
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Don't tell Santa!

Hello friends
Today's post is one of thanks.
Some parcels arrived in the post this week - addressed to me, family, Bella and cats....
I could not resist opening them!
Bella even got her own tag! It features the gorgeous reindeer from Frosty Forms.
If this picture had audio you would hear my eldest son explaining in a rather unmanly
high pitched voice..."Bella you have a pressie!"
Bella responded perfectly!
With just a little help with the unwrapping...
Mmmmm I see treats!
And they taste lovely!
But that wasn't all...another beautiful tag (Layered Poinsettia - this person knows me well!)
And...WOW what a gift - these are hand warmers, hand knitted from Alpaca wool!
The very lovely Kathy had made these for me - she spins the wool too!
Kathy runs Cherwell Leys Alpacas and we have become friends through my blog and emails.
Look at that elegant tag featuring an Alpaca and cut/embossed from 2012 Heirloom Ornaments
And here I am modelling them.  Not a full shot otherwise you would have seen me in my PJ's!
Kathy also made this stunning card too - so much time and work has gone into everything.
Kathy - I am so grateful, very touched and I will treasure these items.
I read a very appropriate quote recently:
"The most genuine acts of kindness are done without fanfare and when no one is looking."
I'm back tomorrow.  
Take care friends.


  1. Hi Christine, what a lovely Christmas present for you both. These hand warmers are gorgeous, so elegant, bet Bella loved hers. Beautiful card and tags made by Kathy.

    Wilma x x

  2. Really pretty hand warmers Christine I'm sure you'll put them to good use this winter!! x

  3. Morning,
    What a thoughtful and caring person.
    Will be checking out the website as those handwarmers look like a must have.
    Also the tags are super to - very professional.
    Amanda x

  4. Wow how gorgeous these handwarmers are..what lovely presents for you and Bella! Carole Z X

  5. Hi Christine.
    What lovely presents,both the hand warmers and the tags must have taken such a long while,and a present for Bella too,such a lovely lady. Have a nice day everyone. x.

  6. Morning Christine,
    Lovely presents for you and Bella. Hand warmers a great as your fingers are free to work very useful.
    Bella look so cute with her parcel.
    Have a good day.

  7. Hi Christine. What lovely tags and presents. Christmas has come early for you.

    Val in Spain xxx

  8. Hi Christine
    What lovely gifts, Bella looked really pleased with hers. I am sure you will get loads of wear out of the hand warmers. Very posh in Alpaca wool, how lovely, and so warm. (I adore Alpacas)
    Hugs Sue x

  9. Lovely tags and presents Christine xx hazel

  10. Morning Christine, what lovely presents and lucky you, the hand warmers look gorgeous and Im glad Bella was happy. Have to say i now feel guilty for not making you anything;), but still working on my families gifts! Emma

  11. Morning Christine, WOW, those pressies are absolutely gorgeous, the lacy hand warmers are stunning, and bella looks delighted with hers. What a kind and thoughtful person Kathy is, and her card is beautiful too.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  12. Hi Christine ,

    How thoughtful of Kathy , the gloves will be very useful, i love the card and the tags and also the quote .

    Elaine H X

  13. Hi Christine, what a talented lady Kathy is. Beautiful hand warmers and a lovely card as well. You are naughty opening them before Christmas Day but I'm glad that you shared them with us. Janice x

  14. Morning Christine
    What a lucky one you are! Love the hand warmers, never seen anything like them before, very posh!
    Kathy is one clever lady!
    Hope you'll leave yourself something to open Christmas Day :-))
    Janice x

  15. Christine, what lovely presents for you both. I think I might have a little peep at the website too. The hand warmers look gorgeous and will be so useful.
    Toni xx

  16. Morning Christine - What a lovely surprise for you all to see these wonderful presents, tags and more. Bella looked very impressed, and the hand warmers really do look warm and cosy. You are one very lucky lady and Kathy a very talented lady.
    Val C xx

  17. Wow Bella - you really look as if you are going to enjoy all of those little treats!!! The hand warmers are absolutely gorgeous as well Christine - you are obviously both very lucky ladies!!! There is also a bonus pic of (not only Bella) but the alpacas - how beautiful are these animals. Kathy is extremely talented all round.

    Big hugs to you

    Sue Pxxx

  18. Hi christine this brings the meaning of Christmas home to everyone I hope,what lovely gifts and bella looks very happy well done Katy.I have gone back to knitting after 40 years,so will have a look at Katys wool.the warmers weill be nice and comfy when you are going to work,and the tags were fab ., too


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