
Saturday, 15 March 2014

Lights, Camera, Action!

Hello friends
Thank you for all your kind wishes yesterday, 
Elliott's appointment went well.  
We still have a way to go with various things but we all keep positive 
(and eat McDonalds!)

Awoke yesterday to the fog horns on the River Thames - they are loud!
It wasn't a surprise to arrive at the studio/shop to see it 
looking like this....a right pea souper!  Looking very Victorian.
(Shame about the blue bin bags!)
Some interesting and exciting news - a film crew is visiting the High Street!
On Sunday 30 March (which is actually the day of Nikki Payne's classes)
filming will be taking place just up the road from the shop at the Old Town Hall. 
Gravesend is going to be transported back to the 1960's with extras in 60's
costumes and a Morris Minor parked along the High Street.  
No idea what programme this is for - what do you think?
I'm wondering/hoping it might be Inspector George Gently - a glimpse of 
Martin Shaw would be quite pleasant!

If you are attending Nikki's class there should not be any disruption although they
have said they may have to stop the flow of pedestrian traffic occasionally but
no longer than 5 minutes.  
I think we might be crafting, cake eating and star spotting that day!
Nikki's morning class has sold out but there are some spaces left 
in the afternoon.  Nikki has been telling me her plans and I've been ordering
some beautiful Heartfelt Creation dies and stamps - real treats in store!

Crafty news today.... more dies have been added to the Pre-Loved section
on the website and keep an eye out on the Spellbinders blog!

Take care friends - enjoy your Saturday.


  1. Sorry to disappoint Christine but Gentley is filmed in my part of the world, Northumbria. It makes the programme so much fun to watch as we shout look it's such and such a place at the TV.
    Glad things went well for Elliott,I keep thinking of him.

  2. Hi Christine. Pleased to hear that things went well at King's yesterday.The Town Hall has a beautiful façade and will be easy to spot for us 'non locals'! Enjoy the weekend.Hugs,
    Maggie x

  3. So pleased Elliott's appointment went well; we had a pea souper too, right up til lunch time - then the sun broke through & it was glorious! Fingers crossed Martin Shaw is filming, have a good time :) xx

  4. Glad your appointment went well Christine. It might be Call the Midwife evidently the next series is set in the sixties!! Susan xx

  5. Hi Christine, glad Elliott is ok , It was very cold and windy here yesterday afternoon and looks very cold this morning, Me and my Daughter are going to Harrogate craft show so we will be having a good time . love Jean Z xxx

  6. Hi Christine, glad all went well yesterday, even with McDonalds!!! Happy crafting Valerie

  7. Morning Christine,
    Good news for Elliot, so pleased that it's all going the right way.
    Interesting about a film crew visiting, could be a new programme, I'm sure all will be revealed soon.
    Have a good day.

  8. Morning Christine
    Good to hear that all went well with Elliott
    We have had a lot of fog lately too
    How exciting about the film crews

    Have a good weekend

  9. Morning Christine, The piccie is lovely, as you say, shame about the blue bin bags haha !! We had the same 'fog' and I thought we would end up with sun, but how wrong I was, it was awful, and last night it went really cold and the wind was really strong.
    So glad Elliott's appointment went well.
    The filming has got us all curious now, you will have to promise to tell us what programme it is for !! We will then all be looking out for it.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. Exciting news about the filming keep us posted about it. Glad Elliott's appointment went well and McD's had a visit. Hope you have a great weekend xx hazel

  11. Hi Christine,
    A film crew in Gravesend looks very interestiing like you I wonder what it can be,you will have to keep us informed.
    The sun is out today it looks like more gardening must be done.
    I hope you have a good day. Take care. x.

  12. Hello Christine!
    Here in Bristol its been foggy most of the week, but today I can see for miles!
    Love the picture looks like a Jack the Ripper background,lol!
    Glad Elliott's appointment went Ok!
    Can't wait to hear who was filming would be OOOOOOhhhh, if it was Martin Shaw ! I adore him!
    Take care Christine enjoy your day!
    Love Marg

  13. Hi Christine. So glad that Elliotts appointment well well yesterday. There may still be issues but keep on being positive. I hope Mitchell is doing well also. Nikki's class will be extra fun with the star spotting going on during the breaks : )Depending on who the stars are you might be able to put the price of the class up! (you know I am only joking) I keep forgetting to say that I think the PRE-Loved section in your shop is such a great idea. I hope you have a good weekend and the fog doesn't cause anyone any trouble. It is fog free here today with a little sun starting to break through the clouds : ) Take care.

  14. So pleased all went well for Elliott ,
    i couldnt begin to guess what the filming will be for,but i do hope you catch some good eye candy ,{ how exciting }.

    Have a good weekend
    Elaine H X

  15. Hi Christine
    We too had fog yesterday, but then turned into a gloriously sunny day, good for drying paint as we're decorating!
    Pleased to hear the hospital visit went well. Whoever you have filming there, it will be interesting for you and the class ladies to have a peek.
    Hav a lovely day.
    Janice x

  16. So glad everything went well with Elliott. Yep Martin Shaw would have been easy on the eye but it sounds like he's up in Northumbria x.
    Just bought a couple of you pre-loved dies from your on line store. Very easy transaction, thank you xx Crafty hugs Beverley x

  17. Sounds exciting Christine. xxxx

  18. Sounds exciting Christine. xxxx

  19. Hello Christine. Glad things went well for you both yesterday. Maybe they'll spot you and you'll be famous. Have a great day. xxMargaretxx

  20. Fog can change a place completely. It is strange here when all the mountains disappear, but looks amazing when it sits on the loch and a little boat comes through it.
    So glad Elliot's appointment went well. Keep him wo3king hard though.
    Janice W

  21. Hello Christine, I almost cancelled a holiday as Sean Connery was filming locally to me in Lancs and they wanted more extra's, was happy to know a few when the film came out, however no one told me about Richard Gear being in the same film.
    X Ros

  22. Hello again Christine. I've just seen your super memo holders. Love, love, love them!! hugs,
    Maggie x

  23. I always keep everything crossed when Elliott goes for his appointments - glad to here things are going well (even with the odd thing here and there). Can't wait to find out what they are filming there - you could be an extra if you play your cards right and wear the right gear!!! I still have some in my wardrobe that I can't bear to throw out ! Oh don't set me off reminiscing!

    Hugs to you all Sue Pxxx

  24. wow classes sound busy ,well done and it is great to hear Elliott is doing well .Laura O

  25. Hi Christine. I'm back again to say that I love the memo holders, the royal Medallions (and brads)are beautiful. Do you remember where you got the brads from? Take care.

  26. Glad Elliot's appointment went well although I'm sure there is still a long way to go! Wondering what will be filmed maybe you could get a part in it, enjoy the sunshine x

  27. Love that photo ! Say hi to Elliott for me xx


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