
Wednesday 26 November 2014

A Year! Let's Celebrate!

Hello friends
It's been a while since I posted the picture of the coffee/tea cup -
for those of you who don't know, it means pop the kettle on - this could be a long blog post!

I realised yesterday that it was a year ago that I launched the Hope and Chances Website, 
the original blog post detailing it all is here.

I remember talking with my website designer saying that it would be fairly small,
not too many categories blah blah blah - well I was wrong!
It has grown and the boys can verify how many products are now listed as they've 
uploaded a lot of them - it runs into thousands!

I'm one of many many craft websites out there, I try to be competitive and offer extras but I 
realise the competition is fierce, really fierce!  Thankfully I have some fantastic loyal customers - 
I'm so grateful to you.

In 2015 the website focus as always will be on Spellbinders products, yes there are lots
of lovely new things on their way!
Also, I am still the only UK retailer to carry the entire Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L range,
if you haven't tried their products yet you really must - they are superb.

Before then, I truly need to make room so for a limited time I've got an offer on
all inky stuff - 50% off - yes half price!

 Distress Inks, Spellbinders Inks, Versa Color, Staz On and more -
the full selection can be viewed here.

Please enter the code:  


Type it on the cart page of checkout process in the box provided above 'Shopping Bag Totals'.
Offer expires at midnight tonight.

Happy shopping!

Now for something crafty, that's the shop stuff out the way...goodness I'm waffling!
It was also this time last year that Elliott set to work making Christmas cards.
 He based his idea on the design below which is still one of my favourites.
It features the stunning 2013 Snowflake Pendant.
This card was also used for charity kits and there is a very small amount left - details are here.

I have some of those metal snowflakes left so any orders at the moment have one of those
placed inside along with other freebies - good to keep it festive!

Right then, I had better get organised for FDD - returning to my City job this week
after two weeks off - that could be a shock to my system!

Take care friends.


  1. Oh what a lovely photo of Elliot and Bella. That would make a beautiful Christmas card.
    I bought one of these lovely cards by Eliot and it is beautiful.
    Not very often I say this but it's raining here today!!!
    Take it easy at work today.
    Love Val in Spain x

  2. Congrats on the one year anniversary, looking forward to seeing the Spellbinders products & this years Christmas card design.


  3. Lovely cards Elliott and Christine. Happy birthday to your website. Lovely photo xx hazel

  4. Hi Christine, congratulations, by how time flies. It doesn't seem like a year does it?
    You have some amazing goodies in your "pre-loved" section, a bargain, so just treat myself to two sets.
    Hope the city job goes better than expected after 2 weeks off.
    Elizabeth x

  5. Morning Christine, A trip down memory lane for us today, my !! how time does fly, I'm sure someone has accelerated it haha.
    Lovely piccies of Elliott and Bella and also Elliott's Christmas cards.
    Have a lovely day, we will be thinking of you !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  6. Hi Christine, a lovely post today, goodness where has this year gone? I had last year's Christmas card charity kit and it was lovely, is Elliott going to do another one this year? I look forward to seeing all your lovely new SB products too.
    Chris xx

  7. Hi Christine, Love the photos and the cards Elliott is such a talented boy . Happy Birthday one year old. love Jean Z xxx

  8. Morning Christine,
    Great post this morning how time flies, more quickly as you get older.
    A lovely photo of Elliot and Bella.
    Looking forward to seeing the new products coming from Spellbinders.

  9. Hi Christine
    Lovely Christmas card by Elliot mine is going to my precious Brother as i know he will just love it and Keep it .

    You are doing a real good job with your website and the the delivery is outstanding , so i will away now to look for more bargains .

    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  10. Hi Christine,
    Great photo of Elliott and Bella,love his Christmas card.
    I cannot believe it is one year your website has been going,where does the time go,I will pop over now to see what bargains you are giving us today.
    I hope you have a good day, Take care. x.

  11. Congratulations Christine! I love shopping on your site - it is really well set out, great choice and you are so speedy to send to goodies. I also love scrapbook adhesives..will be checking out your sale too, hugs Carole Z X

  12. Hi Christine. Goodness, this last year has flown by hasn't it!
    It's good to see the pics again, Elliott has changed a lot over the last 12 months hasn't he : )
    I am looking forward to seeing what you have to share with us : ) Thank you for all that you do for us. Take care.

  13. What a great photo of Elliot (and Bella of course!)
    Love the cards too, very pretty.
    Back to work - yuk :( - hope all goes well x

  14. Congrats on your first anniversary of the website Christine, it feel a lot longer than that to me.

    I hope work goes OK today, I don't think I'd like to go back, but them I'm retired these days, so I'd be chucked out anyway.

  15. Good morning Christine
    Happy 1st anniversary to you and your website. I have purchased from you many times - you always give a prompt service and excellent prices.
    A great photo of Elliott and Bella with Elliott's great Christmas cards.
    I hope the day job is not too painfull - going back after time off is never easy.
    Take care

  16. Hi Christine
    My word, how time flies, a lovely photo of Elloit and Bella. Love Elliot's Christmas card. Look forward to lots of Spellbinders dies on your site.

  17. Thanks for your post today - great to recap on parts of the past year (is it really a year since your website opened for business? Phew). Good luck getting back into the swing in London.

  18. Hi Christine
    1 year! Just 1 year! It feels as if it's always been there! I' so enjoy browsing your website and bagging a bargain! My latest stash arrived today! Beautifully packages as usual. Thank you. Anne O

  19. Congrats 1year old yay. Love the range of dies you have from spellbinders & I have to say that the foam pads from scrapbook adhesives 3d are the best on the market ! Gorgeous snowflake cards. I got the charity when it came out and will send it to myself as I can't give it to anybody else x


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.