
Sunday 28 October 2012

Domestic Goddess and Tags!

Hello friends
In this month's edition of Cardmaking and Papercraft Magazine there is a feature for
'Domestic Goddess' - I was asked to make 5 items using the pretty retro
paper 'Happy Days' from Papermania.
This is somewhat funny seeing as right now I am nothing like a Domestic Goddess -
our meals at home consist of anything speedy - craft comes first!
Apart from cooking cakes that is... :)
My first project is a kitchen plaque.
I chose the very kitchen-like Nested Tea Cups, making a banner feature of the smallest teacup
and a larger feature in the bottom corner.
I think adding lace always help for that kitchen-vintage look.
I will be sharing the other projects over the next week or so.

The Christmas Tags class went brilliantly yesterday, it was so nice to meet blog follower friends, 
craft, eat cake!  The Authentique - Festive paper stacks proved a great success.
I got my camera out to grab a few shots of some of the tags that were finished.
This is a sneak peek of some of mine on a display board.
  These are Anne's
These are Susan's
And these are Jean's
I think my absolute obsession for Layered Poinsettia has rubbed off on them very nicely!

There is one space available on the next Christmas Tags class taking place on Saturday 10 November,
please drop me an email if you would like to come along -

Shout out to Kim who was getting a puppy yesterday - would love to see pictures please!?
And a mention to Elizabeth and Lydia - hope you feel better soon.

For those who have snow....! Please keep warm, cosy and craft!
The temperature has dropped drastically here (no snow yet!) but enough to make me go rummaging
in the drawer for scarf and gloves.  Bella has two new hand knitted jumpers ready - photos to follow.
I do like Winter as long as the central heating works fine!
Take care friends.


  1. Hi Christine, tags must be the in thing just now, everyone seems to be making them but as it getting close to Christmas I guess there is a good reason for it. Love your tags an those made at your class. Need to get in on the act LOL.

    Have a good day wrap up warm.

    Wilma x x

  2. Morning Christine. Your tags are so individual, you amaze me hoe you come up with all the different themes for them

    I know I couldn't survive the winter if I didn't have central heating!

    Sue. Xx

  3. Morning Christine, Your tags and those made by your ladies are absolutely brilliant, I love them all, such attention to detail and so very pretty.
    Yesterday her, it was lovely and frosty in the morning, so we took advantage of it going to be a sunny day and went to St Annes on the Fylde Coast, and we walked from St Annes all the way into Lytham (took us approx 1 hour), we had a late lunch of fish and chips at the, 'acclaimed and recommended by Gordon Ramsay and Rick Stein', fish and chip restaurant (they were absolutely fantastic, as always), then we walked all the way back to St Annes (another hours walk). We are a bit achy today but it was a fantastic day, now we are back to the dank, rain, yet again.
    Have a lovely day.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  4. Hi Christiine.
    I think your plaque is lovely,I look forward to seeing the other projects you made.
    All the tags that were made at your class look really great.
    Have a really nice Sunday. Take care. x.

  5. hi Christine,

    love the kitchen plaque, the papers are really cheerful. also love everyones tags, looking at them makes me feel really christmassy. (as did the snow yesterday!).

    Enjoy your sunday.
    lv norma

  6. Lovely plaque Christine, no snow here in west Wales just wet and windy! You had some very talented ladies at your class yesterday, those tags are brilliant, very festive indeed. Have a great Sunday everyone x

  7. Morning Christine

    Really like the tags, you have given me an idea for my Christmas wrapping this year. Yeah we choose our puppy yesterday, so sweet. I'll send you a couple of pictures when I've got a minute. We haven't got a name yet , we are going to wait till we bring him home.


    Kim x

  8. Morning Christine,
    Lovely kitchen plaque like the way you have made the cups into a banner.
    Looks like the ladies in your class had a great time super tags on show.
    Thanks for your thoughts I do feel a bit better today having dosed myself up with all sorts.
    Have a good day.

  9. Wow Christine love your magazine project that would look great in my kitchen lol. The tags look fabulous too. Have a great day xx hazel

  10. Hi Christine

    I love todays blog and you can guess why,
    all those lovely tags to copy WOW , you and your lovely ladies did so well.

    Your Kitchen plaque is delightful so bright and i just love the cup banner ,very clever idea

    Take Care
    Elaine X

  11. Morning Christine, love the kitchen plaque, look forward to seeing them in the mag. Lovely tags from everyone, this year im using the scraps from my xmas cards for gift tags as im fed up with boxes of scraps i never use! Emma

  12. Morning Christine. What a lovely selection of tags there for us to see, it really has made me want to make some! I think I might be another one to give in to the pointsettia die....I blame you completely of course!

    I love the kitchen plaque too, something so totally different.
    Enjoy your Sunday
    Janice x

  13. Love the kitchen plaque with such an elegant script.
    Very envious of the ladies who attended your class Christine, such inspirational work; well done to all! A lovely day here in the west of Wales yesterday, but wet today. Anne

  14. HI Christine, I've been 'missing' a few days, so am catching your plaque and the tags are gorgeous! Hugs, Carole Z

  15. Hi Christine. Lovely plaque. Very pretty tags made by your group. I've never made a tag before but I'm going to have a bash today.

    Lovely sunny day here but my goodness the wind was so cold when I took the doggie out for a walk this morning

    Managed to remember to put the clocks back hoping for an extra hour in bed. My cats (all 5 of them) had different ideas and woke me up at 6.30 for breakfast.

    Love Val in Spain xxx

  16. Looks like your class had fun...lovely tags!

  17. Hi Christine love the kitchen Godess card ,of course we are ALL kitchen godesses the tags are also fab, enjoy your sundat

  18. Hi Christine, thank you for the mention, I am feeling a bit better today.
    What a bright and cheery kitchen plaque, absolutely love it. I do want to get into doing crafty things other than cards and tags. I love the butterfly box frame you did a while ago and the single flower in material in a box frame. I have already bought a frame from the Range so might have a go for my friend for her birthday just after Christmas.
    Can I ask where you get your beautiful antique lace from? The haberdasher's around here do not stock anything like that and I have looked everywhere!
    What wonderful tags ladies bet you had a ball. Meeting Christine, crafting AND cake...
    Elizabeth x
    P.S. I think I am developing a poinsetter obsession too - not only do you pick this up by attendng one of your classes, it must be travelling down the internet cables too...hehehe.

  19. Hi Christine,
    Oh what a lovely lot of tags!!! They are ALL brilliant. Just wish I lived closer, would love to attend the Tag Workshop on the 10th Nov.Not just to make Tags but to meet you Christine and have some of your cake too.
    Off to Centre Parcs in the morning for half term - wellies, walking boots and warm sweaters ready and packed,so it may be a few days before I catch up with your blog. Have a lovely crafty week, will look forward to catching up. CBW Carolyn x


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