
Friday 1 March 2013

Friday Die Day and a Chance to Win!

Hello friends
So this Friday came around super quick as usual!
Now let's see what I'm featuring today???
It is the Numbers and Letters M-Bossabilities  Embossing Folder.
I featured this on Create and Craft when making a gentleman's notebook and I 
thought I would do a little tutorial on that day.
To start you need a notebook.  I purchased mine in Sainsbury's!
Cut some patterned paper to wrap around the notebook, it is a good idea to mould it around the spine
so that you have the exact dimensions.  The paper used here is Tim Holtz - Retro Grunge, the reverse of one of the patterned papers.  But I think it would work equally well with other papers including kraft.
You also need a piece of brown cardstock which is going to create a leather-look spine.
Pictured here is one of the die cuts from Locking Loops.
Once you have cut your notebook cover, place just the front inside the M-Bossabilities folder.
The embossing sandwich is A Base Plate, embossing folder with paper inside and 
D Raspberry Adapter Plate.  
You will see I use Junior Plates - once you have them you tend to use them a lot!
The emboss is wonderful.
Next I chose to use distress ink (Walnut Stain) and rubbed over the embossed numbering 
to highlight and to add a worn look.
I inked the edges of the brown cardstock spine and attached it using Crafty Power Tape.
I added the die cuts from Locking Loops to the spine but equally other shapes
would work well.
A sentiment...just for you.
(This is from a stamp set created by Marion Emberson - details are here)
Marion isn't a relation of mine...we just happen to share the same surname!
A close-up picture of the brilliant embossing.
Hopefully you like...if so please leave a comment and be in with a chance of 
winning this M-Bossabilities folder.  As mentioned, I have some ex-demo products
so they are perfect but without packaging.  
Bella will be roused from her snuggly blanket and set to work again! 
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend - are you getting crafty?
Take care friends.


  1. Christine you give us fantastic ideas. I do love these embossing folders.All the best who ever wins Sue Thomas

  2. Morning Christine,
    Where do you get these fantastic ideas they are great. The Mbossabilities are a great tool in anyt craft room and letters and numbers is just a must have so useful.
    Amanda x

  3. What a great note book, it's a lovely gift for a men
    hugs linda

  4. Thanks for Friday die day. I really liked this on TV and it looks great on your blog, too.

  5. Hi Christine. Love the book. I am getting crafty this weekend - I'm off the Make It in Farnborough. I am also going to a barn dance on Sat evening. Yee .haa! I have decided that I need a book akin to the book you have made to journal in. A new venture for me. I have always thought a journal/ diary is a good idea and have started several, but lacked the discipline to continue them.i have set myself a challenge to journal the build up to our holiday in the US (we leave in 4 Weeks) and to record our adventure. Then I have to scrapbook the results. So a book like yours would be perfect and I could make more to match if necessary. I should've put the coffee cup symbol at he beginning of my comment - I have gone on a bit! Have a lovely day even if it is away from the studio. Ju

  6. Hi Christine. What a great notebook. Those embossing folders are fantastic. Take care.

  7. Morning Christine,
    I love this book, I always struggle with ideas for Men, and this is great. The embossing folders are brilliant. Hope you have a good weekend.
    Chris X

  8. This looks fantastic & could be used on a few items. Can't wait to have a go.


  9. Hi Christine love this project and you are brilliant at showing alternative projects using spellbinders products.
    I have been very tempted to get the junior plates especially when I only need to use the smaller dies in a set. They are a great idea.
    Thanks for giving us the chance to win today. Good luck everyone! Lv norma

  10. Morning Christine
    Your notebook looks even better close up in your photos, than what we saw on TV. The folder gives such deep embossing too.
    Thank you for sharing the tutorial, it's amazing how you change a supermarket notebook into a treasured journal. I really must give this one a try.
    Thank you for the chance of winning the folder. Have a good day.
    Janice x

  11. Luv the idea, in pink for a lady perhaps with a name added. I too use my junior plates a lot, one of my best GC buys.
    Hugs Linda in South Shields

  12. Hi Christine
    Love this book and what a great idea to use the 'loops' die on he spine of the book.
    I also liked the idea of usinf the smaller plates on the grand calibur. Thanks for your inspiration.

  13. Hi Christine, loved this when I saw it on C & C, I shall have to try some of these 'different' projects, crafting this weekend? - I hope so have a great one Lynn xx

  14. Barbara Fulton1 March 2013 at 07:55

    Hi Christine, the embossing folders look fantastic. Good to make projects for young and old alike. Your Imagination is my inspiration. Have a good day.

  15. Barbara Fulton1 March 2013 at 07:55

    Hi Christine, the embossing folders look fantastic. Good to make projects for young and old alike. Your Imagination is my inspiration. Have a good day.

  16. Hi Christine ~ WOW! this book looks so good (even better than when I saw you do it on TV,must be your super close up shots!)Great idea for gifts,
    I'm crafting this weekend so will give it a try.
    Have a great weekend and thanks for the tutorial Maggieann x

  17. This is gorgeous! I love how deep the emboss it, I think junior plates are now added to my wish list....

    Certainly cheering up my rainy morning so far!

    bestest, callie

  18. This is gorgeous! I love how deep the emboss it, I think junior plates are now added to my wish list....

    Certainly cheering up my rainy morning so far!

    bestest, callie

  19. Setting to work on making Easter cards this weekend i think.
    I thought the notebook looked fab, it's a great idea, Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. Stunning books Christine, love these m-bossibilities folders i have lots of ideas running through my head for these, so another thing added to my ever lengthening wish list.xx hazel

  21. Hi Christine
    I really love that little notebook, and wow it would be super to win the embossing folder. Thanks for the chance
    Have a good weekend
    Sue x

  22. Hi Christie. Love todays project. So clever turning an ordinary book into something so very special.

    We are having some well needed rain at the moment and when it rains here it certainly rains. Had hailstones the size of tennis balls yesterday. Too wet even to take Gracie out for a walk. She's a bit of a wimp really and can't stand to get her feet wet! Anyway making the most of staying in to make cards. I'm the sole supplier of cards to my daughters corner shop and it keeps me busy as you can imagine. We've run out of Christening and Sympathy cards (complete oposites of life) and thats todays job.

    Have a good Friday everyone.

    Val in Spain xxx

  23. Hi Christinw, I saw you making this on C & C but you were rushed and ran out of time. This looks so good, you and have given me an idea for making note books for my Neices, one of them loves writing stories and always has a note book with her, to write down any ideas she gets.

    Take care Sally x

  24. Morning Christine
    I love the step by step tutorial today. brilliant idea, great Fathers Day idea, and so easily achievable!
    I have a 50th birthday card to make and a Mother's Day card too! So crafty weekend for me, yay!
    Sandra Riley

  25. Morning Christine,
    Thought this was a great idea when you showed it on C&C but your demo was pretty rushed (not unusual there)
    so its good to see in more detail, and the chance to win the folder. You are generous to your bloggers.
    Have a good day.

  26. Love this demo, thanks for showing.

  27. This is one of my favourite folders from the new releases as it is so versatile and can be adapted to suit most themes. Love your notebook cover tutorial. Thanks for your generous chance to win. Hugs, Jenny x

  28. Gosh the embossing on this is just fabulous! I have not got any of the SB embossing folders I keep looking and haven't taken the plunge yet. The notebook is brilliant Christine I bet you could use other things and make it, maybe a girly one? Have a great weekend hugs Susan x

  29. I loved this when you were on c&c but it looks much better on your blog (very good camera shots !)
    Don't get Bella up to early,you don't want a grumpy dog for the rest of the day !!!.......Christine xx

  30. what a fab idea....makes a plain notebook so interesting..Have a great weekend...Christine in Darcy....xx

  31. Great tutorial and great photo`s thanks for the lovely comment on my blog ,Have a great weekend .Melanie

  32. Hi Christine,

    I loved this book when you demo'd it and for a while now I have been purchasing bits of equipment that would help me make notebooks of my own. i think they would be very popular at the few craft shows I do over the year.
    I keep a reference to all the notebooks you show on your blog for inspiration - well I am lying I keep everything you do as it is all so lovely.

    Its my birthday today and would love a chance of winning this embossing folder. I didnt buy the folders this time asI have to draw the line somewhere lol.

    Have a great day!!

    Craft hugs
    Sue x

  33. Morning Christine

    This altered book is stunning. ~Thanks so much for the tutorial on making it, think I might give one a go next week. I love the mbossibility folders as they emboss so deeply. I do have a couple but would love more to add to my crafty stash
    Hope you have a good weekend
    Sue xxx

  34. Morning Christine, loved this when you demo'd it on C+C, love it and so useful and perfect for men, love this folder as also very useful. Emma

  35. Morning Christine, again wow what a wonderful surprise to read your blog this morning and the chance to win this m-bossibility folder. What a wonderful project it looks perfect for a gift for anyone and useful too.
    Yes definitely have to fit crafting in - no change there then!
    Have a lovely day and thank you so much for the tutorial.
    Elizabeth x

  36. Belinda Raven said...

    Hi Christine, this is a great project and thank you for the chance to win. Saw your shows on Create and Craft and recorded them - thanks for the inspiration!

    Belinda x

  37. Maddie, Nottingham1 March 2013 at 10:18

    Morning Christine, I saw you do this item on C&C. It is a lovely idea and looks so realistic. Always difficult to think of things for the chaps. Will remember this idea in the future. Would love to win but good luck to whoever does!

  38. Lovely Note Book Christine, why do we find making anything for men so challanging? well I do anyway. Fridays are ME Days not quite a FDD but hope to fit in some crafting.

    Lynne W ..x..x..

  39. Great idea for a book, and I'd love Bella to pick out my name too.

  40. It is so great of you to give these mini tutorials of your inspirational ideas and there is always a shortage of ideas for men's projects. I look forward every day to your blog posts and would love to be able to come to your classes but you are too far away however it's nice to hear what you are doing all the same. xx

  41. WOW what a transformation on a plain note book .

    Great tutorial as always Christine

    Im back home now so will be able to follow you and your lovely followers every day again .

    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  42. Christine - as usual - a wonderful piece. Much better in your photos than on the TV. Please keep inspiring us.

  43. hi Christine a fantastic tutorial as usual,and what a way to transform a plain book ,a great idea and I suppose you could make it with different folders,my wish list is getting longer every day,
    Thanks for the tips.

  44. I remember seeing this on C&C & thinking then what a great project for men but also to give a child as they always like those special books that are different to everyone else. Was going to look for this folder at Ally Pally thought it may be over here by then. Good luck to everyone in the drawer but secretly hope its me! Thanks Christine for such detailed instructions, always like the books you do.

  45. What a wonderful gift idea for a male, love it. The deep emboss on these folders is wonderful. Always love your pics and your tutorials. Thanks for sharing your ingenious ideas with us.

  46. Hi Christine
    I watched you demo-ing this on C&C, I loved it then & I still do. I love the idea of covering notebook's etc, it turn's a relatively inexpensive present into something that every one is going to want (I am particularly thinking of my 6 Grandkid's here), you could make them in different colour-way's, so every one is happy lol. No's & letter's are one of those handy thing's that you will alway's use.
    Thank you for your wonderful die day's, it give's me (& many other's) such great idea's with our spellbinder's.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  47. Hi Christine, just managed to read your blog again after no laptop!! I did see your show on C&C and I was just about to ask if you would show us how to make the book and like magic here it is. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas.
    Many hugs Lesley

  48. Fab note book !!!!
    Love this idea. think I might make one for myself using the delightful daisies. xx

  49. Hi Christine, I am overjoyed that you have posted this tutorial, I loved it when you sneaky peeked it and then when you demo'd it on C&C, I loved it so much that I bought all the items to make my own, and now I have the wherewithall to do just that, yeah brilliant.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  50. I just think this is such a great gift for men. I am going to make this for my husbands fishing records and its big enough to have photo's in as well. Regards RosX
    ps isthis embossing folder in stock yet just in case I am not fortunate enough to win this one lol

  51. What a great idea Christine one for the men but very adaptable for the ladies too! How is your sunshine? We are still basking in it here in Cumbria but a few clouds today!
    Val C xx

  52. Hi Christine

    I loved this notebook when you demoed it on C&C. This embossing folder is so versatile and it is really deep embossing and the distress ink really brings it to life. You can use it for men or kids projects....just fab. Where do you find your ideas. I especially like the chocolate themed projects you bring to us. I look forward to tomorrows post.

    Irene Allen xx

  53. Love all your ideas. Just how do you come up with them? And I love M-bossibilities!

  54. Wonderful notebook and so perfect for the male or someone who's not a frilly kind of person! I haven't given the M-bossibilities a try... winning one would be a great way to try! Thank you for the chance to win and love FDDays! ;D

  55. Oooh your notebook is lovely! I'm so looking forward to getting some of the new Mbossabilities folders as they give you such good results. Hope I'm lucky!

  56. I just love this altered notebook, Christine! Fab embossing and easy tutorial...I'd love to be in with a chance to win, thanks for sharing, Lisa x

  57. I'll definitely give this idea a go. Thank you for the inspiration! Juliat

  58. Chritine you are an inspirational crafter and show spellbinders are just a must for all crafters and this m bossabilities folder is just perfect for so many styles especially those male cards. Good luck to all. Karen dale

  59. Amazing project i love it. I have the papers would love to win so i can make one. Have a great weekend unfortunately im working all weekend x

  60. Such a nice idea to transform a simple notepad. Thank you for the step by step tutorial. So easy to follow.
    Best wishes
    Anne O

  61. Loved the book on C & C - thanks for sharing with us - fantastic!AnnieS.

  62. Fab Christine, loved this when I saw it on TV, this folder is very high on my wish list! Carole Z X

  63. Christine you always come up with great ideas! Just fab!

  64. That is gorgeous! I love anything to do with lettering (a frustrated calligrapher!) so this really appeals to me :)

  65. This folder is lovely. The embossing is so crisp. Great male project. Christine

  66. Fantastic gift for a man, who are always so difficult. Thank u

  67. Fantastic gift for a man, who are always so difficult. Thank u

  68. I love this idea of covering notebooks and made quite a few - thanks to you for the idea - for Christmas! This is a great male one too. Love the folder Joy x

  69. Hi Christine, Super idea for a note book as others have said, very masculine, good to share 'Man type' crafty ideas now again as we all struggle at times.
    CBW, Carolyn x

  70. Love the new Embossing folders and would love to win this I have the first ones thanks for sharing and for the chance to win

  71. I love this journal. I am not very confident about using the embossing folders but I will give them a try now. Love your blog... My favourite! Gillian xx

  72. Hi Christine, I've seen you demo this and kept it on record so could use the same technique when I get this folder. Trouble is, there are so many Spellbinders stuff, it's difficult to choose what I NEED a great weekend..xx

  73. Hi Christine
    Am loving all the exciting new ideas and news you give us. Would like a chance to win some goodies.
    Kindest regards Diane

  74. Great tutorial Christine. I loved this when you showed it on C&C. Now I have the instructions I will be making it as part of my son's 50th birthday gifts. Thank you so much.

  75. Hello Christine, hope I'm not too late to join in with this one. Couldn't get to my computer yesterday and for some reason I don't seem to be able to comment from my phone. (think that's more about me not knowing how to use phone properly !!) Love all the effects with the embossing folders today. Would love to have a go at the journal. Fingers crossed for everyone taking part.
    Toni xx

  76. Your journal is amazing the embossing is just perfect with these folders xhugsx Nikki

  77. Hi, I loved this project when I saw it on C&C, thank you so much for sharing it with us. It is a brilliant idea! Hugs Carolyn x

  78. I remember seeing this one on the TV and loved it then too!
    Thanks for the chance to win Christine :o)

  79. I did see you do this on tv. Great idea. I have a few notebooks I bought and haven't done anything with them. Thanks

  80. Fabulous note book and a really cool embossing folder. Thank you so much for the chance to win xx

  81. Hi Christine, Fabulous embossing folders and they're great for masculine designs. Loved your project, great gift idea. Janette X


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.