
Friday, 21 May 2021

Friday Chat Day

 Hello friends

Welcome to another Friday Chat Day,
some random natterings from my little corner of the world.


A tray of brightness.
These are the squares for my Hello Summer blanket.
I deliberated on colours for far too long but I hope
they exude summer-ness. 

And I have started the joining using Soft Peach.

I'm eager to finish the joining and work on the border and that will
then be another WIP done and dusted.
Still planning on being true to my WIP list and my goal is to have
them all done by September as Lucy at Attic 24 will be announcing
a Yuletide blanket then.  
Do I have enough blankets? Most definitely! 


The 'can't make its mind up' weather is still here.
The sudden downpours and then brilliant sunshine means everything
is growing including my Christmas tree.
Now don't laugh, it is rather pathetic isn't it.
I bought it last year and was fooled by what it could grow into,
I didn't check the small print that would be in many years! 

And look at the loo roll Sweet Peas!

I think they are nearly ready to go out, I'm just waiting on a 
trellis/obelisk thingybob to arrive which I will share with you.
(Looks quite different, more pyramid shape).

I also planted some seeds in tiny pots in my equally titchy indoor greenhouse.
All very experimental with odd seeds I've found.
Salvias, Dwarf Dahlias and Wild Pansies.

I'm getting a lot of satisfaction from seeing these little bits of green.
Even if it is just 20 minutes a day I try to do a little bit of 
gardening - whether it be indoors or outdoors.


I've finished Line of Duty so I'm now in a position to comment - Karenlotty
(although I don't want to give too much away in case others haven't seen it).
So my thoughts initially were "Oh, really?" 
I have to admit I was bordering on being a little disappointed but then I stopped
and thought about it more and revised it to: "Actually, that's quite clever".
Will there be another season I wonder?

Baby Driver - Netflix 
Smooth faced getaway driver with just one job left but it is
all about to go wrong.

Would I pick this film? No not normally but Elliott was visiting and had
control of the remote!
Am I glad I watched it? Definitely.
I even put my crochet down numerous times as I was enthralled.

I was so surprised by this film, the main character is a music junkie
and this is relevant, it is how he times his getaways from robbing banks.
Excellent soundtrack and the action is in sync with the beat.

Other stuff:

This full time working lark zaps the hours each day, I also cannot
believe how tired I get when I'm just sitting at a desk but I guess 
I am using my brain (which is probably a little shock to it!)
On the plus side, I am enjoying my job and happy to do full time 
whilst working from home.

This week my office has been hosting a learning week with guest speakers
and we were lucky to have Jo Fairley - (she of Green and Blacks chocolate fame).

At school her careers advisor told her she would not amount to much,
in fact went so far as to say she would be lucky to even become a 
Girl Friday in an office.
This resonated with me.

We had a 'careers advisor' at school, we queued up outside and had a maximum
10 minute interview.  I remember it so clearly.
I sat on the plastic creaking chair and before I could say anything, she said 
"Do you want to be a secretary or a nurse?"
I replied saying I would actually like to be a writer or get into advertising and
she tutted and said "stick to being a secretary then".

Don't get me wrong, being a secretary has held my in good stead for 
nearly 30 years but I often wonder...what if?
Did something similar happen to you?

And that has pretty much been my week.
This weekend I would like to visit my sister, I hope to get into the 
cabin to start June's Charity Kit and on Sunday we are having a takeaway
with my parents - which will be lovely and feel like some normality is returning.

Talking of charity kits - 
I still have some April kits available and the price is now reduced to
Please visit the blog post here if you would like to purchase.

Take care friends, wishing you a lovely weekend.


  1. Morning Christine.
    Thank you a lovely little chat again.
    I am glad all is well in your little
    corner of the world. I would have missed
    so many good programs if my grandaughter
    had'nt say gran you must watch !!!!.
    Have a lovely weekend with your family.
    Take care and stay safe Kitty.

  2. Gorgeous crochet squares and blanket. Seedlings are all looking good, can't wait to see your obelisk. Baby driver sounds great but don't have Netflix. I can't even remember having careers advice at school, if I did I guess it wasn't that good if I can't remember. Christine you have done writing, you won a competition for writing and the book Carole Matthews did about must count too. Have a lovely time with your family. Take care stay safe xx

  3. Great catch up on all your news. The crochet looks lovely and the plants look very healthy.

    Totally agree with your comment about working full time-stops you doing so much,


  4. Lovely to catch up while I drink my coffee and watch the birds. We have many similarities in our lives, not just being Mum's to two boys! I too have my indoor garden growing in my conservatory. I planted a huge load of seeds and crossed my fingers. When the first seedling appeared I cheered! Now I have an ever growing greenhouse here, dahlias, sweet peas, tomatoes and chillies as well as some random flowers too! It's so exciting. Many are ready to go out, but not in this weather! They'd be blown to bits!! As for the career advice, I remember an almost identical scenario. I wanted to take Art & Technical Drawing as I wanted to be an Architect. It was all done by hand in those days, not on computers! I was told not to waste my time on those subjects and was guided to apparently more important GCE's as they were then. I too often wonder where I'd be now had I gone with what I truly wanted. You should write a book Christine, I leave reading anything you write. You'd make an excellent writer. Xx

  5. Lovely to catch up while I drink my coffee and watch the birds. We have many similarities in our lives, not just being Mum's to two boys! I too have my indoor garden growing in my conservatory. I planted a huge load of seeds and crossed my fingers. When the first seedling appeared I cheered! Now I have an ever growing greenhouse here, dahlias, sweet peas, tomatoes and chillies as well as some random flowers too! It's so exciting. Many are ready to go out, but not in this weather! They'd be blown to bits!! As for the career advice, I remember an almost identical scenario. I wanted to take Art & Technical Drawing as I wanted to be an Architect. It was all done by hand in those days, not on computers! I was told not to waste my time on those subjects and was guided to apparently more important GCE's as they were then. I too often wonder where I'd be now had I gone with what I truly wanted. You should write a book Christine, I leave reading anything you write. You'd make an excellent writer. Xx

  6. I love the blanket I really don’t have the need to make blankets at present I am having a break from amigurami and making a crochet Messenger style bag which I intend to line with fabric- all from leftovers
    I agree re Line of Duty It was that wry little smile by the prisoner that made me wonder if there’s going to be another series or a spin-off
    I have Baby Driver recorded from ages ago I really must watch it
    Hope you’re getting into the swing of work again I wanted to work in a bank (that was the fashion/craze at the time) My careers teacher didn’t help at all and the bank manager wouldn’t take me on because of my diabetes At 16 I didn’t think anyone would take me on I ended up in the civil service How many of us can genuinely say they their first job was what they dreamed of
    Have a good week xx

  7. Lovely blanket Christine. Love the colours of the summer one. Your seedlings are coming on well. Hope by the time they are ready to go outside this awful weather has stopped. One day this week we had continuous thunder and lightning. Went on for ages. Was quite frightening. Would have seemed worse if had been at night. Enjoy your meal with your parents. I can’t remember seeing a careers person. I always wanted to be a hairdresser but no working in an office would be much better. Enjoy your weekend.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.