
Tuesday 1 January 2013

New Year and Special News!

Hello friends
New Year's Day!
Anyone with a dull head this morning from seeing in the New Year?
Yesterday a little more progress in the studio/shop - this is my eldest son, Mitchell
and my Dad stripping wallpaper.  This is going to be my craft room and I'm planning to put
wallpaper on one wall and paint the other three.  Still waiting for that ceiling to dry!
In the evening we visited my existed studio because it has a great view of the River Thames and
the boats let off flares and fireworks.   We packed up champagne, nibbles and.....Bella!
I obviously couldn't leave her at home.
This was taken in my studio at 1am this morning and she looks a little partied out!
That champagne bottle is empty...not sure how that happened so fast.

Back to today and continuing with craft/life recap here is another couple of months...

May 2012
I managed to go away..twice!
First, a weekend - Henley on Thames and Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey)
It rained...a lot!
And then off to sunshine in Turkey.
Friday Die Days continued....using old book pages for Aster Flower Topper
and this card proved very popular when I created it for Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L.

June 2012
I participated in the Spellbinders Sneak Peek of the Summer CHA release
and created this card using Asian Accents and Motifs.
I got to play with the Christmas release dies and created a tree ornament using Frosty Forms
and etching cream.
And it was Bella's first birthday!
So another couple of months done and dusted - quite a few more to go!

I've left it right to the last to announce my special news!  
Today is the day I can officially tell you that I have joined the 
Julianna has designed various dies for Spellbinders which I love and I am honoured
that she has asked me to join her very talented team.  
I will be creating not just papercrafting projects but beads and jewellery too.
There is a blog post all about it here and, as always, 
I so appreciate it if you are able to leave a comment.

Enjoy your New Year's Day - we are all having dinner at my parents today -
salmon en croute - another yummy!

Take care friends and thank you for all your kind New Year wishes - 
you are all so supportive and brilliant!
Jenny L - your e-card was really lovely!


  1. A very Happy New Year to you and your family Christine! Wonderful news about you joining the new design team, can't wait to see the inspiration you provide us in 2013. Lots of best wishes to one and all for 2013.
    Gail xx

  2. Morning Christine,
    Wow! that was along post today and I can't believe that I'm first to comment everybody must still be in be in bed.

    Great to look at some of your older posts thank you.

    Congratulations on your new appointment. Will look at the blog after.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family and all of your blog followers.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Happy New Year Christine and all fellow bloggers. Lovely to recap on all the things you've done this year. Being quite a new addition to your site I missed a lot of them first time round.

    Glad you had a good evening. Bella looks pooped. Hope she had a lie in this morning.

    Many congratulations. It's well deserved. I'm just nipping over to see whats going on on the blog.

    Val in Spain xxx

  5. A very Happy New Year everyone.
    This is a really super blog today,lovely photos and it's really nice to see some of your previous craft it really shows what you share with us,thank you. Your studio is comming along,looking forward to seeing the progress. Take care. x.

  6. Happy new year christine amazing news for you to start the year. Very pleased for you. Looks like you had fun in the old studio. Cant wait for more updates on the studio. Take care x

  7. Happy New Year Christine, and congratulationson joining Julianna Hudgens Design Team. Is there no end to your talents - beads and jewellery too.
    Bella does look pooped, hope she has recovered a little by now. Lovely to see the progress on your new shop, bet it won't be long now to getting it how you want it.
    Back to normal tomorrow as work starts. Where did the christmas holidays go...
    Happy New "crafty" Year to everyone.
    Elizabeth x

  8. Happy and healthy new year to you and all your family Christine. I was surprised to see that Bella was only 1, i thought she was older - still a baby really then. She does look partied out after seeing the new year in!! Congrats on starting the new year with a new challenge on the design team. Good old dads coming to the rescue with the wallpaper. Enjoy your day, im of to a family get together. Emma

  9. Brilliant news Christine. Yours is the first blog I look at every day and I really love your work. Continue in this way please - it's great! Here's to a happy & successful 2013. ElaineC xx

  10. Happy new Year to you too Christine and I bet it will be another busy one...
    I have loved all the cards etc. you have made and just wanted to know where did you get the 'Happy Birthday' stamp you have on the bottom of the Asian Accents card.
    I have been looking for this type for ages.
    Enjoy your day

    Laraine B

  11. Happy New Year Christine, and congrats on your new Design Team project, I look forward to seeing what you come up with in 2013.

  12. Happy New Year Christine congratulations on joining the new design team. The studio is coming on well and love the photos xx hazel

  13. Happy New Year to you and all your crafty followers, Christine. You have a very exciting time ahead this year with your new Studio. I look forward to seeing your progress. Thank you for all your inspiration in 2012.

  14. Wow!! what a fantastic start to 2013, you must be on cloud nine.
    So many many congrats on all your achievements, and Happy New Year to all your family and that includes lovely little Bella and all the cats.
    Love Sue x

  15. Hi Christine,
    Happy New Year.
    another fabulous array of crafting pics for last year.
    Congrats on your new post.
    Have a wonderful and crafty new years day.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  16. Hi Christine
    Happy New Year.

    Your new premises are coming olong nicely. Happy Birthday to Bella. Can't wait for the Kitchsy Kitchen ideas.

    Looking forward to another year of 'tags' and Poinsettia's and other flower projects oh and a butterfly or two no doubt.
    Kind regards Diane x

  17. Happy New Year All

    Im sure its going to be another exciting new year for you Christine and i cant wait to see all of the ideas and projects you have in store for us..

    Please keep the photos coming on the new premises ,i love seeing before and after photos.

    Enjoy your Dinner with your family.

    Elaine H X

  18. Hi Christine. What an exciting time for you, well apart from waiting for the ceiling to dry lol

    You certainly had a lot to celebrate last night

    Sue xxx

  19. Happy new year to you Christine, Looks like it wont be long before you are in your new premises. Looking forward to visiting you there soon!! Keep on being creative and inspiring me. Janice x

  20. Happy New Year Christine and what brilliant news about the DT, looks like you are having a great start to the new year! Love the photo of parties out Bella... Fab:) Carole Z xx

  21. Happy New Year Christine
    Premises look like they are coming along nicely.
    Great news about the DT more to look out for from you.
    Thank you for a great year heres to the next.

  22. Ongratulations on your good news, with all this DT work you may not find time to blog-hope not. New shop taking shape will all come together in the end. Good luck in 2013.

  23. Hi Christine, I'm so pleased things are going well, the shop is looking great I'm a little confused (it doesn't take much) what happened to the other fantastic studio you had!

  24. Happy New Year to you and your family Christine! I am so looking forward to what you will be bringing us all in 2013 - you are an inspiration. Thank you for putting the older posts on - especially those of Bella - she certainly gives me a warm glow when I see her lovely eyes. She is such a corker.

    I can't wait to see your new place as it proceeds.

    Big hugs to you Sue Pxxx

  25. Happy New Year and Congratulations on your new DT appointment. Hope your year continues as it has started.

  26. Hi Christine, Absolutely fantastic news about joining Julianna's DT.
    Brilliant piccies, and Bella does look 'partied out'. Studio doing well. Great projects looking back.
    All in all 2012 has been great, and I look forward to seeing all your creations for 2013.
    A very Happy New Year to you and yours.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  27. hi Chrisitine a happy new year to you and your family.

    lovely pictures and congrats on your new design appointment.

    happy new year everyone.

    lv norma

  28. Congratulations Christine on your fab news, what an exciting start to the new year for you!
    Thanks for your 2nd reminder of last year, you have some lovel photos.
    Happy New Year to you.
    Janice x

  29. Happy New Year (alittle late) and I am so excited to hear all your great news! New studio and new design team for a wonderful person!! Enjoy the new year!! Love ya!!

  30. Happy New Year to you and your family. Fabulous news, they are lucky to have you! Lovely projects - its nice having a re-cap xx


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