
Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Step away from computer and...quilt!

Hello friends

On Sunday I chose to not panic about the new website and the zillion
of things required to set it up and instead got out my quilting panels.
It was so relaxing to do.

These are the Cut and Quilt Panels designed by Hayley West
and available on Hochanda here.

This time the panel is Cross Block and Hayley West brought this 
one out in her second collection of designs.  
I've got one more to do in this collection, happy for quilting to
be my Sunday pastime.

I always cut the pieces as soon as the panels arrive, normally in front of the TV.
Bag them up separately so I know they are ready to go when I feel like sewing.
I confess that each time after I've cut out all the pieces I do think
'how is that going to work?' 
But the instructions are brilliant, clearly written and 
with clever images to guide you along.

To start you sew the small squares to create rectangles.

These are then stitched to the rectangles ensuring lighter squares
are in opposing corners.

Then the remaining rectangles are sewed together to create squares.
I did think about making sure my birds were all facing the same way etc
but decided I really didn't need to - random is good!

You then have various designs of stitched squares and three 
make up a row, I lay them out, pin and stitch.

To finish you stitch the plain beige border. Mine doesn't always quite align
but each time I'm getting better! 

The finished panel.  I'm happy with this even thought there is
very slight misalignment (wonky bits) but I find wonky quite endearing! 

Last week Hayley revealed three more panels, 
Simple Weave, Disappearing 9 Patch and Jewel Box.
You can purchase all three here or individually.
With this last collection it makes a total of nine panels to complete the quilt.

I have never attempted quilting before, I shied away fearing it would be
far too complicated and scarily would involve maths (I don't do maths!)
This has been easy and really enjoyable so I definitely 
recommend that Cut and Quilt Panels are the way to start.

Take care friends, hope your week is starting well.


  1. Morning Christine,
    My old Mum always said don't worry about what you don't do today there's always tomorrow. So enjoy your quilting.

  2. Hi Christine you ate certainly progressing well so looking forward to seeing the final set of panels and ultimately your finished quilt xx

  3. It sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday. Your quilt blocks are coming along nicely, won't be long until you have a completed quilt. Looking forward to seeing the new website once up and running again. Have a great day xx Hazel

  4. Hi Christine, Congratulations you are doing really well, it is addictive you know haha !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  5. Great work Christine
    Hope the launch is continuing to go smoothly


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