
Friday, 1 May 2020

Friday Chat Day

Hello friends

Welcome to this week's Friday Chat Day.
It's the 1st of May - Happy May Day.
We’re (about) halfway between the spring equinox and 
the summer solstice.
But what week of lockdown is it?!

Considering the days are blending they do seem to be 
speeding by - this is good because lockdown weeks are being ticked off,
this is bad because I may regret the things I didn't do in lockdown,
when I've had all this extra time.  
Anyone else feeling this?

So what have we all been up to?
I've been continuing with my crochet - the Cupcake Blanket.
I'm calling this my 'upstairs crochet' for that reason,
I work on this when I'm upstairs.
Bella and I pile up all the pillows on the bed and
make a snuggle den.
Main reason is the light is wonderful in my bedroom
and if the sun is shining it's the warmest room.

I'm such a fan of Lucy over at Attic 24,
she's recently completed a Spring garland that I am so tempted to make.
(Can I risk another WIP!)
Sort of wished I had started it at the beginning of lockdown,
a flower a day.  The symmetry of this makes my heart sing.

Also one night when sleep was evading me I updated the
It shows the current works in progress and completed projects.

Am I writing? Ummm, well... no.

I should be, I want to be but when I've attempted to sit down
and focus it's proved very difficult.
I'm telling myself if it doesn't flow naturally it will not read well,
so best I wait. 

My Mum is doing better at home, she got into her greenhouse
this week which I know pleased her no end and 
she's also picked up her crochet.
This week I dropped off a minced beef cobbler 
which apparently went down well, I'm digging out traditional recipes 
that travel well, all 1.5 miles!

This also means I get to visit my cabin and this 
little fella sat outside on the birdbath and watched
me for hours. We struck up a reasonable conversation for a time!


I've been busy putting together May's Charity Kit 
which will be announced on Sunday.
Here's a sneak peek.

There's just a few Mini Card Charity Kits No.2 left,
details here.

And I've been planning a rainbow window kit.
More news to follow.
'Hope and Chances'  - the name has never felt quite so apt.

So I thought I would try out growing the grey but I struggled.
I felt like it was a different person looking back at 
me in the mirror.  So I buckled, managed to buy a hair colour
with my online food shop and asked Mitchell to put it on for me.
Wow - he's a hairdresser in the making. 
I'm really pleased with the result and also chopped my fringe,
I'm a new woman with nowhere to go! 


Yes that vision box keeps me sane and here are this week's 
 Kirstie's Keep Crafting and Carry On - Channel 4

I caught this on C4 Catch Up and I love it.
Yes, some of the crafts are a bit fruitless and not all of us have
everything to hand but it's good harmless entertainment.
And I do like Kirstie and her dog completes the whole TV experience for me.
Also, I feel like I too want to put up fairy lights all over the house.

After Life - Netflix - Season 1 and 2

So Ricky Gervais isn't everyone's cup of tea,
I only like certain things he has done but After Life in my opinion,
is in a league of its own.
Definitely watch but only if (a) you are not offended by swearing,
and (b) you have a large box of tissues to hand.
It is funny too thankfully.

Midsomer Murders - I'm getting through them on Britbox,
I'm now on Season 7 - a murder a day keeps the virus away!
I jest but I do find them a form of escapism and I marvel at the 
various story lines, I often giggle at them too.

And that wraps up my lockdown week.
Hope you are all doing ok and keeping occupied.

Please stop by on Sunday for this month's Charity Kit.

Much love,


  1. Happy May day, I think it's week 7 of lock down. The first weeks seemed to drag but the latter weeks are certainly flying by. Gorgeous looking crochet. Loving the crochet flowers. Good to hear your mum is managing a bit of gardening, it's good for our well being. Mmmm minced beef cobbler sound delicious. The sneak peak of the charity kit looks great love the blue flowers. Well done on the hairdressing, you were brave. I have been watching Kirsty too , love all her crafty shows. Beat the chasers in another favourite, I like it better than the other versions. I've heard good reviews of the Afterlife but no got Netflix. I'm still going through my Poirot viewings. Have a good week stay safe and carry on crafting xx Hazel

  2. Good Morning Christine.
    Thank you another great chat. Your little flowers look so pretty.
    Yes Christine I hope I am not wasting all this lovely spare time,
    This may sound awful but apart from not seeing my family I am enjoying this lockdown.
    I do not mean to be disrespectful to all the people who are ill and having difficulty.
    Yes I am also a great fan of Kirsty.
    I am so glad your Mum is getting out in her garden.
    Sundays charity Kit looks so pretty.
    Take care and stay safe Kitty.

  3. Carolyn. Chilton1 May 2020 at 10:21

    I can’t believe a month has gone by since the last charity kit , although we have had a mini kit in between which I loved doing , sent one round to my chemist , I miss seeing them and having a chat . Any way , your little labels , do you print them yourself or is there a firm that does them ? I. I used to get mine done art Studio , but they no longer do them and I can’t find anyone that does ‘hopefully yours Carolyn Chilton .

  4. Hi Christine, so pleased he hear your Mum is making good progress in her recovery and enjoying her greenhouse. We love After Life and have also been watching Blood and Crossing Lines which are available via MY5. I had intended to learn how to crochet this year but this still on the 'to do' list as I gave the spare wool I had to a neighbour whose husband is at the end of his battle with the big 'C' so that she has another distraction, but I thought her need was greater than mine. WakeyL

  5. Lovely chat The crochet looks fabulous I am still making Hero Bears
    I’m so pleased that your mum is doing OK
    I am still working- part time So I do have a rough idea what day of the week it is and fills part of the day I am enjoying having some extra crafting time too

  6. Hi Christine, glad you are keeping well and making use of having the boys at home. I remember well in days of yore colouring my mum's hair and giving her a "Twink" perm. My fringe definitely needs a cut tomorrow when I wash my hair!! Your crocheting is coming along a treat and such gorgeous colours. As for the flowers your friend has done, they look super, so uniform as well. Its good to hear your mum is pottering about a bit now as well and this weeks rain will help bring things on - and make the grass grow. I did start watching Kirstie but I find her a bit irritating and the things she was doing didn't inspire me at all so I stopped watching. What I have been enjoying is the new Beat the Chasers and I've been watching some of the Midsomer Murders on ITV 3 in the evenings and also Dalziel and Pascoe but invariably I fall asleep. Take care, Jackie xx

  7. Hi Christine, I'm so pleased that your Mum is feeling up to getting in her greenhouse, and also starting her crochet again, and that she is enjoying your lovely food too.
    Your crochet blanket is so pretty, the stitch you have used and the colours you have used are beautiful.
    I know what you mean about feeling as if you might regret not doing things during lockdown, I feel the same, I keep saying "I really should steam clean my kitchen" but I just haven't got the inclination and I was thinking exactly what you were thinking about regretting not doing things when the lockdown is over. Although I have been doing things that 'I want' to do, like my sewing, so it isn't all bad hahaha.
    Do you remember the 'Lemon and Coconut Cake' cake that you included in one of your 'kits' many years ago, I have baked it lots over the years, but this week I decided that it was my cake of the week to bake, and when I have made it previously I have used my food mixer, this time I noticed in your instructions you mention a food processor, so I decided to make it in my magimix for the first time, and wow what a difference, it seemed to rise better doing it this way, it has always been lovely but this time if was exceptional, it is one of my favourite cakes to bake, and all thanks to your recipe.
    Glad you got your hair colour and managed your fringe, my hair is normally 'highlights' and 'lowlights' and now is going quite grey, doesn't look half bad really although my suntan (with sitting in the sunshine over the weeks) seems to enhance the colour, maybe when I'm back to being pasty again it might not look so good haha.
    Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and stay well.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx


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