
Monday, 20 October 2014

In the Pink!

Hello friends

Hope you all had a good weekend, a busy one here.

A project for Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L today, a pink card to
commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I've used the 3D Foam Hearts for the central feature.
 The very pretty papers are Graphic 45 - Botanical Tea.
All the details are here and if you can please leave a comment on the Crafty Power Blog
I would be really grateful.

The wood treating of the cabin has begun...
it is nice and natural.  
Vinyl flooring purchased and that is also down, more photos to follow.
The next task is moving stuff out of the shop into the cabin, the expression
"quarts into pint pots" springs to mind! 

Take care friends, I'm back soon.


  1. Hi Christine and Family.
    Your cabin looks lovely. Good luck with the move. Christine is it also a home for the big eight leged creatures? thats what puts me off lol. Take care all and have fun. Kitty

  2. Gorgeous card Christine, love the look of your cabin! I see Kitty mentioned it might me a lure for spiders, well I actually don't see many in mine at all & it's often neglected for days at a time whilst I craft indoors. This spring we took everything out to paint it again & only one appeared. They freak me out but I did rescue it, let it loose in the garden, only for the poor thing to be snapped up by one of the hens! Hugs Carole Z xx

  3. Lovely project, the cabin is sounding more and more interesting each day.


  4. Good morning Christine,
    A lovely card, I do like the Gaphics 45 papers. Your craft cabin is coming along nicely, can't wait to see what you do with the inside.
    Chis xx

  5. Hi Christine, the cabin looks great. I imagine that you just want the transition over now. The card is clean and simple, love it. Valerie

  6. Lovely card Christine, cabin sounds like it's coming together xx hazel

  7. Hi Christine,
    Really pretty card today,love the pink corners.
    Your cabin is looking great,vinyl down too,all in less than 1week. Take care. x.

  8. Hi Christine, love the cabin looking lovely. Love Jean Z xx

  9. Hi Christine, looks like you are making progress with the move. Quarts into point puts, well if the men I know were doing the job the result would be a disaster, but we women seen to have the organisation gene and can achieve miracles so I have confidence you will succeed. As for the spiders, I was told they only live in die places so every time I see one in the house I TRY to think positively and say that at least the house is dry.
    Love the simplicity of the card, less is so often more
    Love and hugs
    Linda x x x

  10. Re above it should read dry places,but die places will do ha ha ha

  11. Very Pretty card Christine and the cabin looks lovely. bet you're sooo excited about moving in.
    Love Val in Spain x

  12. Beautiful card and beautiful cabin. It will take time but you will get there.

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

  13. Another lovely card Chrisitine - very feminine. Wow your cabin looks great - enjoy making it your own

  14. Good Morning Christine
    The Cabin is coming along at a speed now... I bet you already have shelves up in your mind!
    Will there be heating?
    The colour is warm, I hope you will be too!
    Take care
    Love Marg

  15. Good morning Christine,
    Wow looking good so far, I bet your fingers are itching to get moving in, you will be amazed at what you will be able to fit in, look around at ikea etc gorgeous some storage solutions, they have some fantastic ideas!
    Pop some conked in the corners, they repel spiders, failing that the kittens seem to love them!
    I can't wait to see the pictures of the finished craft retreat,
    You must be very excited, I live today's card, really pretty, I will pop over and leave a comment!
    Crafty hugs
    Sandra x

  16. Morning Christine
    Such a pretty card today, I have left a comment on the blog!
    Your cabin is looking good, you've chosen a lovely colour, the boys have obviously been busy! Looking forward to seeing the next stage. As for spiders....conkers are the supposed to be good or Lakeland sell a Spider Catcher!
    Janice x

  17. Morning Christine,
    Love your card, very pretty, I have these papers they are lovely.
    Log cabin looking good, I don't mind spiders, mind you I would not be happy if I found one of those poisonous that can be imported in with bananas.

  18. Lovely Card ,very pretty papers .
    Your Cabin is coming along nicely a lovely color chosen Christine and i cant wait to see the inside , as for spiders they get anywhere and everywhere don't they ? i had a mahoosive one in my bathroom on Friday night eeks, not usually bothered about them but i had to get my friend to do the honor of removing this one LOL way too big for me.
    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  19. Morning Christine, A gorgeous card, loving the hearts with Graphic 45 papers and silk flowers, really beautiful.
    Your cabin is coming on well, you have all been very busy.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  20. Great card Christine, love the flowers. Log cabin looking good too

  21. Hello Christine, I am very envious of the speed your new crafting home is coming together. It will be lovely very soon.
    X Ros

  22. Hi Christine. What a gorgeous card, such pretty papers : )
    The Cabin is looking lovely, knew you would keep it natural looking : )
    Have fun(!) getting organised. Good luck!
    Take care.

  23. Beautiful card - there's something about pink and kraft I really like.
    Your cabin is looking great. I can't help but envy the speed with which you get things done in your family!

  24. Hi Christine,fantastic card ,love the craft and pink are a great mix.The cabin looks super,.thank you the G.C. Handel I forgot,to ask you how much do I owe you,plus the P+P. .??

  25. Hi Christine
    A lovely card today - pink is my favourite colour and the charity is such a worthy one.
    Loving the cabin. Looking forward to seeing the inside photos soon.
    Enjoy your day

  26. Hi Christine
    The cabins looking good, and I'm sure you will be able to fit everything in it. I love the card you have made, I lost my niece to breast cancer 5 years ago and it was the worst time ever for her parents and she was an only child and kept putting off getting married and having children. They had just decided to do both when she had it and then the brain tumours that killed her.

  27. Hi Christine

    Beautiful card clean and simple and such pretty coloured paper and flowers.

    The log Cabin is looking great know what you mean about quarts and pint pots I am in the midst or tidying and sorting my craft stash some things have not seen the light of day in years amazing how we collect things lol :-)

    Read somewhere that if you place conkers (from horse chestnut tree) in the corners of a room the spiders do not like the oil in them think its called Badedas ? spelling hope that helps.

    Hugs Annxx

  28. Great project I did hop over and leave a comment. The cabin is coming along nicely xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.