Coventry and Elliott is having a
brilliant time at the gaming convention.

I also should let you know that there is a bit of a Bank Holiday sale on the website...

All Spellbinders Media Mixage is included in the sale so check out the
dies, bezels, blanks, metals, hatpins, texture plates and more!

Hope you all having a fun Bank Holiday Monday - what are you up to?


  1. What a lovely surprise for you....gorgeous rich red....yummy!

  2. I do love a list too, hope you are having fun, enjoy the rest of your weekend x

  3. Hi Christine
    Pleased you and Elliott are still enjoying your time away, it is just pouring down here , the forecast is heavy flooding in some areas ,i hope non of our crafty friends get flooded as i was flooded once ,not nice at all . Anyway i guess i will just have to craft the day away but i will manage to make time to pop over to your sale , haha decisions decisions.

    Love the look of your surprise ,i have often thought to craft something like a memory book of family /friends names /dates/ birthdays /Anniversary's etc to put my cards in after they are made until the date arrives ,however i dont quite know how to go about it .
    Love the idea though.

    Have a fab time
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  4. Morning Christine,
    I keep a separate diary too, I love technology but always worry that it may go wrong or that I will loose everything, and I love a list too.
    So glad Elliott is enjoying himself.
    Chris xx

  5. Hi Christine,
    What a lovely surprise,it will be so useful and look good too.
    I always work from lists, diary's,and calendars,it would much more sensible if I put it all together. I will have to organise myself.
    Really pleased you and Elliott are having a great time.
    I will go over and look at your website.
    Take care. x.

  6. Hello Christine. What a great treat for something so special to arrive uninvited. I expect you'll make good use of it - just looking at the lovely cover would keep me happy. Just saw Insomnia on the news and I can imagine your Elliott there having fun with the best. xxMargaretxx

  7. what a wonderful gift and so useful too. I'm with you Christine i love pen and paper too and lists galore. Glad your both having a great time. xx hazel

  8. Morning Christine,
    What a great surprise for you, I'm sure it will put to great use.
    Good to know Elliot is having a great time, he deserves to be spoilt.
    It's just started to rain here in north Kent.

  9. Morning Christine,
    What a great surprise for you, I'm sure it will put to great use.
    Good to know Elliot is having a great time, he deserves to be spoilt.
    It's just started to rain here in north Kent.

  10. Hello Christine
    That was nice of them!
    Every time I think of Filofax I think of Delboy falling off the bar holding his in his hand lol!
    Hope you are having a good time away.
    Take care
    Love Marg

  11. HI Christine, I'm the fact my iPhone was supposed to be the be all and end all for diary dates, but they get written in my paper diary before they get there, that's if I even remember = what a fab surprise! Hugs Carole Z X

  12. I have a filofax Christine, and wouldn't be without it either, so I look forward to seeing what you do with yours. I might still not be able to do it, as mine is smaller bought for breast cancer donation so it's a beautiful pink (limited edition, I believe). Hope Dad is still doing well, and behaving himself while he recovers.

  13. Lucky you, nice colour too, xxx

  14. Hi Christine. What a lovely surprise, and so useful too. I am a big paper and pen list maker, my memory is so bad everything has to be written down : ) Glad that you and Elliott are still having a good time in Coventry : ) We were going blackberry picking in the woods but it is very wet here so think I might just craft instead. Isn't it great when you have something to do that you love so much if your plans get changed and you end up staying home, I am so glad that I discovered card making : ) I hope everyone else has a good,and dryer, day. Take care.

  15. Hi Christine, Great pressie looks good. love Jean Z xx

  16. a nice surprise ,I agree nothing like writing something down.Laura O

  17. What a lovely surprise Christine, it's a lovely colour too!
    I'm still a paper list/notebook person too 😄
    Enjoy the rest of your stay.
    Janice x

  18. Hi Christine, Wow, what a lovely surprise that was to receive.
    I write lots and lots of lists too, maybe one of these would be ideal for me too haha.
    Glad you are still enjoying Coventry with Elliot.
    Rain, rain and even more rain here, yucky !!!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  19. Weather HORRIBLE here - Wet, Wet, Wet. Trying to make the most of it but........
    On another tack the BBC Breakfast programme had a feature on the INSOMNIA Gaming Festival. Not up my street, but at least I know a bit more about it.

  20. Fantastic & how lucky. Hope you have had fun in Coventry x


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