
Sunday, 23 December 2018

Bags of Money!

Hello friends

Today sharing with you a festive project I created for the 
Reindeer Treat Bags or bags of money!

So simple to make. 
Little cello bags and using Mistletoe Gatefold to fold over
and secure the bag closed.

I used Reindeer as the topper and added loops of gold twine 
for a softer touch.

You need not put chocolate in the bag, these would make great
reindeer treat bags - perhaps put in a carrot or seed reindeer food.
Or maybe gingerbread?  Elliott recently made gingerbread and it was 
lovely, I failed at my attempt to make it so I think I'll leave the baking to him!

For the full money bag tutorial please pop over to the Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L
blog here and if you have a minute leave a comment,
I truly appreciate that.

Items used with clickable links:

Mistletoe Gatefold (in the sale!)

Thank you for the kind messages asking about Mum,
she's really quite poorly at the moment as she now has 
shingles, which is really unfair on top of everything else.
We are hopefully keeping her bright and fingers crossed
she feels better for Christmas.

Take care friends, I'm back with one more post
before the big day!


  1. Gorgeously cute bag Christine, love the reindeer. Sorry to hear your mum has shingles as well, sending lots of hugs and get well wishes. Have a good weekend xx Hazel

  2. Morning Christine.
    Thank you a lovely idea for chocs.
    So sorry to hear about you Mum, I hope she will soon feel better.
    Take care all Kitty.
    I found my boys had a lovely light hand for pastry.xx.

  3. Oh no, your poor Mum, Christine. I do hope she recovers quickly, shingles is a horrible illness.
    Great little bag, I’ll pop over to Scrapbook Adhesives and have a look.
    Two more sleeps to go.
    Have a nice day
    Chris xx

  4. Lots of gentle cuddles for your Mum Christine , I hope she feels better soon .

    Love your little choc bag , yes leave the cooking and baking to the men they make a far better job than us Christine .
    Elaine H X

  5. Great project today-so cute.

    I hope your Mum soon feels better.


  6. Good Morning Christine
    Love the little bag and great that Elliott is a good cook thats good news for you!
    So sorry Mum is not good, keep her warm and sending best wishes won't you!
    love Marg

  7. Morning Christine,
    Sorry to hear you Mum is unwell, I wish her a speedy recovery.
    Love the little gift bag.

  8. Sorry to hear your mum now has shingles. Hope her health improves soon x

  9. Oh dear so sorry to read your mum now has shingles. Hope she us not in too much discomfort and can still enjoy her Christmas. Wishing you and all the family a peaceful and relaxing few days xx
    Oh and the project is a great idea too!!

  10. Good morning Christine so sorry to hear you mum has shingles now they are so painful sending her some warm Hugs
    Love your raindear bag such a good idea.
    Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Sending love to your mum and hope she feels better soon. Really like the treat bags. X

  12. Morning Christine, I’m so sorry to hear that your Mum now has Shingles on top of everything else. I had it about 15 years ago and it was the most debilitating and painful thing I’ve ever had, so can really understand how she’s feeling. I hope she soon improves and can enjoy something of Christmas. Love to you all. Jean x

  13. Thank you so much for taking the time to show us a beautiful idea; especially when you have other issues going on. I do hope your Mum improves soon and that you all have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes too you all for the New Year. WakeyL

  14. This is adorable Christine, a great gift idea.
    So sorry to hear your Mum is not well and shingles are difficult for anyone much less a senior. Praying she feels a bit better for Christmas.
    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

  15. A lovely little gift bag Christine. Thank you. So sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she can enjoy Christmas. Happy Christmas to you all.

  16. Hi Christine, This idea is fabulous !! I adore the reindeer, she is so cute.
    I hope your Mum is soon feeling better, it seems to be one thing after another, I 'feel' for her.
    Well done Elliott, I adore gingerbread, but tend to make 'circles' instead of 'men' as I don't like to bite their heads, arms or legs off haha.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  17. Lovely cute gift bag Christine. Please wish your Mum better & have a good Christmas. I do hope the New year will bring better health to your Mum.Also I wish everybody on the blog a merry Christmas & peaceful new year. G-d Bless. Cheers Jean xxx

  18. Lovely cute gift bag Christine. Please wish your Mum better & have a good Christmas. I do hope the New year will bring better health to your Mum.Also I wish everybody on the blog a merry Christmas & peaceful new year. G-d Bless. Cheers Jean xxx

  19. So cute Christine thanks, Ann


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