
Sunday, 7 July 2013

You are invited....

Hello friends
I hope you are enjoying our Summer, I think it is safe to say warmth 
has arrived - hoping it will stay for a while as it is lovely to wake up and open 
all the doors and windows.
Not my window or view unfortunately but I stumbled across this photo and thought
it was perfect.

Today an invitation to the Charity Event (I finally got around to typing this up!)

I know many of you live too far away but I promise to share photos of the day.
I've mentioned a make and take - it is possible that I will have these available on my blog -
nobody should feel left out!
Sally and Janice are coming along to demonstrate stitching on cards -
if you follow their blogs you will already know how stunning this is.

More raffle prizes arrived yesterday - Hobbycraft have now donated and
my author friend Carole Matthews is also contributing a prize.
The raffle table is laden with so many goodies!

Take care friends, enjoy your Sunday.


  1. I agree with you Christine my doors and windows are open too , i think maybe in an hour or two i will sit outside to craft ?
    Aww your invitation sounds very exciting wish i could be there , get that finger clicking on the camera Christine as we dont want to miss anything
    I have never stitched on card so will away to look at the blogs .

    Have a lovely day
    Elaine H X

  2. Morning Christine,
    Sounds like your event is coming together nicely. I would love to come, but I'm already committed to a
    strawberry tea event organised by a friend. This is being held in aid of Parkinson. Why do these things always clash? I will be with you on the day in spirit on the day.

  3. Morning Christine, It is glorious here, I managed to squeeze in some sunbathing inbetween gardening yesterday, it is gorgeous, and this morning we have had breakfast outside in the garden, I could do this every day if we had the weather ha ha.
    Your invitation is fantastic, I just wish I lived nearer to you, but I will be there in spirit. Your prezzie donations sound fantastic. I'm Friends with Carole on Facebook, so glad that she is joining in, she sounds such a special lady, like yourself.
    Enjoy your day.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx
    PS Huge hugs winging your way xx

  4. Hi Christine,,
    Yes windows and doors open at last,it's so nice to see the sun.
    Really pleased your charity event is coming along so well your raffle prizes sound great.
    Thank you for your invitation I am sure you will all have such a wonderful day. Take care. x.

  5. Morning Christine,another beautiful day here so all windows and doors open wide! Really pleased that the event is coming along so well.I received my kits yesterday they are super,many thanks to you and the boys for all your hard work.Enjoy the sunshine,(((HUGS))) xxx

  6. Hi Cheistine, summer is wonderful and worth the wait.Lovely invitation and althouth many of us won't e able to come in person we stil feel part of the day thanks to the kits and raffle tickets. I wish you every succecc on the day.
    X Ros

  7. My kit arrived yesterday-many thanks. I wish I was able to visit your shop next Saturday but its too far from sunny Southport for it to be possible. The list of companies donating gifts is growing nicely-well done.


  8. Oh how I wish I lived closer.
    Make sure there are lots of pics for the unfortunate ones not able to go.
    Amanda x

  9. Thank you so much for the lovely invite Christine. I wish it was possible to get from Scotland a bit quicker. However, I will be be with you All in spirit and hope you have a wonderful day. Hugs Rita xxx

  10. Morning! .... good luck with the event. Hope you all have a fantastic day !! :) .... Christine xx

  11. Hi Christine, very hot today I am cooking for the family and hope they manage to do some gardening for me. love Jean Z xx PS good luck with the event

  12. Morning Christine, it is very hot, too hot for me i'm afraid! Hope the day goes well and im sure everyone who can make it will love it. My kit arrived y/day, its gorgeous thank you, I will enjoy playing with it. Emma

  13. wish I lived closer Christine hope it all goes well for you and you raise lots for your cause. Glad the prizes are rolling in always makes people want to buy more tickets. Enjoy your day xx hazel

  14. Hi Christine
    I agree the weather is wonderful, it makes everything feel great. Can't wait for the the 20th to arrive, really looking forward to it.
    Although I know you and your family are very busy getting kits together and arranging the charity day, I hope you are able to take a break and enjoy the lovely sunny day.
    Take care, Sally xx

  15. Hi Christine - your invitation looks great and I'm sure the day will be very successful. My lovely kit arrived yesterday (no time to play yet!!).... the windows are open wide and it's so lovely to think that summer has finally arrived... busy day today... enjoy yours.
    Hugs to all
    Heather W

  16. I expect you will be overflowing with visitors that day. Wish I didn't live quite so far away. Thank you for the invite though. xxMargaretxx

  17. Hi Christine. It is wonderful to have all of this wonderful sunshine isn't it. My kit arrived yesterday, haven't had time to lpay yet, but it looks great,thank you. I live too far away but know that you will be packed out and raise lots of money. Great newsabout more raffle donations. Take care.

  18. How fun to be able to create in your beautiful shop.. so wished i lived closer and could come to make something. I would love to donate some things to raffle though. Let me know and I can send them in the mail!
    Hugs to you and the boys, Teresa

  19. I do wish I could come! But I know you will have a fantastic day and raise lots of money!!! Carole Zxx

  20. I have a view like that from my windows Christine, but I live next door to a farmyard with a beef herd, so if I open my windows, my house gets full of flies!

  21. Hi Chris, what a lovely day it has been today. I sat out in the garden just reading my book for some of the day. Went in for a salad lunch with a glass of rose wine followed by watching Andy Murray win Wimbledon. Had a refreshing shower and am now in my craft room catching up with emails etc and of course, checking out your blog. Janice xx

  22. Hi Christine

    Yes, the Summer has definitely arrived! We've enjoyed eating all three meals in the garden the last few days, and the BBQ has been working well!

    I really hope to be able to come along on the 20th as we return from a 10 days away in the New Forest and the Isle of Wight on the Friday, so am looking forward to the visit :-))
    Sounds like everything is coming along nicely. You've all been working so hard. I hope Elliot is doing well.
    Janice x

  23. Hi Christine, Mitchell and Elliott.
    Thank you for the invitation to your charity day, unfortunately I do not think I will be able to attend, however I wish you every success for the day. Will be wishing you well and hope you raise lots of money for the cause. Anne x

  24. Hi Christine, what a glorious day it has been today and it is my son's 35th birthday too.
    I am sure you will get lots of people to your studio for the charity event but I will have to settle for second best by seeing the pictures on your blog.
    Hope you enjoyed your day.
    Elizabeth x

  25. Sounds fab Christine, I can't promise that I will make it as am going on holiday on the Monday and have lot's to do:(...But I will be with you in spirit:)
    Sorry I haven't been about much, but I have taken quite a lot on:) and don't get round blogland as much as I would like!
    My thoughts and prayers are with you always though...take care and enjoy this glorious sunshine:) x
    hugs Nikki x


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