
Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Tuesday Tip/Technique

Hello friends

Today a tip when using the Bauble Blossom dies, these are the ones that contain a quilling strip.
When these were first launched I had a flurry of emails and I recently received a couple
more questions so thought I would offer some tips.
 For the middle of the flower, you can use a proper quilling tool if you have one,
if not I found the end of a pokey tool works well.
Once you get started coiling try to keep it as even as possible.
Cards coil differently, if your card feel inflexible lightly mist with water to break down the fibres.
Once your base is complete, secure the end with liquid glue and allow to dry.
To attach the petals to your quilled base, the embossed/right side goes on the inside.
You may want to use two strips of petals to create a fuller flower.
A fine line of glue along the entire length of petal strip ensures it's a permanent flower!
 The rolled flower before tweaking!
Bauble Blossoms come in two designs to each set but look good mixed and matched too.

The shop is still having some maintenance carried out at the moment but re-opening tomorrow.
The paperwork at home is depleting, I can nearly see the bottom of the filing tray - hurrah!

Take care friends - have a great Tuesday.


  1. Good morning Christine
    This looks like a very useful die. I do love flower dies and have many in my collection.The tip about misting the paper/card stock is brilliant - I have struggled with some card.
    Enjoy your day

  2. Thanks for the top tip-I got this die set ages ago & haven't been brave enough to use it! Feel up to the challenge now.


  3. Hello Christine
    Another Die that I haven't been brave enough to tackle...but seeing your demo it might go on my never ending list!
    Pretty colour card too!
    Love Marg

  4. Morning Christine
    What a pretty flower this die makes, thank you for the tip!
    Have a good day.
    Janice x

  5. Morning Christine, I have these dies and haven't used them, thank you for the tutorial, I hadn't realised that the straight strip was the central part of the flower and that you glue the petal strip onto that. I will get them out now and give them a try.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  6. Good morning Chrisitne,
    Thank you for the brilliant tip once again, you have the unique gift of making even the simplest of dies look fabulous!
    What are you having done at the studio?
    Will you be having anymore of the Silver workshops?
    Boo to paperwork, much nicer to be crafting!
    Big hugs
    Sandra xxx

  7. Hi Christine. What pretty flowers. I hadn't thought about buying thee but I'll have to add them to my ever growing list now.
    Love Val in Spain x

  8. Hi Christine
    Such a lovely flower from this die so another goes on my wish list.
    Pleased you are getting to the bottom of your paper work ,i think it is worse than ironing .

    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  9. Morning Christine,
    Not dies that I would have bought, but seeing the very pretty flower I may have to change my mind.

  10. Hi Christine. Thanks for the tips. Looking at the two shots of the flower You wouldn't think it was the same one would you, it just shows what a tweak or two does! Well done for getting to the bottom of the paper pile. Every time I get around to finally sorting mine I vow not to let it build up so much again but before I know it the tray is overflowing again, do you have the same problem I wonder? Other things (for that read crafting , of course) are always much more important aren't they : )) Enjoy the sight of the empty filing tray later on today. Take care.

  11. Lovely dies and a beautiful flower xx hazel

  12. Hi Christin, great tip,thank you.

  13. Well done for dealing with the paperwork Christine, it isn't mu favourite job either, though I tend to do as much as possible online these days.

    I have a similar die (different make, sorry) so I'll have to go and look it out, it hasn't seen the light of day for a good while now.

  14. Hi Christine, Looks quite easy to do will have a go now. love Jean Z xxx

  15. I have these dies and never use them because I end up with petals in same place all the time, will have another go. Thanks. xxxx

  16. Hi Christine,
    I am a bit late today,I have been really busy in the garden,where does the time go.
    Thank you for the Tuesday tip,I really love the flower you have made. Take care. x.

  17. Hi Christine, really useful tip today. I don't have this die but can see how useful it could be. Anne x

  18. Hello Christine, I have never been happy making these sorts of flowers. They always end up so bulky but maybe I'll follow your tip and have another go. Wish me luck. xxMargaretxx

  19. Fantastic dies , x


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