
Friday 27 March 2020

Friday Chat Day

Hello friends

How are we all doing in these very strange times?
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you may have
seen my lighthouse keepers post, my own little analogy. 
If not, here it is:

I woke up this morning and it struck me that we are all now lighthouse keepers. 
It takes a special person to be a lighthouse keeper and we 
now need to step up to that job. 
Isolation is hard but we need to be committed to the task, 
understand the importance and recognise the position as a service to mankind. 
Our dedication will accomplish the goal and save lives. 
Shine bright fellow lighthouse keepers 

I wrote this before the lockdown, it is even more pertinent now.
So, I'm imagining us all in our own lighthouses, finding ways
to get through this and if I can help in a tiny tiny way each week
with my chatty post then I am very happy to do so.
Pop the kettle on, I've got quite a bit of natter this week.

What to do with all this time at home?

Being told to stay home is very different to choosing to be at home.
I initially found this to be a mental obstacle but I think I've overcome this 
with the help of a routine and lists.
When I say routine, I'm not up at the crack of dawn and going for
a run as my one form of exercise, lord no! 
It's a flexible routine - keeping active in the mornings,
housework, bit of gardening, tackling a job from the list,
walking Bella and then later sitting down, crochet and telly.

Good time to mention crochet...
Very pleased to be pattern testing - woohoo! 
I'm surprised to be doing this as it is less than a year ago that 
I started crocheting but I have dedicated quite a bit of time to it!
A lady on Instagram Libbycraft was asking for testers, 
I applied and she said yes.
It is a nice easy pattern and here it, part way through and 
modelled by Bella, of course.

The List! 
I'm an avid list maker, I gain so much satisfaction from ticking 
off items so I have a daily list, a weekly list and a general 
household to-do list and a set of highlighter pens -

I take list making very seriously! 

The downside of a household to-do list is that  
we are all pretty useless at DIY! 
I love my boys dearly and if you want a computer built,
anything techy then no problem.  
If you want your larder door lock fixed this is the result...

The door does now shut, sort of! 

With all this extra time indoors the temptation to eat is pretty strong!
Are you dipping into the biscuits more often?
Our one form of exercise per day has involved walking Bella,
she's doing quite well out of this lockdown and is already
demanding walks with either me or the boys.

On those walks I've noticed how quiet it is apart from the occasional 
hum of lawn mowers and hedge trimmers.
Gardens are going to be beautiful this year.
There are no vapour trails in the azure blue sky.
People are keeping their distance, crossing  the street 
but calling out good morning.
In spite of what is happening it is actually really beautiful.
And then there's things like this too ...

Back at home (and resisting those biscuits) I am still working for my city job
on Thursdays and Fridays.  Our London office is closed and we all
have virtual offices, mine is in the corner of my bedroom.
My colleagues are Bella and the cats, totally useless at making tea.

Elliott is also able to work from home, his job is in IT software 
and he supports US callers so works from
2pm -10pm - from his bedroom.
Mitchell not quite so fortunate in that he works in retail at Bluewater,
so he is at home for the foreseeable future working through a list! 

This week's purchase to help smaller businesses is 
an Easter card from Top Its Cards on Etsy.
I've framed it because I like it so much.

Lisa is the artist and also the lady that designed this print 
based on Bella - blimey that dog gets exposure! 

This week's telly roundup:

Moving On available on BBCiPlayer
Created by Jimmy McGovern, each episode is a stand-alone story 
involving people facing life-changing circumstances.
I've watched every episode over the years and we are now on Season 11.
Thought provoking and look out for lots of famous faces.

Midsomer Murders available on ITV3
If this pandemic lasts a year I still don't think we would have
time to watch every episode! 
Whether you prefer John Nettles or Neil Dudgeon in the role
of DCI Barnaby there is something quite comforting about MM.
Perhaps it is the idyllic scenery and the overall politeness of the show.
There's even humour in the somewhat far fetched murders;
flattened by a wheel of cheese or thrown in an 
industrial washing machine, to cite a couple.
It is certainly a nice way to wile away a few hours.

So that sums up my first full lockdown week.
Before I go I must say a big thank you to those who donated through Ko-fi
It has enabled me to buy all the envelopes and paper bag 
packaging for the forthcoming charity kit which is going ahead 
and will be available on Sunday 5 April.

I have 5 kits left from last month in case you missed it/fancy making another,
please click here.

Take care friends - fellow lighthouse keepers,
keep washing those hands before you dive into the biscuits! 


  1. Lovely photo of Bella. Love the lighthouse theory. Fantastic news about the crochet, well done. Lists, I live by lists, love writing them and crossing things off. I made your recipe from last week yesterday, yummy thank you. Your diy did make me laugh, but it works and that is the main thing. Maybe the boys could watch some youtube posts on diy. Stay safe have a good week xx Hazel

  2. Hi Christine
    Loved reading your chatter this morning. I must say that my garden is looking very neat and tidy for this time of year, plants trimmed, weeding done, greenhouse washed (I can see through the glass now), tomato seeds sown, patio swept and prepared for pressure washer. House clean and disinfected. I have very dry sore hands now lol. We are walking my neighbors dog once a day too, so he can have more than one walk a day. All in all, we are coping rather well with the isolation, I am in my craft room in the evenings, sometimes being creative and sometimes just creating a complete mess, so needs tidying each morning.
    The most difficult thing for me is not being able to see the kids in person, although they are fine, it’s just the knowing that we can’t visit and they won’t be popping home for the weekends, but as long as they stay safe. I think we will appreciate each other when this is all over.
    Love to you and the boys and stay safe.
    Love Chris xx

  3. Thanks for the update-hope your parents are keeping ok?

    I’m adapting to a new routine too-going for a long walk with hubby as soon as I get home., I’ve been sitting outside at lunchtime to make the most of the lovely weather. Hubby is working from home & I’m still going into work as we’re expected to provide a full service (Hospital Pharmacy).


  4. Michele, my parents are doing ok, Dad is going on a bike ride for his exercise each day. Mum is poorly with another condition which does make it hard when I cannot see them. Keeping up to date on the phone and leaving groceries in their porch. Thank you for continuing to work and helping us all, truly appreciate it xx

  5. Hi Christine.
    Thank you for the lovely chat.
    Your crochet is beautiful. Christine I know what you mean by having
    the biccy munchies.
    My little charity shop has had to close so I have put all card making on hold.
    I shall miss my little ones at Easter.
    I have three grown sons and are all hopeless at diy, but they could build you an engine.
    Take care and keep safe Kitty.

  6. Great chat CHRISTINE I look forward to Fridays as it reminds me of what day of the week we’re on!
    I have been working from home and staying in for a couple of weeks now I am on leave now until 31st I haven’t made lists but am ploughing through jobs that had been left
    I am still crafting and card making although not quite with the enthusiasm I used to have
    All I can say is so far so good
    Take care all and stay safe xx

  7. Good to read your post each week and catch up with what’s happening with you. Have two lovely sons but both hopeless at DIY. Computers are their specialty so that’s a big help at times. Been self isolating for two weeks so haven’t seen any one only my son from afar when he delivered some food. He and granddaughter have been self isolating since she finished school and ice skating as she has asthma. Hopefully he will stock up with food soon. Had plenty of phone calls, FaceTime with family and made a lot of phone calls so have had someone to chat to. The crochet testing sounds good. Will keep you with plenty to do and I do like the pattern. Take care.

  8. Hi Christine and thank you for your chatty post. Sounds as though you have been keeping very busy with both work, crocheting and all the other jobs at home. I would have thought Mitchell with all his techy know how would have found something on UTube to help him do the repairs you need . Where's Barry Bucknall when you need him? or perhaps you are too young to remember him!! Your dad will know who I mean. I feel as if I am living in a bit of a surreal state at present. I occasionally saw a car going by this morning but haven't seen any humans not even the usual dog walkers today. I am resisting the biscuit tin though and trying to keep busy.
    Bye for now Jackie xx

  9. Hi Christine, A really chatty post today, I'm loving your crochet and Bella obviously approves too.
    We went to Sainsbury's this morning, they allocate 8-9am Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the elderly and vulnerable, and 7.30-8am for the NHS workers, it was lovely watching the NHS workers coming out of the store with their shopping, we were all waiting in a queue round the block, each 2 metres apart, waiting for our turn, it was nice to see that some toilet rolls were on the shelves at last too.
    I'm glad to see that most people are sticking to the 'rules' but some others are blatantly flouting them, such idiots they are so selfish.
    Take care, keep safe and stay well.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx


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