
Friday, 26 July 2019

Friday Chat Day

Hello friends

Back blogging my Friday round up, I'm enjoying this - it works as a 
diary for me and nice to still be in touch with you,
as long as you don't mind my ramblings!

I have to mention the heatwave (sorry!) My cabin has been a sauna.
I was really pleased to get to my city job to sit in blissful air con! 
Poor Mitchell is up in the attic room in our VT (Victorian Terrace),
he has two fans running to try to keep cool.
Even the cats have stopped going up there because it is too hot! 
How have you been coping?

I did venture out to the fields behind the cabin and was delighted to 
see that the bullaces are ripening well.
For those who may not know, they are like little plums and 
I often pick a batch, stone them and pop them in a crumble.
They freeze well too.  Nothing beats nature's free snacks.

In all honesty, I'm a Autumn/Winter person so although the sunshine is 
brilliant for getting washing dry I truly enjoy much cooler climates.

This week brought about sadness in that we had to say goodbye to our
gorgeous old lady cat Imogen. 
She had reached the grand age of 19 and was doing incredibly well
and then suddenly her health plummeted. 
I am grateful she didn't have to suffer at the end but it was hard to say goodbye.

Pets are representative of time and Imogen came into my life at a
very significant crossroads, just when I found myself as a single Mum
bringing up the boys in a rented flat.
Desperate to feel more homely I went in search of a pet. 
She was given to me by my local vet who warned me she was a
rescue kitten and somewhat feisty, that was a very big understatement.
Later she calmed down but she always ruled the house.
She also got the pleasure of leaving that rented flat and living in a house
with many other pets - she might disagree that was always pleasurable! 
She was featured a few times on craft projects too,
back in my scrapbooking days.

RIP Imogen - you are missed.

Now onto brighter things...literally!
My crochet continues and this project I've fondly named 
The Ice Cream Blanket.
If you follow me on Instagram you'll know I've been struggling 
to like the yellow stripes, I felt they stood out too much.
I'm embracing them now after some lovely responses telling me they look fine.

This was supposed to be a blanket featuring squares 
(as mentioned last week) but after making 
half a dozen I decided squares and me do not bode well.
I was also dreading the thought of joining them altogether.
I returned to this pattern (Dune Blanket by Attic 24)
and merrily got going on stripes.

At this rate we are at great risk of having many many blankets in our home -
(unsure if there is a collective noun for blankets - perhaps blanki? 
I digress....)  So - I've been considering whether there is a market
to sell one or two with proceeds going to charity.
Interested to know your thoughts.
In the meantime ....most evenings I'm enjoying my free time 
crocheting and in front of Netflix.
I'm becoming a bit of a Netflix nerd - loved The Umbrella Academy
and Stranger Things - any other recommendations gratefully received.

Hope and Chances' news -
if you haven't been on the website recently please pop over.
We are adding pre-loved items daily and updating our clearance section.
It truly is time to grab some bargains.
We have also restocked Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L products here.

Okey dokey, I think that rounds up news from my little world this week.
Always lovely to read your comments - thank you.

Take care friends - have a perfect weekend.

Friday, 19 July 2019

Friday Chat Day

Hello friends

Another Friday Chat Day, a weekly round up of the goings-on
in my little corner of the world.

First big thanks for the lovely comments regarding 
Bear - my sister's rescue dog - he is settling wonderfully and we 
are planning a Bear and Bella meet-up soon.

Crafty news:
Around midday today I will have a new post up on the
Scrapbook Adhesives blog - here's a little sneak peek of the project.
This time I've used Adhesive Dots, these make a great addition
to your sticky needs!  We have a selection on the website here.

My cabin is undergoing quite a transformation right now,
it's a bit of a muddle as sorting out many items.  
You will see more and more pre-loved items going up on the website 
including steel rule dies.  Please keep checking back from time to time.

Elliott and I did a boot fair 
last Sunday and that was quite an experience.
I haven't done a boot fair since my boys were little and I had forgotten
how interesting they are.  It was difficult to resist buying quite a few items,
I had to keep reminding myself that I was there to sell not buy!

My new addiction news:

Yes, crochet is still taking up a lot of my new found free time.
I've just started a CAL (Crochet Along) - something very new.
It is in conjunction with Bella Coco Crochet (her YouTube videos are ace)
and it is to make a blanket consisting of squares.
Here's three done and I have to confess they took a while,
turns out I am better at rows than squares! 
I need 64 in total so I'm thinking I will have chance to improve.

So yes, this extra time I now is sheer bliss!
I had got used to such a regimented timetable of working and now 
I get to wake up and take time to enjoy the first cup of tea and 
not rush around. Well, unless it is Thursday and Friday - I'm up 
at 5.45am those days! 

And here's my crochet companion with her new haircut.
Her groomer noticed that rather strangely her coat has suddenly changed
texture and colour and she's right, it is brighter and smoother.
It may have something to do with the incredible amount of chicken she is 
fed when she sees her Nanny and Grandad! A lucky pooch.

This week we celebrated my Mum's birthday.
We took a trip to the local garden centre to have a nose around.
Fell in love with these beauties.

That evening all round to Mum's
for a Chinese takeaway and Bella assisted gift unwrapping.
She assumes that every gift is actually for her! 

Mum has battled a lot recently with various health problems,
it is a bit of a roller coaster as she just gets on top of one issue and 
then another pops up.  I've got her crocheting with me now so we are 
spending some nice afternoons sitting in her sunny conservatory relaxing.

All in all a nice week.  Back at my city job today and looking forward
to a weekend of more cabin sorting and crochet.

Take care friends, thanks for stopping by and 
wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Friday, 12 July 2019

Friday Chat Day

Hello friends

Another week flying by and here I am with my Friday Chat Day.
Creative news... 
On Tuesday evening I attended a Brush Lettering course in
Leighton Buzzard, a bit of a trip but as my friends were going
I made a day and night of it.
The course was an introduction and we followed practice sheets.
I enjoyed it and I've discovered some brilliant YouTube videos by
Kelly Creates which are extremely informative so this could develop!

My crochet journey continues and I was so pleased to finish my Dune Blanket
on day 100 of the 100 Day Project.
I'm not sure I would have managed it if I did not have that incentive.

It's soft, warm, snuggly and totally impractical now!
Roll on Winter.

Family news - let me introduce you to Bear, a 9 year old bundle of gorgeousness.
This poor little soul was in a Romanian kill shelter and his days were numbered.
My Sister found out about him and requested to adopt him.

His journey to his new home took 31 hours, through Hungary,
Austria, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands and France.
As you can see he looks a lot happier now and he has certainly fallen 
on his paws. My sister has an enormous garden and land for this boy
to explore.  Such happy news.

I've taken time off my city job this week to blitz my cabin.
I started yesterday and only managed one corner, I guess I must have a lot of stuff.
More items have been added to Pre-Loved, including machines,
these are virtually new and postage is free.

Also we took delivery of new items on the website including
the Jane Davenport items (totally forgot we had them on back order!)
Please feel free to take a look at those here.

Well I had better get back to my cabin and finish off those other corners,
I'm finding stuff bought years ago! 
Have a brilliant weekend, what are you up to?

Take care friends and thank you for stopping by.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Friday Chat Day

Hello friends

Here I am, back again with a round up of my week and generally
nattering to you.  It might be time to pop the kettle on if you fancy
reading to the bottom! 

I'll begin by saying thank you for the comments and messages
regarding last Friday's post, all very kind and so appreciated.

So what's been happening this week?

I popped up to Milton Keynes to see my good friend
and writer Carole Matthews.
Each month six of us get together for a crafty get-together.
Carole is kind enough to open her home for us.
I've forged the best friendship with these ladies so these
are special days indeed.

We indulge in all sorts of crafts - die cutting, stamping and this time I 
took my crochet despite it being a scorcher of a day.
I wasn't driving home until the following morning so I got to indulge in a 
rather special cocktail - this is The Laverstoke made with
Bombay Sapphire gin, seriously good!

And on the crochet front, I'm nearing the end of my Dune Blanket,
a dozen more rows and the border to go.
It will measure approximately 6 x 4 feet so will be perfect for 
Bella and I to snuggle under in the Winter, a tad warm right now! 

I've got lots more crochet projects planned and also
some works in progress - all blankets.
The boys questioned whether we are going to turn off the central heating
this Winter and just walk around wearing blankets. 
Now there's a thought!! 

I am totally enjoying this crochet journey,
it is so relaxing and when I cannot get near my hook and yarn,
I'm consumed with following crochet Facebook groups and 
Instagram accounts -  a whole new community!  
Apologies if crochet is not your thing - skip all the above! 

Other stuff...
Life's testing moments!
you know what I mean, those incidents that pop up and 
you have to deal with through gritted teeth.

Last week it was the plumbing this week it's the car.
My car decided it had had enough on Monday 
and wouldn't budge, (perhaps it heard that it doesn't have to hare up and 
down the motorway quite so much!)
 Turns out it was the 'diesel lift'. As per usual, an engineering part 
I've never heard of.  With my somewhat vivid imagination,
 I instantly saw a mini elevator complete with uniformed attendant
asking which floor was required! 

In reality it is a pipe that had split.  All sorted now 
thanks to Alan and his repair garage that is just along my road.
I can't begin to tell you how handy that repair garage is.

I also visited the cinema this week to see Marvel's End Game -
(can you tell I'm the mother of sons).
I do enjoy these films, total fiction, pure escapism
and frantic Google searches afterwards to figure out the time travel aspect! 

A round up of my week wouldn't be complete without mentioning
the spoiled pooch.  Bella had a doggy play date at Mote Park in Maidstone.
Mitchell met up with his work colleagues and their dogs for a day out.
He took a ton of photos - just of Bella, I think that's favouritism.

Now some papercraft.
I've got a project up on the Scrapbook Adhesives blog, a tutorial 
on customising little notebooks.
I like projects like this, so simple and who doesn't need a little notebook!
These plain notebooks come from Flying Tiger
if you have one of these stores near you definitely pop in 

My tutorial also shows how to insert an elastic strap around the notebooks,
invaluable for keeping receipts.

The finished notebooks.

If you have chance to pop along to their blog and leave a comment,
I'm super grateful.
Also, Hope and Chances stock Scrapbook Adhesves products here.

The end of my week means City working days and I've started to 
capture a photo or two on my way to work.
This blue building is my office at Aldgate. I'm on the 12th floor - 
you will not finding me using the stairs! 
I liked how the reflections bounced off the buildings in the sunshine
and always pleased to see the effort made with plants.

This weekend I'm back in the cabin having more of a sort through.
Please keep an eye on the website for Clearance, Pre-Loved 
and if you like the Jane Davenport items we have a new stock of those.

So...I think that wraps up this Friday's chat - wishing you a lovely 
weekend, too warm for a roast but perfect for barbecues! 

Take care friends.