
Monday, 1 April 2013

Back in 5 minutes...

Hello friends
I do hope you are all enjoying your Easter.
I'm going AWOL for a tiny bit (so maybe a little more than 5 minutes!) 
but stop by because I'm going to post as much as I can.

 A quick picture of Bella with my niece yesterday - we all enjoyed a lovely lunch at my sister's home.
I must apologise for Bella's rather unkempt look...her stylist is not available at the moment! 
It is April Fool's Day...I've warned the boys that if they try to do anything that involves hiding my 
Easter chocolate there will be trouble!! 
Right I had better get back to my keyboard...lots of typing!
Take care friends.


  1. I hope every thing is O.K take care what ever you are doing .Melanie

  2. Morning Christine

    What a lovely photo of your niece and Bella! Enjoying a nice family lunch is what you deserved after all your hard work and busy day on Saturday.

    Enjoy the rest of the Easter weekend.....don't overdo the typing, get plenty of chocolate breaks :-))
    Janice x

  3. Hi Christine. Love the photo of Bella and your niece. Good luck in whatever it is you have to do, hope all is well and that you will soon be back with us ~ your blog is so interesting and informative. Take care x

  4. Hi Christine, Love your photo, I will keep looking in as I really look forward to your blog.
    Enjoy the rest of Easter. Take care. x.

  5. Your little Bella still looks beautiful even if you think she needs her stylist :) An adorable photo. Glad you are having a wonderful weekend with your family..... don't work too hard x

    crafting hugs
    Nikki x

  6. Morning Christine, Didn't get much chance, with Church Services yesterday, to comment, but your pics of the opening are superb, so glad that everything went well, we all knew that it would.
    Lovely pic of your niece and Bella, with her tousled hair (Bella, that is ha ha).
    Have a lovely Easter time and enjoy your family.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  7. Hi Christine

    Will pop by every morning ,its no problem at all ,

    lovely picci of your niece and Bella ,
    Bella looks to be saying "look at me im well loved by everyone "

    Enjoy the rest of your day , and dont forget to have some Chocolate breaks while you are typing .

    See you soon
    Elaine H X

  8. Christine, I have to check your blog everyday... it's my routine now!! Bella is adorable as always... even with "I can't do a thing with my hair" look. LOL
    Take care in all that you do. Janice xx

  9. Lovely photo Christine...we'll be here, don't worry! Carole Z X

  10. Morning Christine,
    Lovely photo of your niece and the delightful Bella, so cute.
    Will log on each day anyway.
    Enjoy your day.

  11. Hi Christine,

    A lovely picture, I don't think Bella cares about her unkept look, she still looks so cute.

    I check your blog everyday, so if there is not a new posting I will take a look through some old ones, and will look forward to your next new one, whenever it arrives.

    Take care Sally xx

  12. Morning Christine - Will visit daily as I don't want to miss anything. Enjoy your chocolate whilst typing up your new web site!
    Hope you are not away too long!
    Val C xx

  13. morning Christine lovely picture of Bella and your niece. Have a great day hope you manage to get all your jobs done xx hazel

  14. Hi Christine. Lovely photo. Bella looks so angelic as though butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.

    My computer has been down all morning, hence the late blogging, I think it may be the Spanish April Fools Day joke.

    Will still be looking every day, just in case.

    Val in Spain xxx

  15. Hi Christine ,Woman do you ever stop working lol,fantastic photo of Bella

  16. Hi Christine,
    fabulous picture of Bella and your Niece.
    Hope your having a wonderful Easter and the boys didn't hide the chocs.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  17. Barbara Fulton1 April 2013 at 17:11

    Hi Christine
    Bella looks lovely not at all "unkempt" her coat is glossy and she sure does love the camera, one happy pooch.
    Hope you've had a good day, lots of chocs and not too much typing
    Take care

  18. Lovely picture Christine but 'missing you already'
    Toni xx

  19. First day of no blog- missing you already. XX Janice xx

  20. Hi Christine

    I check your blog everyday, hope you're back for Die-day Friday!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment.