
Sunday, 5 January 2014

Rain rain go away....

Hello friends
Sunday - a day of rest, relaxing, reflecting on the week before... 
well, that isn't happening here!

Charity Kits - more have been prepared and all sent out.
If you have received your kit and made it I would love to see pictures please.

TV Design Boards - this is something you my or may not know.
I prepare the Spellbinders boards showing the dies and die cuts, these are
displayed during the shows on Ideal World and Create and Craft.
This is one from previous shows featuring Borderabilities.
With CHA around the corner there are lots of boards to create,
I can guarantee there are some gorgeous new dies to tempt you! 
In fact, starting tomorrow there is going to be a sneak peek and a chance to win!
You can read all the details here.
By taking part you go on a little tour of blogs and see beautiful creations.
Sadly I could not take part this time due to hospital visits etc but I hope
to be back to full time creating with Spellbinders very soon.

Also today, I'm spending a few hours collating photos and notes regarding the damage to the shop 
from the water leak.  It is drying out but still looks nasty.

But what isn't drying out is the weather.
Please rain, enough is enough - you can stop now.
This photo was taken of the promenade just along from my shop yesterday...
you could sit on the bench and paddle your feet if inclined!

Knitted squares - I've begun to sort them into sizes and very soon organising 
mum, friend and I a day to start joining them together - really looking forward to it 
and sharing photos with you all.

And to finish today's roundup a 'Life is better with friends' card.
More of an autumnal look but it was difficult to find a card that reflects
the winds and floods here right now!
It features an assortment of dies including Jewel Flowers and Flourishes,
inking through the die creates a nice effect on the petals. 
Take care friends, enjoy your Sunday and I will be back soon.


  1. Hi Christine goodness your promenade looks dreadful I hope it stays away from your shop. Can hardly wait to see the new dies!! Susan x

  2. Morning Christine,
    Great blog today, full of news, new Spellbinders, looking forward to a peek.
    Gravesend Prom looks pretty wet, our beach is quite low so not had this problem. Really feel for the people in Yalding, it's such a lovely village.
    Try to have some time for yourself today.

  3. Hi Christine. Glad to hear your shop is drying out, it takes so much time though doesn't it! We have had enough rain but we are very lucky where we live that we are flood free, so sad for so many others. My square hasn't got any bigger in the last week as my hands are really not very happy at the moment to hold knitting needles, sorry about that:( Sure you and your Mum and friend will enjoy joining them all up though. I love the card, didn't know that you do the Spellbinders boards for C & C and Ideal World though, can't wait to see the new goodies :) Hopeyou get a bit of time to relax today. Take care.

  4. Morning Christine.What a full post today,so full of lots of interesting things. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new Spellbinders and wondering how long I will be able to resist a purchase or two! I'm onto my second square now so I'm hoping to finish it before we leave on Thursday then I can get them posted to you. Enjoy your Sunday .Love and hugs to you all,
    Maggie x

  5. Morning Christine

    That is a lot of water around!!! We have been more fortunate this time.. no floods here. Hope the shop soon gets dried out.

    Cant wait to see the new dies and no doubt I will need them all


  6. Good Morning Christine!
    Looking forward to the CHA and the new Spellbinder Dies etc!
    Nice to know its you who puts together the boards for the Dies!
    I too wish the rain would go away!
    I'm fed up with looking at the poor birds trying to get the sodden seed on the tree, and table, they look so sad.
    Take care Christine!

  7. Hi Christine, cannot wait to see what new things we must have!!! As with most crafters our needs are small but the must haves win every time. Hope the shop dries out completely soon. Love Valerie

  8. Hi Christine,
    Lovely card today, You must be very busy making the design boards for well as sorting out your studio.paperwork.
    Gravesend prom does not look good at all,I hope the weather gets better soon for everyone. Take care. x.

  9. Hello Christine, I am looking forward to the CHA shows to see all the new goodies.
    I like the card colourway as they just look muted due to being waterlogged.
    The sun is shining here, so let's hope its an end to the rain.
    X Ros

  10. Hello Christine, I am looking forward to the CHA shows to see all the new goodies.
    I like the card colourway as they just look muted due to being waterlogged.
    The sun is shining here, so let's hope its an end to the rain.
    X Ros

  11. Can't believe its the last week of radiotherapy next week, I'm sure you will be glad to see the back of that. My kit arrived yesterday, haven't had time to put it together yet. I had a new camera for Christmas which has wi fi so I can send my photos direct which would be great if I could work out how to use it!!!!!! Weather has been awful here we are about an hour from you luckily we live at the top of a hill!! Have a good week I am back to work next week so my comments will become shorter xx

  12. Hi Christine, pretty card love it. Jean Z xxx

  13. Hi Christine
    A very pretty card again today
    i cant wait for the nicer weather ,it is so cold again here today
    Elaine h X

  14. Morning Christine, my kit arrived y/day and looks gorgeous thank you, will tackle it when finished some birthday cards needed this week. I agree we have all had enough rain and its still falling here this morning. Gorgeous little card. Good luck for this weeks treatment for Elliott. Emma xx

  15. I have similar thoughts about the rain Christine. I get it about a day earlier than you, as I'm on the NW coast of Ireland (it's quite stormy here as I write). But, if we didn't get the rain, would we be feet deep in snow?

    Love the card, now I'm dying to see the new dies too. Didn't know you made the boards up for C&C, they always look good, well done!

  16. Pictures look great looking forward to seeing the new dies. Great card and good luck this week xx hazel

  17. Morning Christine
    Love todays card.
    Holding my breath for the new Spellbinders release I am sure there will be lots to tempt me...
    Amanda x

  18. Hi Christine, what a full post it is today with lots of exciting info. Looking forward to seeing the sneak peaks.
    I agree with you about the rain...please no more.
    Hope all is going well and have a lovely day.
    Elizabeth x

  19. Hello Christine. Poor south England really has suffered this last week or two. We'll all end up with webbed feet before long! Looking forward to seeing new Spellbinders so will pop over there now. Take care. xxMargaretxx

  20. Hi Christine Wow I just love the box and card the flower are stunning .I love the way you use your dies you get great ways to. Use the older dies.
    I did not know about the boards,where do you get the time.

  21. Hi Chris, looking forward to the sneaky peek at the new spellbinders... cant wait. We have been quite lucky with the rain, no real floods only large puddles but I agree with you enough is enough. Good luck with sewing up your squares - one part of knitting that I don't enjoy. Janice xx

  22. Rain - ugh! Had enough. Please, would someone turn off the tap? Love the cheerful card - so NOT like the weather.
    Impressive TV boards. I've never given a thought to who might be responsible for preparing these. Incidentally, what do Borderablities do that Edgeabilities don't (or vice versa)?
    Looking forward to seeing new dies and CHA shows.

  23. Can't wait to see the new dies,I am sure I will need them all!!! Glad you are getting the shop dried out sort of :o? With this weather that is a feat in it'self!! Roll on summer!! XX

  24. nasty weather here in Ireland too,looking forward to new dies in CHA next weekend[as if I really need more]

  25. Hi Christine - first of all love the card, gorgeous colours! I'm glad to hear the leak is drying, am feeling so sorry for everyone affected by this dreadful wet weather, I can't believe there's much more up there, surely? Hugs Carole Z X

  26. Hi Christine, We are all with you when it comes to the weather, enough is enough! I feel so sorry for those who are really suffering due to it. Hope your Studio Shop is sorted soon.
    Good luck with the Hosp. visits, love to Elliott, hope he has enjoyed his Christmas/New Year respite. Love Carolyn
    PS. Looking forward to seeing the new Spellbinder Dies that are coming along in CHA.

  27. Hi Christie

    Good to hear your shop is drying out, albeit slowly. Looking forward to seeing the new dies too. Good luck with making up the blankets.
    Elliot's last week....yaaay!
    Janice x

  28. Looking forward to receiving the charity kit AND the sneak peaks. Nice long, informative blog, but sorry to hear the shop is still drying out. I will look at the boards mre carefullyy in future. Glad you are responsible for them!

  29. Looking forward to receiving the charity kit AND the sneak peaks. Nice long, informative blog, but sorry to hear the shop is still drying out. I will look at the boards mre carefullyy in future. Glad you are responsible for them!

  30. Morning Christine, The weather is truly horrible, I have the tv on this morning and there are numerous Flood Alerts. My heart goes out to the people affected. Your promenade pic looks terrible, lets hope it doesn't get worse.
    I am so looking forward to the CHA shows.
    Hope the week passes quickly for you and Elliott, huge hugs are being sent to you all.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  31. hi Christine. Yes, your prom does look like it belongs to the sea. Will have a sneak peak at the new spellbinders dies. the first ones look fantastic. can't wait to see what else Spellbinders are bringing out. My kit arrived on Sat but haven't had time to play with it yet.

  32. Hope the weather gets better soon. Wow see the boards on c&c all the time had no idea you did those. Looking forward to taking a peek at whats coming out. X


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