
Saturday, 1 March 2014

And the results are in...

Hello friends

Thank you to all those who took part in my little stamp survey this week.
The results have now been collated and two companies proved to
be extremely popular ...


Just behind those were Cardio and Inkylicious.
Also, not named in the survey but many of you mentioned them, 
IndigoBlu and Heartfelt.

This has been extremely helpful with regards to seeing preferences 
and what Hope and Chances should be stocking out on the website!

Yesterday's Friday Die Day was the first of the new Create A Flower dies
I will be featuring all of them in future Friday Die Day's and with 
Elliott's help there will be videos too.

It is Elliott who creates all the sliding banners for the website 
and here is the most recent one.

A few people have asked after Elliott, he is doing well but still extremely tired.
We've had a few weeks off from hospital visits but they are recommencing soon
which understandably he is not too impressed with but I suspect McDonalds 
will be placed back on the menu! 
Along with website work it is Elliott who packs the Charity Kits
the larger kit this month tested his mettle but he coped! 
And...talking of Charity Kits - Loraine has finished her Craft Caddy and has 
kindly sent some photos.  She has done a fantastic job.

 Beautiful embellishments.

The tray works brilliantly for Distress Markers. 
Thank you Loraine.

If anyone else has had chance to make up their kit then please send along
photos, I would love to see and share them.
There will be the lucky number draw later this month so hold on to your ticket - 
a box full of goodies could be on its way if you're the winner!

Take care friends - the rain is back in full force here, damp feet again!


  1. Morning Christine.Lorraine's box is great, I love the colours she has chosen and her embellishments are beautiful! Elliott is a super 'behind the scenes' guy~ the banners are superb and his packing skills excellent(as I can testify from packages received!!).I'm really pleased to hear that he's doing well and I'm sure the trips to Macky D's will make the hospital trips a bit more bearable!!Love and hugs to you all,
    Maggie x

  2. Looking forawrd to FDD with the new flower dies, even though haven't yet watched yesterday's video.

  3. Pleased to hear Elliott is doing well he is certainly a whizz on the computer! Susan xx


  4. Hi Christine

    Loving the F.D.D. Congrats to Elliott on the video's he is a star my charity kit arrived pristine and very well packed thankyou Elliottxx
    I have completed and decorated it and will get a piccie done when my Husband has his computer up and running.
    Thanks for the results of the survey Indigo Blu stamps are beautiful crisp images and such good quality.
    Frosty here this morning I see a little blue sky and dare I say this mr sunshine is trying to bob his head out.

    Enjoy your weekend

    Hugs Annxx

  5. Hi Christine, love Lorraine's box..beautifully embellished, love the key! It's really funny how we all favour such different stamping companies isn't it? The two most popular are the ones I use least...lolol :) Glad some others mentioned Indigo Blu though :) Glad Elliott is doing well..well done to all his computer work! Have a good weekend, Carole Z X

  6. Hi Christine. Clever Elliott doing all the banners. Computers are obviously his thing - I´m very jealous.
    Lorraine´s box is really beautiful. Can´t wait to get to the UK and pick mine up.
    Have a good weekend.
    Love Val in Spain x

  7. Hi Christine. Clever Elliott doing all the banners. Computers are obviously his thing - I´m very jealous.
    Lorraine´s box is really beautiful. Can´t wait to get to the UK and pick mine up.
    Have a good weekend.
    Love Val in Spain x

  8. Hi Christine. Clever Elliott doing all the banners. Computers are obviously his thing - I´m very jealous.
    Lorraine´s box is really beautiful. Can´t wait to get to the UK and pick mine up.
    Have a good weekend.
    Love Val in Spain x

  9. Good morning Christine
    Pleased to hear your survey is helping in your decision making!
    As I said on FB, I love Loraine's storage caddy, I still must make a start on mine....
    Looking forward to future FDD's, they certainly help with making the decision of 'might buy' to 'definitely, must have!'.
    Elliot is doing a great job on your website. I hope he soons feels less tired and more like his old self.
    Have a lovely day
    Janice x

  10. Just wanted to say 'Thank you' to Elliott , my charity kit arrived on Wednesday and it is wonderful. Superbly packed if I may say so. AS for Elliott's computer skills - I could really do with you sorting out my blog for me pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! :o)

    Hugs Sue Pxxx

  11. Hi Christine, Well done to Lorraine and Elliott both of them are doing wonderful. Hope all goes well with Elliott's Hospital trips and tell him I enjoyed watching the flower instructions .Thanks to you for showing them love Jean Z xxx

  12. Glad to hear Elliott is ok and helping to support his mum and her business.Love the new banner and glad the survey was a success for you. Hope you have a great weekend xx hazel

  13. Morning Christine,
    Glad the survey results helped, it must be difficult to choose with so many on the market.
    Loraine's caddy looks lovely. Elliot must be a big help to you with his computer wizardry and help in the shop.
    Have a good weekend.

  14. Morning Christine, Loraine's caddy looks fabulous, I'm loving the embellishments, they bring it to life.
    Congratulations to Elliott for all he does for H&C Creativity, he is a genius!! my caddy arrived in fab condition, and very well packaged, Thank You.
    I'm so glad that JustRite was up there, I love their stamps and the Heartfelt Creations stamps are two of my favourites, and I love stamps that go with dies.
    Have a lovely weekend, it is frosty here, so hopefully we will see the sun yippeeeeeeeeee !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  15. Morning Christine, I have finished my box and plan to take photos today for you. Don't think it will look as good as Lorraines which is beautiful. Elliott is doing amazing well with the website bits and bobs. I picked justrite stamps so delighted they are near the top of the list. Have a good weekend. Emmax

  16. Morning Christine. Lorraine's box looks super. The embellishments are beautiful. I haven't ordered because unfortunately, I don't have enough room. I don't have a craft room...I craft on the dining room table, with craft material all around that area. We have to eat at the table in the conservatory! Well done Elliott for all the work on the website. I love the moving banners. Hospital trips are a drag but necessary...just think of all those Big Macs! Love & Hugs. Gemma xx

  17. Hi Christine, so pleased Elliott is doing well and well done for all his hard work and of course well done to Lorraine too for her beautiful caddy.
    Hope everyone has a "crafty" weekend. I know I will.
    Elizabeth x

  18. I love the list of stamps you came up with, so it will be interesting to see what you end up stocking.

    Elliott is obviously a great help, in spite of his problems. I hope the coming visits to hospital aren't such a trial as the last lot.

  19. Morning Christine, blue sky and sunshine here in Newark, but very very cold. The banner looks great well done Elliott, and Lorraine's caddy is wonderful, I've got as far as finding some paint for the inside of mine! Have a great weekend. Lynn xx

  20. Hi Christine. I voted for both Clarity and Justrite stamps. Seems I was not the only one : ) Glad to hear how Elliott is getting on, sorry that he is still very tired. At least he has had a bit of a break from hospital visits. He is doing a wonderful job with the website. Great Craft Caddy by Loraine, very pretty embellishments. After a mad day yesterday I'm having a lazy day today : ) Ummm, let's see, what shall I do? Yes, you've got it. Making cards, after trying the fabulous faux leather technique: )Blue skies here today...lovely. Take care.

  21. Hi Christine ,
    Loraine's caddy is beautiful,I love the embellishment.
    Well done Elliott ,another great banner etc.
    I hope you are having a good day. Take care. x.

  22. Well I feel quite famous!! Thank you for everyone's kind comments. I really enjoyed making the caddy and it is so sturdy certainly strong enough to use not just to look at. The flowers were made with the left over paper, how pretty yesterday's rose would look on it. Glad Elliot is doing ok and that the visits to the hospital are less frequent, I wish I had his skills it took me ages to work out how to send the photos!! Have a good weekend x

  23. Hello Christine, I have very little knowledge of stamp Co's, and hadn't quite finished looking up the list you had made, however I have heard of both Clarity and Justrite ( as I own a few) however I would have added Heartfelt Creations as I really like stamps and dies that match.
    I am so pleased Elliott is Ok and doing so well in his employment.
    X Ros

  24. so glad to hear Elliott is doing well ,he is flying on the computer stuff ,Laura O

  25. How clever is Elliott !! I would not know where to start with all the computer stuff. Lorraines draws are fab. Glad you will be stocking Clarity x


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