
Thursday, 6 February 2014

Playtime and Wishes!

Hello friends

Well, I really have teased you about the next Charity Kit!
I promise you will not have to wait too long for the big reveal.
I've got some finishing to do, typing of instructions and possibly a video
and then you will know everything!

I think I am swayed with regard stocking a few Pom Pom Makers so will
keep you posted on those.  Instructions to create the Heart Pom Pom Maker was supposed to
be today but I got a little sidetracked by some visitors yesterday...

Make A Wish Foundation came to visit Elliott to see if he would like a wish granted!
The Royal Marsden put Elliott's name forward and we are delighted that
he has been considered.  Elliott was asked to think of what he would really like to do and
my boy was very modest in his wish and asked if he could go to.....Bristol!
Now I know Bristol is a lovely place (Carole Z will agree) but you can imagine I was
a little surprised.  But there is a good reason for it being Bristol, apparently some
serious computer geeky game players who produce lots of You Tube videos
have set up a company there and Elliott's wish is to meet them.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that they will agree and if they do,
we're heading off to Bristol!
More classes have been uploaded to the website - it is worth mentioning that if you hover
over the Classes tab it will have a drop down menu showing the months - they are more
organised and easier to view that way.
One of the new classes is something that I've been wanting to do for ages -
Spellbinders® Playtime!
It is literally playing with the dies, trying out different techniques and experimenting.
The class is less structured - you can make cards, tags, whatever takes your fancy.
And...cardstock, tags and patterned paper is supplied!  
Perfect if you know you've got some birthdays/anniversaries etc looming.
You just bring along a basic crafting kit and adhesive.

And...talking of adhesive I finally have some of the new 3D Designer Shapes in stock.
I love these and have used the 3D Foam Stars here...
 3D Foam Pennants here... (and the gorgeous Lace Hearts)
3D Foam Frames here..
and 3D Foam Leaves here...
Told you I like them! :)

Take care friends -
stop by tomorrow because you know what it is....!


  1. Such exciting news for Elliott - I hope he gets his trip to Bristol

  2. Hi Christine. Fingers crossed that Elliott gets to Bristol. Make a Wish is a wonderful charity, they really do make wishes come true for so many children and young people. Wish I could get to one of your classes, the Spellbinders Playtime sounds like great fun. Love your cards etc. made using the 3D foam shapes. Take care.

  3. Morning Christine.Great news for Elliott, something really exciting for him to look forward to! I love all of your projects today~ especially the pompom card.Hugs for you all,
    Maggie x


  4. Morning Christine fabulous news about Elliotts visitors yesterday I have got everthing crossed that he gets his wish something he would love to do.
    Luv n hugs Annxx

  5. So Happy for Elliott, he so deserves to have his wish granted, I will also keep my fingers crossed for him. Who knows what doors will open for him if he is able to make this visit. Spellbinders play time sounds like fun, I only wish I could be there, but I look forward to your videos.
    Love Chris X

  6. Good Luck to Elliot, hope it comes ff for him. xxx

  7. OOH Christine..let me know when you will be coming and if you've time, would be great to say 'Hi'!! Had no idea about the games set up, of course Bristol is the home of Aardman and lots of film and media stuff, so not surprised! Love the makes and new shapes...will have to check them out, as I really love the hearts! Carole Z X

  8. Oh wow fingers crossed for Elliott he really deserves it and I do hope he is chosen! Susan x

  9. Hi Christine,
    Good luck Elliott I hope your wish comes true and you get to Bristol.
    I love your projects today, Have a good day in your London job. Take care. x.

  10. Hi Christine, Hope Elliott gets his wish my Grandson would love it too. Love the projects they look fun . love Jean Z xx

  11. That's so lovely about the make a wish foundation fingers crossed he gets his wish. Playtime with spellbinders sounds like such fun wish i lived closer. Love your cards and tags. Have a great day xx hazel

  12. Morning Christine,
    Here's hoping Elliot is granted his wish, a very modest wish I must say.
    Love all of the projects they are lovely. Spellbinders playtime sound fun.
    Hope you do nit have too much trouble getting to work today, what with the weather and the tube strike.
    Take care.

  13. Hello Christine,How lovely for Elliott I do hope he gets the trip to Bristol. I will be looking at the 3d page to see all their products.
    X Ros

  14. How lovely for Elliott to get a wish, what a nice treat for all the things he's had to endure this last year. I do hope they make it come true for him.

    Love all the cards etc. too.

  15. Afternoon Christine,
    Good luck Elliott with your wish I am sure it will be granted.
    All of todays projects are a hit.
    Amanda x

  16. My wish is that Elliott gets his wish! I have to admit that I'll never be able to share a passion for all things gaming, but I know there's a lot more to it than there seems and you have to be pretty smart to write all that techy stuff. So good luck Elliott.
    The 3D foam shapes are a great idea and the lacy hearts have made their way on to my 'wanted' list.

  17. Hi Christine
    I'm keeping everything crossed for Elliot, as he so deserves to get his wish.
    Your projects today are gorgeous.
    I must say how lovely it is to have you back 'crafty' posting again. It's really good to see all your makes, giving us all lots of inspiration - thank you! 👍
    Janice x

  18. Hi Christine
    Wonderful news for Elliot. Hope he gets his wish and goes to Bristol. The make a wish foundation do some wonderful work.
    Can't wait for tomorrow to come and love the 3D shapes.

  19. let's hope Elliott gets picked for his wish [would be a nice treat for him ] Laura O

  20. Hi Christine, What a fabulous surprise, the Make a Wish Foundation is a great charity, and I am so glad they have contacted Elliott, fingers crossed he gets to .... Bristol.
    Loving your projects today, the 3D foams are really great.
    You are still being naughty haha.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  21. Fingers crossed Elliott gets his wish , love the projects x


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