
Saturday 23 August 2014

Bunting Galore!

Hello friends

Thank you for all your kind comments regarding my Dad yesterday,
I'm pleased to say he is home now, he will need rest as he has sustained a nasty head injury
but he will mend and I'm sure within no time will be down in his workshop making
wonderful woodworking projects!

(Lacelady - so relieved to hear your daughter and others are okay after their crash!)

Today a scrapbook page featuring my family - this time me, Mitchell and Bella
get a look in...not just Elliott!
A really simple page - again using up all those paper scraps with a lot of bunting.
I've used Nested Pennants to create the four strings of flags.
(Don't forget even if I haven't got the Spellbinders die you would like in stock
I am always happy order it for you).
I also like to mix up fonts on a scrapbook page for an interesting look.
This weekend I am driving Elliott up to Coventry for another gaming convention,
(goodness I'm a glutton for punishment!)
It may also have something to do with the fact that it is his birthday :)
The event is called ....
Very apt!
I will have a couple of days to roam around Coventry while he sits playing games.
I've already looked up some craft shops to visit and I thought I may take a
trip to the cinema too.  I'm sure a few photos will pop up on Facebook.
Mitchell is on hand at home to keep a check on Bella, kittens, website and more!
Other news....
over the last week or so the new Spellbinders Design Team was announced and for those
that messaged to ask what was happening with me... 
I continue to work for Spellbinders and will have exciting details to share with you all soon!
(I'm sitting on my typing fingers as I cannot say more just yet!)
Take care friends, enjoy your Bank Holiday weekend.


  1. Hi Christine, So glad your Dad is on the mend. Congratulations on still being part of the Spellbinders team and cannot wait for you to reveal your news, take care Valerie

  2. Glad your Dad is home and wish him better. Have a lovely time in Coventry, and Happy Birthday to Elliott! I haven't done any scrapbooking for years, your layouts made me think about starting again! Thanks. Eileen

  3. Good news re Dad, I'm sure he'll make a quicker recovery being back home with your Mum.
    So pleased to hear you still will be part of the Spellbinders team, look forward to hearing about it when you can tell us!
    Have fun in Coventry!
    Janice x

  4. Hi Christine. Glad your dad is out of hospital. I'm sure he'll feel better now he's at home.
    Lovely phot of the Emberson family.
    Happy birthday to Elliott-hope you have a lovely time in Coventry.
    Looking forward to the news re Spellbinders.
    Love Val in Spain x

  5. Hi Christine, I am playing catch up and want to say that I was so sorry to hear about your Dads accident. What a shock for you all. Glad that he is on the mend and will be home soon, bet he can't wait. I'm sure your Mum will be happy to have him home too. Please send them both my very best wishes:)
    Love the memo peg wallet yesterday, so sweet. The dies are great, so many options.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ELLIOT, I hope that he has a great time in Coventry, at least you will get a chance for some rest and relaxation after so much rushing around, bless you. And at least you can go knowing that Mitchell is looking after everything at home.
    I love the whole page, the bunting looks great, what a wonderful pic of you all : )
    Oh, can't wait to hear what you doing now with Spellbinders. Hope we don't have to wait long to find out : )
    Have a great long weekend everyone.
    Take care.

  6. Morning Christine,
    Pleased you Dad is home, best place for his recovery. Happy Birthday to Elliot, bet he enjoys the convention, and you will enjoy Coventry, you must visit the Cathedral.
    Great scrapbook page.
    Look forward to hearing your news.

  7. Morning Christine,
    Pleased you Dad is home, best place for his recovery. Happy Birthday to Elliot, bet he enjoys the convention, and you will enjoy Coventry, you must visit the Cathedral.
    Great scrapbook page.
    Look forward to hearing your news.

  8. Hi Christine,
    Really pleased your dad is home and I hope it's not to long before he is himself again.
    Today's scrapbook page is great a super way of using scraps of paper and it is a lovely photo of you all.
    I hope you have a nice rest in Coventry and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIOTT.
    Looking forward to hearing your Spellbinders news,I wonder what it can be.
    Take care. x.

  9. Great layout Christine - I eall like the banner bunting. Glad to here your dad is on the mend.

  10. Morning Christine, so sorry to hear about your dad. Glad he is home and i'm sure with everyone around him he'll make a speedy recovery.

    Hope you and Elliott enjoy your weekend in Coventry.

    Take care, x

  11. Hi Christine
    Such a lovely happy pic and a lovely layout, love all the bunting .

    Happy Birthday Elliott { you are keeping your Mum on trend with all these conventions } Have a really wonderful Birthday .....

    Tis no better place than home with loved ones when you are not firing on all four ,but i am sure a good quick recovery will be made now your Dads Home .

    looking forward to your News Christine.

    It is just pouring down here ,so i feel it is a craft day Yeaaaaaaaaaa.

    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  12. Hi Christine, Glad your Dad is on the mend and Happy Birthday to Elliott. Scrapbook page looks lovely with the bunting. love Jean Z xx

  13. Hello Christine
    Glad Dad is home now in the bosom of his family, this will help him get better!
    Looking forward to your news!
    Have a nice Birthday Elliott!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  14. So glad to hear your dad is home, I hope he makes a speedy recovery.
    Spellbinder news sounds like it will be good...
    Happy birthday Elliott!
    JuliaT x

  15. Great pic in your page today Christine, though I daren't get into scrapbooking, I have thousands of photos, it would take goodness knows how many scrapbooks to house that lot. Thanks for the special mention, all continue to improve.

    I'd like a couple of days free in Coventry, I'm sure you will find a craft place or too.

    So glad Dad is back home safely, I hope he continues to improve too.


  16. Hello Christine. Fancy sending Elliott to Coventry for his Birthday! :) Sure you'll have a wonderful time with loads to visit. Just not into scrapbooking yet, although I ought to be with so many photos sitting doing nothing at all. Maybe one day. xxMargaretxx

  17. Great scrapbook page, Happy Birthday to Elliott & very glad to hear your Dad is home and on the mend.


  18. Glad to hear your dad is on the mend. lovely scrap book page. Have a wonderful time and happy birthday Elliott. xxhazel

  19. I don't know where to start! Here goes - Happy to hear that your dad is on the mend. Have a GREAT BIRTHDAY Elliott! (Yes Christine you must be a glutton for punishment)! Love the scrapbook page it's Super Summery in these colours and your photos are always so GOOD. Hope we don't have to wait too long to hear the news you have to share about Spellbinders. Last, but not least enjoy your Bank Holiday 'break'. I'm sure you'll find plenty to do in and around Coventry. Phew!

  20. Hi Christine, so sorry to hear about Dad, and hope he makes a speedy recovery. I love your scrapbook page and the lovely colours you have used. Have a lovely time in Coventry with Elliott, my son is off to University there in September, I think I will have to search out the craft shops too. Xx

  21. Wow this page is stunning, love the bunting. Glad your dad is out of hospital. Have a fabulous time in Coventry x

  22. How you tease us Christine, sounds interesting. Happy birthday to Elliott, have a good time at Coventry. Janice xx

  23. Hi Christine, Good news about your Dad, let's hope he recovers quickly. We all wish him well.
    Happy Birthday to Elliot and I hope you both have a great time in Coventry.
    A lovely layout, and a fabulous way of using up scraps for the bunting, looks lovely.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  24. HI Christine and Happy Birthday Elliott...great layout! I had been wondering about Spellbinders and thought hard about messaging or emailing you, but at the same time I just KNEW you would still be involved with Spellbinders and would tell us all when the time was decided against looking forward to the news! Hugs and pleased your dad's ok, Carole Z X

  25. Lovely page and I am glad your Dad is ok, bless him! Happy Birthday to Elliott too! xxx


  26. Hi Christine, lovely page layout, a birthday one I presume (yours?)
    So glad your dad is ok. Happy birthday to Elliot and hope you both have a great gaming week.
    Carole N xxx

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  28. Hi Christine,

    Fabulous layout, love the bunting.

    Glad you Dad is getting better.
    Enjoy your time in Coventry.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  29. Hi Christine. I'm so pleased to hear that your Dad is getting better. Congratulations on still being part of the Spellbinders team. Fabulous layout - love the bunting.

    Sarah x


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