
Sunday 16 June 2013

Man at Work!

Hello friends

Yes, I'm back today with a longer post so pop the kettle on!
It also happens to be a male dominated post!

To all Fathers today.
This was the card I created for my Dad last year using a variety of dies -
Foliage, Classic Heart, the label shape is from Jar Labels 
and a Keepsake Envelope embellishment.  
Firstly before I forget I must answer some questions. 
Yesterday, Carolyn asked whether the red flower featured was made using a die - 
it was indeed and it is Blossoms Two.
Also Janice asked about the shop opening hours.  We are coming to a decision
on that very soon - it may be particular days and hours but hoping to keep it simple!

Other new products arrived and Mitchell couldn't wait to get his hands on them.
More moulds which can be used with WOW embossing powders - this time hearts and bows.
(As always, if you would like to purchase just get in touch).
He recalled the method by mixing together Melt-It and this time he used a 
glitter red embossing powder.
Heating from the bottom - keep hold of that peg it gets very hot!
Looking molten.
Applying heat to top when pouring into mould.
Waiting for it to cool and set - it doesn't take long.
Turning it out of the mould.
And here it is - to be honest Mitchell instantly wanted to try other colours,
we agreed it would look very nice in white/cream.
Then he set about making a project, I mentioned tags were quite popular on this blog....!
And the picture showing he is really getting to grips with this crafting lark.
He chose Heart Circles and Standard Circles LG for his design.
Applying adhesive - he has realised that Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L is the best!
His finished design - a simple little gift card.
I'm thinking pretty good for a crafter in training.
As for Elliott - he had a trip out yesterday.
We haven't ventured too far since his surgery but thought we would make a point
of visiting the Model Railway Show as it was local.
(Elliott loves trains!)
I discovered very quickly that this is a seriously expensive hobby to get into!
So far we have purchased some track, I thought that was a sensible starting point.

Take care friends and enjoy your Sunday.


  1. Nice to see Mitchell getting crafty and what a lovely card now where does he get that crafty side from. Hope Elliott continues to get stronger and looks likes he enjoyed his day out at the trains.

  2. Good Morning Christine. Crafting certainly runs in the family. Mitchell has made a fantastic card and his beautiful heart in the centre is stunning. Elliott is looking good and his day out will help his recovery. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  3. Hi Christine,
    Elliott looks great, I bet the trip out did him the world of good. Great card Mitchell, be careful that you don't use up all of the supplies.
    Chris X

  4. Hi Christine. Firstly,it is lovely to see that you feel ready to do a longer blog again. Life changes but we adapt don't we! Great pictures of Mitchell busy at work, I love the card he made, well done to him. It's lovely to see Elliot out and about, glad he enjoyed it, even if it cost you a samll fortune, lol.(But money really isn't important in the grand scheme of things is it!) Takev care.

  5. Hi Christine
    Great to see the picture of Elliott on his day out. Not sure about model trains, I hear that enthusiasts usually take over the the house, well at least the attic, to layout the track!
    Mitchell is really taking his job seriously and obviously has an artist streak, he has made a lovely card and demonstrated the process so well. Anne x

  6. Morning Christine,
    Great to see Elliot out and about, bet he was tired afterwards. Mitchell looks like he's adapting well to the craft world. Loved his little gift card.
    Have a good day.

  7. Loving the father's day card. Love the moulds and Mitchel's creation looks fab. Glad you enjoyed a family day out, even though now may come a new hobby an expensive one at that. xx hazel

  8. Hi Christine lovely to see Mitchell in training. Cant wait to see what others things are going on ! Bet Elliott loved his trip out hope he is feeling better xx

  9. Hi Christine, glad to see Elliot looking so well and that Mitchell is seettling into his new job as if he's been doing it for years. Take care all of you, love Carolyn x

  10. Hi Christine, Really nice to see Elliott ,I am sure he enjoyed his day out.
    Well done Mitchell,very nice card.
    Take care. x.

  11. Good demo showing off the new mould Mitchell and good to see Elliott out and about. Juliatx

  12. Morning Emberson Clan
    Great to see the Crafting Apprentice at work looks as though he is thoroughly enjoying himself.
    Glad Elliot got out and about yesterday and track is always good.
    Amanda x

  13. Morning Christine, Wow !! brilliant post today, loving the creativity from yourself and Mitchell, but most of all I love the fact that Elliott is looking really happy on his day out, I know what you mean about it being an expensive hobby, my hubby is building two steam railway layouts and he has loads of engines and wagons and carriages, but it is a lovely hobby to have. So great to see him looking so happy. Huge hugs to you all.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  14. Aww it was so nice to see Elliott out and about and looking so happy ,hes a strong lad and will take it all in his stride im sure.

    Well Christine , Mitchell could be our Tag Man, what a great first attempt he made it look very easy ,i must look into it all and have a go myself .

    A lovely Fathers day card that you made .

    Take care all of you

    Elaine H X

  15. Hi Christine, love the card and the moulds look good all my love to all of you Jean Z xxx

  16. Hi Christine
    Great to see that Elliot is up and about. A day out would do him good. Glad to see Mitchell getting crafty. Hope he leaves you some supplies.

  17. Good Morning Christine, your apprentice crafter is getting on well, isn't he? Lovely to see Elliott with a big smile, and yes, if you want any kind of model train set up, the track is essential!

  18. Hi Chrisitine
    I love the card you made for your Dad last year. Great to see your new employee rolling up his sleeves and getting crafty....great card!
    I'm sure Elliot had a great day out and it did him good. Hope you have a very large room for his railway, I understand from others that it can take ove a room! Maybe using your loft would be an idea?
    Have a lovely Sunday.
    Janice x

  19. Morning Christine ... lovely dad card. The new moulds look lovely.

    Elliot so lovely to see you out and about. A good starting point to get some track. (((HUGS)))

    Mitchel ... What can one say you are a natural. Love the card/tag that you made. (Think you will have to invest in a melt pot ... not as dangerous as the foil trays. Look forward to your next blog....

    Hope Bella is fit and well again.

    (((HUGS))) TO YOU ALL. Have a great day.

    Happy crafting
    Chrissie x x x

  20. Morning Christine, lovely father's day card, gorgeous project by Mitchell and love the wow powders. Looks like a great day out with the trains. Emma

  21. Hi Christine,what a super post today. I'm pleased Elliott had a trip out, it will have done him the world of good ~ and he's looking so well and happy too (this is the way to beat it Elliott,keep it up!) Mitchell is going to make a smashing assistant~ love your tag Mitchell. As always your card is beautiful Christine.(((HUGS))) to you all, take care xxx

  22. So pleased that your apprentice is passing his grades with flying colours! I like those moulds, I'm giving serious thoughts to buying, but it will have to be a little later as I'm on a mission to finish off ALL outstanding projects I have on the go. Thank you for answering my question about yesterdays flower Christine, I havent got that collection of dies ( another item to consider)later.
    Wonderful news; Elliott enjoying a day out, lovely photo - always smiling. Enjoy your new hobby Elliott and keep well.
    Have a lovely Sunday all of you. Love, Carolyn x

  23. It looks as though Mitchell is a 'natural' crafter. Must have something to do with having an excellent teacher. Love both the cards and the 'moulds' looking very interesting and effective.
    Sounds like a lovely fun day out and it's so pleasing to see Elliott feeling well enough to enjoy himself. He'll enjoy his new hobby I'm sure and it will help take his mind off things. Mum you had better get your purse out, these two boys are going to cost you some more money.
    Take care yourself too Christine.
    Toni xx

  24. Good morning Christine.Love Mitchell's card. Well done that man! Also so lovely to see Elliott is getting out and about...he still has that lovely smile and it's good he is looking at taking up a hobby. Take care all of you. Hugs. Gemma xx

  25. Good morning Christine.Love Mitchell's card. Well done that man! Also so lovely to see Elliott is getting out and about...he still has that lovely smile and it's good he is looking at taking up a hobby. Take care all of you. Hugs. Gemma xx

  26. Hi Christine,
    Lovely father's day card, very good effort Mitchell and great to see Elliott up and about.
    Have a lovely Sunday.

  27. Good afternoon Christine,
    Well Mitchell is showing a natural crafty ability! Very good place to start with melting embossing powders, I hope he enjoyed eating the cake that came out of that wrapper too! When you think about some if the men that are in the crafting world they are all hugely successful, Tim Holtz, Andy Skinner to name a few, so I have great hope for Mitchell Emberson, hopefully we will be seeing his own range in the coming years! Always aim high Mitchell!
    You have made a very promising start.
    It's so great to see Elliott out and about, he is looking well, hard to think that it's only a few weeks since he had such major surgery ! Model railways is an expensive but you can add to if a little bit at a time!
    Crafty hugs to all
    Sandra xxx

  28. Hi Christine what a great post tp day ,full of promises ,and the step by step is fantastic,I love the card Michael made ,and Elliott looks so well and his lovely smile.Will you be stocking more molds?I would love a cameo one.

  29. super cool idea. love the card and the Heart is super Beautiful. thanks for sharing

  30. Love the card Christine and glad Elliott was able to go the the train show - it is an expensive hobby, my husband Tom started to get into it a few years ago, but it's cooled for the time being as we have no where for a permanent track and he seems to have lost interest! Been to some of the shows though - fascinating! Nice to see Mitchell at work - you are just going to have to get him a melt pot..they are fabulous! Hugs, Carole Z X

  31. Well done to both your boys Chris, firstly to Mitchell who has created a lovely tag and shows much promise for the future, and secondly to Elliott for putting his best foot forward and carrying on with life despite having setbacks. Both boys are a credit to you Christine. Take care. Janice xx

  32. Hi Christine, just catching up with your posts. I have missed them as I have been away since Wednesday. Congratulations to your new employee, brilliant news. Glad that Elliott had a lovely day out too. Most boys love trains don't they?
    Things are definitely looking up now for you which is wonderful news.
    Take care
    Elizabeth x

  33. Well done Mitchell - it won't be long before he's outcrafting the rest of the family. I do hope you have a big house if Elliott gets serious about model trains. Keep improving both boys and it will be a happy Mum. xxMargaretxx

  34. Glad to see Elliott enjoyed his day out. Model railways do seem to take over a room, so be careful..!!

    Loved both cards from Team Emberson, a real crafty duo.

    Take care, Mary x

  35. Hi Christine, so glad to see Elliott out and about, and the finished piece from Mitchell is really lovely.
    X Ros

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