
Sunday, 6 December 2009

I've done it!!

Yes, I've done it! Each year I set myself the task (a somewhat ridiculous one??) of getting my Christmas tree and decorations up within the first week of December, ideally the first weekend but I like to give myself some leeway ;-) So.. since insomnia has recently moved in again and being up at 5am on Saturday morning I thought 'perfect - I shall erect the tree!' Four hours later and I'm still grappling with fairy lights, beaded chain and glass baubles I momentarily question..why??' But my reservations do not last.. 'It's a Wonderful Life' is playing happily on the DVD player, the aroma of Christmas cake from the oven (yes I've even managed to bung that in too!) - quite honestly if you'd been here and closed your eyes you could have imagined yourself in the midst of Delia's abode - thatched roof, stunning conservatory, homely kitchen, cute kitty and all... okay down to earth I'm in a VT remember!! Is it all worth it? Yes! As I sit here, typing this admiring my tree I'm thinking 'ahh lovely' but it won't last ... cat+tree=chaos! :-)


  1. Ah yes I know the feeling! It's the tangle of fairy lights that gets me in a pickle every time.

    I usually put ours up in the second week, as it's my sons' birthdays on the 1st Dec. so I guess I'd better crack on with it today :o(

  2. Hope you managed to get the tree done Karen - I had a heart stopping moment earlier when one string of fairy lights was out.. visions of getting them off the tree - redoing all the decorations, blood pressure rising - turned out I had forgotten to switch both plugs on - bit of a blonde moment from this brunette! ;-)


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