
Monday, 8 April 2013

Reorganising our focus...

Hello friends
With everything that is going on here you might think
smiles are few and far between...simply not true! 
We have, as I like to call it, 'reorganised our focus'.
Leading up to Elliott's surgery we are planning some fun events.
First thing...Harry Potter.
I've booked tickets for Elliott and I to visit the Harry Potter Studios in London next week.
It will be a day after visiting the hospital so a nice treat to look forward to.
I found out you can take as many photos as you like at the studio - that will be a long blog post!
In readiness for this day out we are going to watch the entire film series on DVD.
We might be a bit goggle eyed by the time we get there!

We found out last week that following surgery, Elliott will require 6 weeks of radiotherapy,
5 days a week at The Royal Marsden Hospital.  To prepare for that we have
found wonderful iPad apps including Scrabble, Monopoly and more -
so thankful for modern technology!

How about something crafty now..
I'm going to share some older projects for those who may have not seen them
(apologies to those who caught them first time around).
A scrapbook layout I designed for Scrapbook Magazine featuring Daisy Flower Topper and Foliage.
Who says you can't have a flowery scrapbook page with boys!
Special thanks for all the emails too, I'm replying to each one but I'm a little behind.
Take care my special friends.


  1. What a lovely lay out it's very beautiful
    hugs Linda

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry had to delete last comment thought Elliot was pictured with Bella, too early in the morning. Hope you have a great time watching all the films and don't get goggly eyed and the Harry Potter experience will be fab.

    Love the scrapbook page so sweet.

    Wilma x x

  4. Sounds like a dream come true for a HP fan! I must confess to never seeing any of the films although I have been on the HP part of the park in Orlando - brilliant! I have the Scrabble app and it will help while away the time during treatments for Elliott. Enjoy the films sounds like fun, hope you will be having mountains of popcorn too!! Hugs Susan x

  5. I would love to visit too! Some friends have been and say it's a fabulous day out! Love the page layout, hugs, Carole Z XX

  6. Hi Christine, wow your plans sound great and a wonderful day out to boot. My daughter would love it as she is a huge Harry Potter fan. Yes I do remember the scrapbook page but it is good to see it again.
    Elizabeth x

  7. What nice quality time treats you have planned and I am sure that Elliot will have a great time and some lovely memories.

  8. Morning Christine,
    I must confess that I have not seen the films or read the books. Sounds like a great day out for you and Elliot. As you say thank goodness for modern technology, that's if you understand it, I get help from the grandchildren.
    Yes I do remember your lovely page, nice to recap.

  9. Morning Christine

    Sounds as though you have a plan lol... I have never watched or read Harry Potter but I have heard that the Harry Potter experience is wonderful

    Talking of wonderful things, Saturday was a brilliant. Elliots cake was amazing he is such a good cake maker and the butterfly project was beautiful. Everyone who has seen it loves it.

    Sue xxx

  10. Hi Christine. I'm probably one of the very few people who have never seen a harry potter film. It's really important to have something good to look forward to when bad things happen in your life and i know Elliott will love the experience. You'll have to have lots of sweetie things to eat whilst watching all those films.

    Loving the photo, the little cat is cute as well as Elliott.

    Val in Spain xxx

  11. How wonderful - just what you need after a hospital trip :)
    I must get to see it myself- LOVE HP .
    Enjoy your film fest.
    Gorgeous page - i often pop flowers on a page about my son :)

  12. Morning Christine,
    You definitely need the times to turn the frowns upside down and a HP movie fest is just the ticket.
    Amanda x

  13. Hi Christine, Your layout of Elliott is really lovely.
    Your plans with Elliott sound just what you both need,I am sure you both will enjoy Harry Potter. Take care. x.

  14. Good morning Christine, what a greta idea. Will help Elliot to
    defuse his treatments with great memories and things to look forward to.
    X Ros

  15. Morning Christine, A beautiful layout, love Elliott's hair on the pic.
    What a fantastic idea to visit the Harry Potter Experience, looking forward to all the pics. Hope you don't get 'square eyes' whilst watching ALL the Harry Potter DVDs ha ha.
    You are always in my thoughts.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  16. Hi Christine,
    What a lovely page layout. I'm sure you and Elliott will have a great time, I admire the positive thinking you have, you and Elliott are often in my thoughts.
    Take Care.
    Chris X

  17. Hi Christine,

    Good idea to have some good things to look forward too ,and games will pass away the time quite nicely .

    I have seen your scrapbook page before ,but always welcome a second look ,its beautiful .

    Take Care
    Elaine H X

  18. Morning Christine

    Sounds like a great HP plan......something for both you and Elliot to look forward to and enjoy. Looking forward to seeing your photos of the studio visit.

    I too must own up to never having read or watched HP.
    As for the apps.....where would we be without our iPads!

    I remember the layout too, it's nice to see it again though.
    Janice x

  19. Hello Christine
    So glad that you, at least, have some control over the next weeks.
    Lovely that Elliott has Harry Potter to focus on too!
    Thinking of you!

  20. Hello Christine. What a super idea to focus on HP,it will certainly help you both I'm sure~ looking forward to seeing photos of the 'experience'!
    Love the layout and haven't seen it before as I'm one of your newer followers. Thinking of you all and wishing you well xx

  21. Hi Christine - sounds like a good plan to me - some good things to look forward to....... love the scrapbook layout, now which flower dies are they please?
    Heather W

  22. Morning Christine, gorgeous page and photo, cute cat with Elliot. Harry Potter sounds a great idea completely take your minds of this world and into another world. Hugs. Emma

  23. Hi Christine. Have been following your blog for a few weeks now. Some lovely things you make.
    Harry Potter experience is really great but I did find that my photos were very dark, even with a flash. However, I'm no David Bailey!! and getting on a bit too.
    Have a wonderful time. It's great fun.

  24. The day out sounds wonderful Christine im sure you will have a fantastic time and enjoy revisiting the films too before hand. Lovely scrapbook page and picture of Elliot.
    xx hazel

  25. Enjoy your day have lots of fun on the outings with your son, good luck to Elliot at the Hospital love Jean Z xx

  26. Firstly a lovely scrapbook layout. Love all the details.
    I am sure you will have a good day at the Harry Potter studios. My daughter and her friend went and had a fabulous time.

  27. Hi Christine,
    What a lovely scrapbook page, I'm sure Elliott likes it as well.
    You'll have a fantastic time in the studios and watching the films.
    Harry Potter is not for me but I'm in a tiny minority.

  28. Have fun at Harry Potter. Love the scrapbook page - very summery !! - you will need to look up the word "summery" in a dictionary as it's been so long since we've had any sun that I'm sure we have all forgotten what the word means !!!
    Take care and love to all the family. Janice xx

  29. Hi Christine, Elliott will soooo enjoy the HP Studio, my grandson's didnt stop talking about it for days following their visit back in Feb. Half Term. I like your positive 'reorganising our focus'approach, it will help you all as you travel this stretch of life,s bumpy road.
    Lovely scrap page, Elliott is very photogenic, puss is too.
    Carolyn x

  30. HP studio is wonderful!! Been once and it was fantastic. Keep crafting. It will help the time to pass and also give you a chance to think of something else just once in a while. Loving wishes Margaret

  31. Hi Christine
    what a fun thing to do (after having to go to the hospital the day before), it's soooooooo good to stay positive, this WILL help so much on Elliott's & your family's VERY difficult journey over the next few month's. I can personally highly recommend the scrabble app,this has helped me no end on (some) of my difficult/tiring day's when I feel too poorly to craft, it has also helped me with my spelling (which I am ashamed to say is sadly lacking) since spellcheck was invented lol.
    Hope Elliott has a lovely day at the studio.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  32. Hi Christine ,great to hear that you are so positive,you are facing a long journey ,and you and Eillott will I know come out of it stronger.what a great idea about Harry Potter,he will love that,.Lovely scrapbook page today.Elliot's,cake looked great on yerstdays ,blog.

  33. I just love reading your daily blogs and seeing the lovely cards you make, and it's been a great joy to watch your shop take shape, so as all your readers will have been I was so shocked to hear of Elliots condition.
    How blessed he is to have such a lovely positive Mum as you are, reading your thoughts just now on re-focussing underlines how good you are for him.
    I usually read your blog whilst I am having my lunch at work and I would just like to say that everytime I read it I will be thinking of you all and also offering a prayer for Elliots speedy recovery after his surgery.
    Keep positive and know that you are loved and surrounded by those that love and care for you.
    Blessings to you especially and to Elliot.

  34. Sounds like some great times planned to compensate for the not-so-great ones! Best wishes to you all.


  35. Hi Christine,

    What a lovely page layout.

    I love the HP films, you will both have a magical experience at the studio, something to remember for a long time, I look forward to seeing some photo's.

    Love Sue xx

  36. Beautiful page Christine. I like what you've planned for Elliot. I love HP too. I will be following his progress and wishing him all the very best. Lots of great apps out there now. I love jigsaws and the selection is wonderful. Hugs Rita xx

  37. Hi Christine,
    Firstly the scrapbook layout is lovely.
    Brilliant idea to make lots of plans, it takes the focus off the horrible things like hospital appointments etc.
    We have sat and done the HP marathon before, it takes some doing! something to do post op too!
    Have you got a date for operation day!
    Oh by the way Elliotts cake looked scrummy and worth paying the class price for alone!
    Love and hugs to you all,
    Sandra x

  38. Hi Christine, I'm glad to see you're both focusing on doing fun things leading up to and after surgery..:) It's wonderful to see what a loving caring mum you are to your darling boy(s). I love the layout and colour of your scrapbook page. Elliot doesn't seem to have changed a bit since then...lots of love

  39. Hi Christine I have only been following your blog for a few weeks and I love it. I just wanted to tell you the Royal Marsden is the best place to be going for Elliot's treatment keep positive xx

  40. Harry Potter!! On my list of places to visit...lots of photos please!!
    The worst thing about radiotherapy is the waiting, drink and entertainment...good plan!!

  41. What a wonderful mum you are! You have given us a little glimpse into your wonderful family through your blog. It would be wonerful to see some of your previous work as I haven't been crafting that long and probably have not seen them.

  42. I have just got back from the HP studio tours and I know you and Elliot will love it. Take care of yourselves my thoughts are with you.

  43. I have just got back from the HP studio tours and I know you and Elliot will love it. Take care of yourselves my thoughts are with you.

  44. Have a great time with Harry Potter. I'm quite jealous. Sorry for those who haven't been bitten by the Harry Potter Bug. Never too old for HP. Love Carol xx

  45. You will both have a brilliant time, my sister in law went and said it was awesome. Enjoy the films. Love the scrapbook page xx

  46. Hi Christine
    A lovely scrapbook page. Flowers are for everyone.
    Enjoy your HP experience. Best wishes Anne

  47. Wonderful that you have managed to have such a positive outlook on Elliott's problem. Keep up the good work - he and all the family WILL get through this.

  48. Morning Christine. Nothing to add to my comment of yesterday but thought I would say hello. Janice xx

  49. You will both have a superb time at the HP Studios even if worn out at the end!! Love the scrapbook page Christine and Elliotts beaming grin. thinking of you all as you face the coming few weeks.
    Val C xx

  50. hi Christine, love the scrapbook page, and it is great you have lots of fun things organised/to do for Elliott - thinking of you all.

    take care
    norma xx

  51. You and Elliot will enjoy the HP experience ,My daughter and Hubby have been and they say its great good luck at the Hospital my thoughts are with .I liked this when i first saw it .Big Hugs melanie XX


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