
Monday, 10 February 2014


Hello friends
Thank you for the lovely response to the new Charity Kit,
very soon I will start the step by step instructions to assist with the 
box assembly and decoration.  As mentioned, a few further kits will feature decorations,
for the craft caddy.  Some of you have emailed your storage ideas - thank you.
So far the suggestions are stamps, Promarkers, keeping all your gems/brads and
works in progress safe.
Also, many of you have ordered some additional items to complement your craft caddy -
Box Corners and Ornate Box Feet.  They are going to look brilliant!
 I am really excited by this new kit - something different and extremely useful. 

Talking of something different... I've had to do some serious thinking recently
regarding the studio/shop.

For many months while Elliott underwent treatment the doors remained closed - 
the business just about ticked along in the background of my blog and website.

Now the doors are open I've quickly realised I need to fully utilise the space I have.  
My passion is Spellbinders and die-cutting, it ALWAYS will be
and it will remain the heart of Hope and Chances Creativity - 
I really want to stress that!

That said, to keep Hope and Chances Creativity open I need to ....diversify.
I am opening the door to different crafts, fabrics, knitting, jewellery making and more.
You will have already noticed some slight diversification - my pom pom addiction!
Guest tutors are going to be a big feature - this allows for a complete range of styles
and I get to learn new skills too!

In fact, if you are a tutor and would like to utilise the studio then please get in touch.
My signature tea/coffee and homemade cake will always be a fixture!

I am hoping you will join me on this journey of craft exploration.
Sometimes in life it is good to mix things up a little...

Back to today - how about an altered notebook?
I've used Edgeabilities to enhance the cover and added
pretty ribbon to act as a closure.
 The pendant is small bezel filled with Ice Resin and a charm
I am running a Coffee and Create Class for an Altered Notebook 
in case this one has tempted you :)

Also, today I will be in the studio/shop preparing for Friday Die Day -
it actually falls on Valentine's Day so thinking of a theme shouldn't be too difficult!

Tomorrow is Coffee and Create - Spellbinders Playtime, I have a couple of
spaces left.  It truly is 'playtime' - trying out any dies you fancy, making cards/tags -
handy if you've got some birthdays coming up or you need a
Valentine's card..or two!

Right - I've been chatting away as usual - have a good Monday everyone!
Take care.


  1. Morning Christine. Interesting times ahead for you (and for us to, I think!) I'm really looking forward to the latest kit arriving ~ I'm hoping that the craft caddy will help me to keep my craft room tidier (does it come with a 'keep things tidy' spell? Another project for Elliott perhaps!!) Have a great day. Love and hugs to you all,
    Maggie x

  2. Hi Christine. I'm not surprised that the craft caddy kit is going well. It will be so handy. Good luck with diversifying, so many crafts cross over so it will only make the shop/ studio even more popular (and make those of us that live too far away even more envious of those of us that can visit you!) Love the pretty notebook, and the verse on the front is a firm favourite of mine. Have a good day. It's not raining or windy here, at the moment. Hope it's as good were everyone else is too. Take care,

  3. Looking forward to the 'diversifying' I like to give all sorts of crafts a go and dabble in knitting, sewing, crochet, master of none I might add! I notice Bella sneaked into your montage of words there! JuliaT x

  4. That's a wonderful idea Christine and i'm sure this will bring more custom your way as crafts are the in thing at present especially sewing with the sewing bee back on our tv's next week sure it will all go down a storm. Hope you have a great day xx hazel

  5. Hi Christine, I too love spellbinders but many people are now getting back to basics with knitting and are trying out new things, hope all goes well with your venture love Jean Z xxx

  6. Christine I love the craft caddy but I just don't have any space on my desk... every bit it is in use with!!!

    Love the idea of using the shop for other things.. makes a lot of sense as lots of businesses use their office space 7 days a week.

    You could maybe do a scrapbook class as you have some wonderful ideas for layouts

    Sue xxx

  7. Morning Christine, I have just sent you an email regarding the corners and feet, what a fabulous idea to complement the craft caddy charity kit.
    I am loving your diversification idea, I for one, am going to try making a quilt (when my imminent birthday cards are finished haha), as I have lots and lots of scraps of material in the loft to try with haha. I now need some quilting dies. I am also wanting to try scrapbooking this year to.
    I'm loving your altered notebook, you always know what papers go with what, they always turn out really complementary and beautiful, unfortunately I don't have that 'creative gene' haha, I try and adapt what you fabulous designers show us, and I am always amazed at the fabulous creations you inspire us with.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  8. Hello Christine. Now that makes sense. Use your lovely space and learn all the crafts that are our there. Looks like lots of your ladies know how to knit already judging by those great blankets. So glad your caddy project is going well - it's certainly something to get your teeth into - well not literally I hope. Have a good day. xxMargaretxx

  9. Morning Christine,
    Sounds very sensible to me, offer as many crafts as you are able, many more people will then enjoy your creative talent.
    Love your altered notebook.

  10. Morning Christine,
    Sounds very sensible to me, offer as many crafts as you are able, many more people will then enjoy your creative talent.
    Love your altered notebook.

  11. Morning Christine, I thin a lot of us are into various crafts so a mix of them is a good idea. I hope you all have a good wee and keep dry. Emma x

  12. Hello Christine, I wish you all the best in your new ventures. It makes total sense to make the studio work for itself. Have you thought of advertising locally for what locals need. I would love to attend sewing classes, and am looking for them.!!
    Have a great day.
    X Ros

  13. Morning Christine... I am excited for you and I'm sure It will work out fine. If I lived closer I would be 'haunting' your premises. All the 'old' crafts are back BIG time and my daughters-in-law have been asking for tuition in crochet and knitting and I am loving home décor 'once more'!.
    Enjoy your day.
    Heather W

  14. plans are really underway this year ,lots of different projects .well done .Laura O

  15. Hi Christine ,
    I love your notebook.
    What a great idea to offer a lot more craft,we all like to do many things I am sure you will get lots of interest.
    I hope you have a good day . Take care. x.

  16. Morning Christine
    I love the notebook, and am really looking forward to the class!
    Fabulous idea to broaden your horizons with your studio, it makes such lot of sense, and crafting/sewing/knitting and Pom Pom making is so popular these days!
    Have a good day
    Janice x

  17. Super cool news as the with it people say!! Great kit. Congrats and keep those super creative juices flowing. Goods wishes
    Phil D

  18. Hi Christine. A great idea. There are so many types of craft out there that I would like to try before I start spending money on the equipment.
    Have a good day.
    Love Val x

  19. Hi Christine,
    Your storage box kit is a great idea. Once people have decorated them I expect there'll be some lovely photos to share. A very pretty notebook project today - if only I had the patience....... Although I love making cards(mostly featuring Spellbinders these days) and watercolour painting, I've not 'dipped my toe' into other crafts. I can't afford to get hooked on anything else! Happy Monday.

  20. Hi Christine, yes it is good to mix things up a bit and can quite understand you need to diversify - it makes sense.
    The old crafts are coming back and I guess a lot of your followers are experienced "all round" crafters. After reading about your pom poms I sat down with my grandchildren last Friday and we made one, it was fun.
    Love the kit and the notebook.
    Elizabeth x


  21. Hi Christine

    Lovin the altered notebook such a great gift idea.
    Good for you getting more crafts into your shop/studio go girl go and enjoy all the fabulous crafts out there.
    Hugs Annxx

  22. Hi Christine I think it's a great idea to diversify and look forward to see what will be happening. I live about an hour away from Gravesend although I don't drive and also work Tuesdays but do hope to get to one of your future classes. It just happens to be both my sons birthdays in April and one is running the London Marathon also in April so hopefully I will make it to a class in May x

  23. How exciting for you and the shop! Oh i so wish I lived just a little closer :) to come and create in the shop with all of you! My best wishes for everything to be amazing and have a wonderful day...

  24. Beautiful journal Christine. Good luck with your plans for your studio/shop. Susan x

  25. Absolutely gorgeous book. I love the papers, can you tell me what they are x

  26. Such a beautiful notebook/journal , great news for you with shop x

  27. The latest charity kit I'm sure will be a wnner, great idea to intro additional addons etc.
    It's good to try out new craft ideas too. If it is going to keep your lovely little studio open and you crafting, that's all that matter's - everything you do is inspirational.
    Take care, Carolyn x

  28. Hi Christine, for some reason I just could't access your blog yesterday, so having a catchup. Good luck with the diversifying - I think so many people are interested in lots of different crafts now that it's a great idea. Having got my sewing machine repaired after several years of sitting on the shelf, I am getting very in to home decor and craft sewing again! Love the note book, so pretty! Carole Z X

  29. Hi Christine
    I wish you every success with your planned changes, please keep us posted x
    What a fantastic craft caddy!

  30. Hi. Christine, I am sure that offering a variety of crafting sessions would be very popular. I know there is a growing interest in knitting and crochet in my neck of the woods. I attended a morning knitting session a few weeks ago and there were 13 'students'. Good luck with the diversification. Anne x


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