
Friday, 12 July 2019

Friday Chat Day

Hello friends

Another week flying by and here I am with my Friday Chat Day.
Creative news... 
On Tuesday evening I attended a Brush Lettering course in
Leighton Buzzard, a bit of a trip but as my friends were going
I made a day and night of it.
The course was an introduction and we followed practice sheets.
I enjoyed it and I've discovered some brilliant YouTube videos by
Kelly Creates which are extremely informative so this could develop!

My crochet journey continues and I was so pleased to finish my Dune Blanket
on day 100 of the 100 Day Project.
I'm not sure I would have managed it if I did not have that incentive.

It's soft, warm, snuggly and totally impractical now!
Roll on Winter.

Family news - let me introduce you to Bear, a 9 year old bundle of gorgeousness.
This poor little soul was in a Romanian kill shelter and his days were numbered.
My Sister found out about him and requested to adopt him.

His journey to his new home took 31 hours, through Hungary,
Austria, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and France.
As you can see he looks a lot happier now and he has certainly fallen 
on his paws. My sister has an enormous garden and land for this boy
to explore.  Such happy news.

I've taken time off my city job this week to blitz my cabin.
I started yesterday and only managed one corner, I guess I must have a lot of stuff.
More items have been added to Pre-Loved, including machines,
these are virtually new and postage is free.

Also we took delivery of new items on the website including
the Jane Davenport items (totally forgot we had them on back order!)
Please feel free to take a look at those here.

Well I had better get back to my cabin and finish off those other corners,
I'm finding stuff bought years ago! 
Have a brilliant weekend, what are you up to?

Take care friends and thank you for stopping by.


  1. Sounds like another new hobby on the horizon Christine. This is something I would like to try too. The blanket looks amazing all warm and snugly. You have been a busy bee in the cabin. Your sisters' dog is lovely and good on her for the rescue, he looks so much happier now. Have a great weekend mine will consist of some time in the garden sorting it out. xx Hazel

  2. Great to hear all your crafty news, I’ll be checking out the ore loved Dies as I love a bargain.

    Bear looks so different-I’m sure he’ll have a wonderful life here. My hairdresser has rescued two dogs from Romania and they’ve settled in really well.


  3. Good Morning Christine
    I already do the Caligraphy but Crochet is hit and miss I start then leave it!lol
    Nice sorting the Cabin and finding things that you had forgotten!
    Lovely little dog for your sister to rescue!
    Hope Mum is still on the mend!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  4. Hi Christine and congratulations on finishing your blanket. It looks so cosy so will no doubt have plenty of use later in the year. I seem to be constantly sorting and tidying things many of which have not seen the light of day for a long time!! However a local charity for women overcoming addiction depression anxiety etc has benefited as they have found crafting so very therapeutic - well, luckily we all know that firsthand!! Have a good weekend xx

  5. Morning Christine, I love your blanket, I’m so impressed that you completed it in 100 days. It would have taken me several hundred days, I’ve done about 10” of a baby’s blanket in about 4 weeks! It’s good to know that these challenges are do-able though. I must have a look at the You Tube brush lettering classes, as I’ve got some brushes and had a go but definitely need some guidance! It’s much too hot to be sorting out your cabin, go sit in the garden and crochet instead. We are off to Hyde Park today to see Bob Dylan and Neil Young, and tomorrow to London again to meet friends and see Rutherford and Son at The National. Sunday recovering! X

  6. Melonie Pickering12 July 2019 at 10:04

    The crochet blanket looks amazing.....I no longer have the patience or the focus required to make anything that big so stick to smaller baby blankets for prem babies. The little dog is gorgeous, what a life to lead now.... I tried sorting my crafty corner in the living room (2 desks and a set of drawers and anything that fits under the telly table hahaha A one bedroom flat with no real storage space is definitely a challenge to a hobbyist with die cutting stuff in abundance and yarn for knitting/crochet spilling out everywhere too haha

  7. Hi Christine,
    I enjoy your Friday chat, and well done to your sister for adopting the dog.
    Love your blanket too.
    Have a good day in the cabin.

  8. Lovely blanket Christine. Mine has been abandoned for a few weeks as I was knitting a shawl. Must get back to it. Lovely dog your sister has rescued. Enjoying your Friday chat.

  9. Hi Christine.
    A lovely cosy blanket, I notice the nights are drawing in a bit now.
    I hope your sister has lots of fun with her new friend, does he understand English?.
    Have lots of fun with your new hobby.
    Take care and have fun Kitty.

  10. Hi Christine, Such a lovely lovely story of Bear, he looks such a happy doggie now, your Sister has done a fabulous thing, I am so pleased.
    Your blanket is stunning, I honestly don't know how you have done this, it is stunning.
    Enjoy your clearing out of your cabin, it's amazing what you find hahaha.
    Your brush lettering course has got you fired up for more, well done.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  11. Lovely yo read your news again Christine. Well done on your beautiful crocheting, a very useful item for the winter.
    Bear looks a gorgeous little dog. I too have a new rescue Labrador today so hope he has a good night tonight.
    Enjoy your weekend xx

  12. Hi Christine,
    It’s great to catch up on all your news and congratulations on completion of your Dune blanket.
    What a lovely story about your sister adopting Bear, his life will be so much better, he looks gorgeous.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Chris xx

  13. Thanks for the catchup
    My dad used to use Letraset back in the day before computers for his job - rub on alphabets As a child I used pour over the catalogue picking out fonts I liked and copying them
    Your blanket is amazing - well done you
    Bear is so cute and thankfully he has a lovely home now
    We have a picnic at a Salsa venue tomorrow So we’ll be having fun dancing outside - weather permitting xx

  14. Lovely catchup! I am glad you had a nice weekend on your lettering course and your blanket is absolutely amazing! Bear looks so happy in his new home with your sister! xxx


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