
Thursday, 4 June 2015

Throwback Thursday!

Hello friends

Throwback's all over Facebook, Twitter and more.
Urban dictionary tells me it is:
"When you put a picture from a "while" ago on your social media sites"
so I thought I would have a "crafty" Throwback Thursday!

I posted this scrapbook page on Thursday 4 June last year
when it appeared in Scrapbook Magazine.
A geometrical layout with a handy tag for journalling inserted at the side.
The dies featured are FluttersSprigs and Blooms Four - all in stock!
Oh and the photo of Elliott - wow he has changed! 

Yesterday we were back at the Royal Marsden and firstly...good news - 
Elliott's CT scan came back clear, no changes to his tumour - such a relief.

Secondly...I think we still have a battle on our hands regarding the open sided
MRI scanner.  No decision has been made and we should hear within
the next few days but they seem adamant to go down the route of more
psychological counselling because they feel this is best in the long run...

There is so much I could say, it was a long meeting and we barely got a word in(!)
 but I will wait and see. 

As always, thanks for your kind words and wishes and mostly for listening.

Take care friends and please stop by tomorrow for FDD :)



  1. Hi All.
    Glad to hear the good news, keep fingers crossed that it will all go Elliots way. Take care Kitty.

  2. Am so pleased to hear the good news - such a relief. Keep on battling! Andrea x

  3. Brilliant news for Elliott, thank you for keeping us posted.
    Chris xx

  4. Fantastic news re CT scan results. Fingers crossed for the next hurdle.


  5. You are such a busy lady that a throwback thursday is a great idea. As always my heart goes out to you just thinking about how well you cope with Eliot's treatment, and I am so pleased you had some good news.

  6. The best news Christine, you must all be relieved!
    Janice x

  7. Hi Christine. Fantastic news about Elliotts scan result, sorry that the other issue is still not sorted, fingers still crossed on that one for Elliott, and you all.
    I loved this page last year and still feel the same on seeing it again. Goodness how Elliott has changed since this photo was taken : ) Have a good day in the city, well, as good as you can! Take care xx

  8. What great news Christine - you all must be so happy with the news - take care :)

  9. Great news on Elliott's scan, but it's sad that you barely got a word in, because that means 'they' were barely listening to you. What a shame.

  10. So pleased for the great news for Elliott and keeping on hoping for positive news re the open scan, great to see the page again, hugs Carole Z XX

  11. Hi Christine, So pleased for you and Elliott such good news about his scan. Hope all goes well . Love Jean Z xxx

  12. Hi Christine

    Wonderful news re Elliott's scan so pleased for you all. Sad you did not get the open sided MRI resolved everything crossed you will get a good outcome we are here so if you need to rant we are all good listeners. take good care Bless you.

    Lovin the scrapbook page and the great pic of Elliott Wow how he has grown tall and
    Handsome and such a lovely young man.

    Luv n hugs Annxxx

  13. Hello Christine
    So glad the CT Scan was clear!
    Sorry they were so up themselves, and not let you get a word in! sometimes these people forget they are talking to human beings!
    I am 71 and get spoken to like I am a child, and have no intelligence at all.
    I have to stop, and tell them to start again without the condescending attitude! Sure makes 'em sit up and listen!
    Fingers crossed with the MRI scanner Christine!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  14. Hi Christine, I am so pleased for Elloitts good news. It's very difficult to be in the position Elloitt is in, needing the scans, yet not wanting to go through the trauma of the earlier ones. Plus now he has "come of age" and not a child anymore. On their side, I am pretty sure they don't want to leave him with very negative trauma left and not over come this dread of the machine. I will hold him and you his mum in my prayers until this is a distant memory. X Ros

  15. Hi Christine,
    Really pleased to hear Elliott's CT results are good. I hope you will get the MRI sorted soon,
    Today's page is lovely,it is really nice to see things again.
    I hope you have a good day in the City. Take care. x.

  16. So pleased to hear Elliot's CT scan results were good and hopefully you will get the news you want for the open scanner soon.
    I remember this scrapbook page, is it a year ago!!!
    Will be be seeing some more of you in Scrapbook Mag soon? I hope so.
    Take care xx

  17. Fantastic news about the scan.
    He has come a long way, especially when you see the photograph on this scrapbook page.
    Janice W

  18. Great news about the CT scan. I hope you can get the MRI business sorted out
    I love the scrapbook layout and the ice cream colours

  19. Hello Christine,
    What good news for Elliott and you. Psychological counselling my bum. You are his mother and you know your son better than they do, so continue fighting for what you believe will be in his best interest, and in the meantime I'll pray - a little extra help never comes in wrong.
    Love Maureen xxx

  20. Lovely scrap book page. fingers crossed for the right mri outcome xx hazel

  21. Lovely scrap book page. fingers crossed for the right mri outcome xx hazel

  22. Hello Christine
    Brilliant news about the tumour, not so great news about the scan. I hope it gets resolved quickly for both your sakes.
    I love the scrapbook page, boy Elliott has changed.
    Enjoy your day. Not much fun at work I know but a necessary evil.

  23. Fantastic news. You must all be on a high! x Gillian

  24. So glad to hear the good news regarding Elliot's scan

  25. Hi Christine,
    So pleased to hear your news. You must be pleased.
    Best wishes, Anne O

  26. Hi Christine, Great news for Elliott, my fingers are firmly crossed for equally good news on the scanner.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  27. Such good news for Elliot it's a good job he has his Mum fighting his corner!!! X

  28. Great news on Elliott's scan. Hope the future continues like that.

  29. Hi Christine,
    Such good news about the CT scan results! I am thrilled, you and Elliott must be so relieved !
    Where has that that young lad gone,?! He looks so different , it's not until you look back that you realise just how much he has grown, it's just unbelievable, but amazing at the same time!
    Love and hugs all round,
    Sandra xxx


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